November 1, 2006

November 1, 2006

Systems - Beau

Upgrade issues during 10/31/06 updates with Evals and Gradebook; may need to work through issues w/GB, but Eval can wait for now.
Media server set up w/distauth yesterday; needs to be tested out today. Will be testing out issue w/certain movie types - SWF's, possible mime-type issue, download prompt instead of play.

Scheduler/Ilios - Keith

Erin schedules in Outlook and sends to Keith; needs to determine process to automate so she can do it directly. Client adjusting lecture schedules for CREST, e.g., course automatically given full schedule (approx. 20 lectures) when course only needs/uses 10 lectures.
Need to pare down per event log files now that process is running smoothly.

Discussion of data archiving for scheduling. Effort data needed in order run reports 3 weeks after end of quarter.

Planning - Ray

Team will need to start focusing on tidying up issues for Winter/Spring quarter.

Evals - Chris

Flex display ready for reporting evaluation responses. Planning out instructor-based reporting model, e.g., overall rating over time for a particular instructor in a particular course. CF components will need to get data from old system and new system and aggregate the data.

Need to resolve issue with special characters from old SQL Server output. May need to create separate schema/view that aggregates the data as needed.