SSWG activities in support of the UC Davis Framework for Efficient IT Application Development


SSWG activities in support of the UC Davis Framework for Efficient IT Application Development


Tue, 26 Apr 2011 17:13:42 -0700


David Walker <>


Software Standards Work Group <>


In preparation for our meeting on Monday (May 2, 2011, 2:30-4:00, Mrak 203), I thought I'd summarize the areas where the SSWG will be contributing to efficient IT application development at UC Davis, along with proposals for approaching the issues.  These are, of course, in addition to the work we've already started regarding software management.  There's a lot of work to do, but the University will get great value from it.

I think the following are highest priority for us.

  • Application platform recommendations.  We need to complete descriptions of full platform configurations for Java and .NET.  We should also create statements for PHP and ColdFusion, but those can be lower priority.  I propose creating two subgroups to propose standard Java and .NET platforms for discussion by the full SSWG.  Those groups should also propose things that should be done on campus to foster use of the standard platform configurations.
  • Guidance regarding management issues related to sharing and reuse of applications.  We've talked about this for a long time; it's time for closure.  We can leverage our work on life-cycle costs and the "rubric" of issues to be considered when deploying systems.  I propose making this a major topic of discussion in our May meeting, then form a sub-group to draft a statement for review by the full SSWG.
  • Guidance for software management practices.  This includes software repositories, documentation, application security, change control, testing, deployment, etc.  Adam, Curtis, and I have assembled materials on the wiki.  We will discuss them on Monday.

I would like to try to get these done over the next couple of months so we can then start on the following.  Speak up, though, if you think a different prioritization is more important.

  • Web standards for UC Davis web sites and applications.  The standard needs to be extended to support HTML5 and to give more specific advise for mobile access devices.  UC's ITAG has also undertaken this, with UCLA taking the lead, so we can use what they create.
  • Framework for the exchange of data and services.  Our inter-application interfaces are ad hoc.  We know there are better ways to structure inter-application functions, but it's often difficult to impose very strict standards, particularly on applications that are not built locally.  We need a strategy that is clear in its vision, but accommodating in its implementation.
  • Finalize our standards process and repository.  We've really done SSWG's part of this work.  We need to finish vetting it and then get the word out.

There will be a cost the campus must bear to adopt many of our recommendations.  We need to be clear where there are resources (e.g., training, licensing) required to facilitate adoption.  We also need to be clear about programmatic issues that require management action.

I will post an agenda for Monday's meeting on the wiki shortly.  In the mean time, think about which of the subgroups listed above you can contribute to.  I'd like to determine their membership on Monday.


David Walker
IT Architect
Information and Educational Technology, Office of the Vice Provost
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-9390