July 5, 2006

July 5, 2006

Migration Schedule

Preparing to move to 2.1.2 from CERE 2.1.1x with Melete
Remaining considerations: Defining user types - no additions currently; Showstopper issues worked out - may have other, less critical issues to test.
Cross-listed courses? The goal is to point the user to whichever instance holds the parent site (SmartSite or CERE?)
If course instructor is not a VM instructor, not sure how to manage redirection, but "site not found" message is not desirable. There is no representation in Banner of parent course, i.e., cross-listed courses are all siblings. Suggestion that it might be possible to tweak view to identify parent course. While it may be desirable to redirect to campus, campus sites are not up yet, and not sure how redirect will be managed. Chris/Beau

Scheduling and Evaluations

Web Services working for add/update/delete/batch for scheduling Ilios to CERE. Almost ready for testing. Scott/Keith
Evaluation status: Preview templates, questions and templates are well-managed. There is a date and term handling logic issue. Wire frames indicate independent, but related (to course term) dates are needed for evaluation term, e.g., some courses may have a shorter evaluation period (date range) than others. For campus adoption, variable open/close dates are desirable. Need to further discuss final design scheme re: dates.
Phil - Currently working on answer handling code; need to review storage and reporting needs with Chris before moving forward.


Rick/Dave - Upcoming training session 7/6/06. Recent staff training session was very interactive, received lots of feedback. Will come up with FAQ's based on staff comments - including course and scheduling management questions. Perhaps a top-level training resources site for staff & faculty.
Rick is working on add'l Captivate movies based on ET tech tips and will share large amount of that content w/main campus. Rick Captivate media to MW; need to work out relationship for access to media server content.
Staff attending the training sessions are often new to CALF resources and web content for course support. Discussion of unified Help site for staff, faculty, etc. pointing to CERE website, i.e., generic top-level help with links to various systems. Pointers to staff for the proper system for making specific changes, i.e., for syllabus, for course leaders, for scheduling or other course support information. Chris is working on access/permissions model with Jan to identify and diagram authoratative source - this would be the ideal source for pointer information.

Servers and Systems

Beau - Setup CERE Training site for Rick and Dave. Discussion of course tools for training sites: need to determine which tools will be available to staff/faculty. Beau will identify and implement roles from granular control document (which may have drifted in use since document's origination.) Beau requested that Rick and Dave create a course w/appropriate tools as the default set for production launch prior to tomorrow's training session. CALF will most likely implement Message Center (not Discussion tool) for advanced training later. Beau will eliminate tools not to be used or supported, limiting access for training and production. CALF team expect more questions on course tool usage from faculty than staff.
Beau to get Samigo patches from Thomas for upload to CERE.