Test plan for Course Management Integration with Banner
Test plan for Course Management Integration with Banner
Course Management (CM) for SmartSite v2.4 will allow faculty to create their own course sites based on data accessed from the Registrar's Office via Banner. All users will be able to set up their own project sites. These processes replace the current site creation request (although there may be support for faculty who do not feel comfortable creating their own courses.)
The initial test plan for CM is based on the specifications from the collaborative workgroup:
CM Tests
New QA designation means non-admin users with SU tool can run these tests.
Jira |
Description |
Test Plan |
Released to QA |
QA Results/Date |
SAK-723: Verify new (to Smartsite) faculty user can create his/her first course is a QA asset for documenting test results. |
Test plan at CM Tests#New faculty user creates first course |
6/6/07 |
QA (smartsite-test 2.4-017): Passes all but step 13, Back Button usage. Reported to collab SAK-10407 6/18/07 |
Verification of default list of available Site Tools and required tools are automatically added and cannot be removed by Site Info and/or Worksite Setup and/or Page Order tool. |
Test plan at CM Tests#Test for Tools options combines SAK-633, SAK-733, and SAK-643 for creating a course site. Test plan at CM Tests#Test for Project Tools options is for project sites. |
smartsite-test 6/13/07 |
Pass per Sandra 6/14/07 QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-017): Passed 6/18/07 |
Verify pre-selected tools on site creation |
Test plan at CM Tests#Test for Tools options combines SAK-633, SAK-733, and SAK-643 for creating a course site. Test plan at CM Tests#Test for Project Tools options is for project sites. |
smartsite-test 6/13/07 |
Pass per Sandra 6/14/07 QA results: Passed 6/15/07 |
Support and Training link should be automatically inserted on all newly created project and course sites. |
Test plan at CM Tests#Test for Tools options combines SAK-633, SAK-733, and SAK-643 for creating a course site. Test plan at CM Tests#Test for Project Tools options is for project sites. |
smartsite-test 6/13/07 |
Pass per Sandra 6/14/07 |
Verify academic terms are displayed in UI-friendly format in Worksite Setup screens. |
Test plan at CM Tests#Test for SAK-700. |
smartsite-test 6/11/07 |
QA results: Passed 6/15/07 |
Multiple, duplicate, subject codes are listed in the courseset drop-down used if faculty cannot find their course. Adjust listing to single course subject for display. |
Test plan CM Tests#Verify Course Set Display verifies that subjects listed are unique, i.e., not duplicated. |
smartsite-test 6/19/07 |
QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-020): Passed 6/20/07 |
SAK-716: section meeting times are wrong. Verify that all course information is populated correctly in Section Info. |
Test plan CM Tests#Verify Section Info Display Accuracy verifies that all course information is populated correctly in Section Info, including the meeting times. |
smartsite-test 6/19/07 |
QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-018): Passed for both single section courses and multiple section courses. 6/19/07 |
SAK-756 is an asset of SAK-718: Academic term display for instructors in Worksite Setup. term.lead.time.in.days=365 and term.lag.time.in.days=21 mean that terms for the coming year and up to 21 days in the past are available in Worksite Setup for course creation. |
Test plan for SAK-756 is in the Jira. |
smartsite-test 6/19/07 |
QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-020): Passed 6/20/07 |
Both Jiras deal with removing the site eid or the long https:// reference from the UI during site creation. |
Test plan CM Tests#Verify Course Title Display verifies that the site eid is removed from 2 different display screens. Two tests exist - one for each Jira. |
smartsite-test 6/19/07 |
QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-020): Passed 6/20/07 |
Initially, courseset list display was ordered by eid first, title second. We've reversed the order so that the text display for course/section is alphabetical. |
smartsite-test 6/20/07 |
QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-020): Passed 6/20/07 |
Remove Enrolled In, Id, and Credits columns from course site Edit page in Worksite Setup |
Test plan CM Tests#Verify Worksite Setup Member Display for verification. |
smartsite-test 6/20/07 |
QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-020): Passed 6/20/07 |
Verification that API calls for latest authZGroup info return up-to-date provider information. |
Requires scheduled test with Banner rep Libby. Sandra completed first pass with Vijay on 6/14/07. Per QA on 6/14/07: In addition to the above tests, also: |
smartsite-test 6/14/07 |
QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-015): Passed all tests. 6/15/07 |
Verification of course batching functionality - Course Batching, White List, Course Set Provider Id |
Unclear if there is a scenario for course batching with course management functional. |