UCD-specific User-Interface Test Plans

UCD-specific User-Interface Test Plans

UCD-specific User-Interface Test Plans



Test Plan

Released to QA

QA Results/Date







Create a link on UC Davis logo to www.ucdavis.edu

(blue star) To test, verify that selecting the banner UCDavis logo, including all of the "UCDAVIS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA" text/image/background, will open a new window to www.ucdavis.edu whether the user is logged in or not.

sakai-test 5/29/07

Passed 5/30/07


Remove Powered by Sakai image from the portal footer

(blue star) To test, view the screen graphic of the default footer and verify that the text "Powered By Sakai" does not appear in/is removed from the SmartSite footer.

sakai-test 5/22/07

Passed 5/30/07


Verification of SmartSite gateway content

(blue star) Visually compare the test portal screen against the production SmartSite portal screen. Report differences in navigation links, content, fonts, background, graphics, or any other discernable difference.

sakai-test 5/22/07
pulled 5/30/07 smartsite-test 6/11/07

QA results: Passed. 6/15/07


Visual and functional verification of the SmartSite logo.

(blue star) Verify logo image and link test.

sakai-test 5/22/07

Passed 5/30/07


Verification of SmartSite footer content

(blue star) Verify footer display, content and link test.

sakai-test 5/22/07
re-released smartsite-test 6/11/07

Failed 1st pass 5/30/07 QA Failed 6/15/07 - but failure is documented as a post-upgrade fix. This is a pass.


Verification of Logout function

(blue star) Verify logout functionality

sakai-test 5/22/07

Passed 5/30/07 see notes in Jira


Verification of the reskin of Sakai 2.4 with our SmartSite skin

(blue star) Follow the steps in the Re-Skin Validation Test.

sakai-test 5/29/07
reassigned to Simon 6/7/07 Released on smartsite-test 6/14/07

Per Sandra: Per email correspondence, we have completed the testing and accepted our current skin programming. Passed 6/21/07


Verification of main Help page UCD-specific content

(blue star) Visually compare the test Help screen against the production SmartSite Help screen. Report differences in navigation links, content, fonts, background, graphics, or any other discernable difference.

sakai-test 5/22/07

Passed 5/30/07 see notes in Jira


Verification of removal of guest email function in Site Info.

(blue star) Go to Site Info for a course which you manage and select Add Participant. Verify that the Guest Email Address form field and text as shown here do NOT appear in Smartsite.

sakai-test 5/22/07

Passed 5/30/07