SmartSite 2.4 Test Plans

SmartSite 2.4 Test Plans

SmartSite 2.4 Test Plans

A topic linking all these Jiras is located at: SAK-623

Test Plans for the SmartSite upgrade to Sakai version 2.4 are divided into the following areas:

Current Test Status

UCD-specific User-Interface Test Plans



Test Plan

Released to QA

QA Results/Date







Create a link on UC Davis logo to www.ucdavis.edu

(blue star) To test, verify that selecting the banner UCDavis logo, including all of the "UCDAVIS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA" text/image/background, will open a new window to www.ucdavis.edu whether the user is logged in or not.

sakai-test 5/29/07

Passed 5/30/07


Remove Powered by Sakai image from the portal footer

(blue star) To test, view the screen graphic of the default footer and verify that the text "Powered By Sakai" does not appear in/is removed from the SmartSite footer.

sakai-test 5/22/07

Passed 5/30/07


Verification of SmartSite gateway content

(blue star) Visually compare the test portal screen against the production SmartSite portal screen. Report differences in navigation links, content, fonts, background, graphics, or any other discernable difference.

sakai-test 5/22/07
pulled 5/30/07 smartsite-test 6/11/07

QA results: Passed. 6/15/07


Visual and functional verification of the SmartSite logo.

(blue star) Verify logo image and link test.

sakai-test 5/22/07

Passed 5/30/07


Verification of SmartSite footer content

(blue star) Verify footer display, content and link test.

sakai-test 5/22/07
re-released smartsite-test 6/11/07

Failed 1st pass 5/30/07 QA Failed 6/15/07 - but failure is documented as a post-upgrade fix. This is a pass.


Verification of Logout function

(blue star) Verify logout functionality

sakai-test 5/22/07

Passed 5/30/07 see notes in Jira


Verification of the reskin of Sakai 2.4 with our SmartSite skin

(blue star) Follow the steps in the Re-Skin Validation Test.

sakai-test 5/29/07
reassigned to Simon 6/7/07 Released on smartsite-test 6/14/07

Per Sandra: Per email correspondence, we have completed the testing and accepted our current skin programming. Passed 6/21/07


Verification of main Help page UCD-specific content

(blue star) Visually compare the test Help screen against the production SmartSite Help screen. Report differences in navigation links, content, fonts, background, graphics, or any other discernable difference.

sakai-test 5/22/07

Passed 5/30/07 see notes in Jira


Verification of removal of guest email function in Site Info.

(blue star) Go to Site Info for a course which you manage and select Add Participant. Verify that the Guest Email Address form field and text as shown here do NOT appear in Smartsite.

sakai-test 5/22/07

Passed 5/30/07

UCD-specific Functional Code Integration



Test Plan

Released to QA

QA Results/Date


Verification of SiteInfo mailid modifications: Ensure that an instructor can add valid (with Kerberos account) participants using their Kerberos id or email address.

(blue star) Test available at 2.4 Function Integration Tests#Site Info Mailid Test

sakai-test 05/22/07

Passed 05/30/07


Verification of Training Sites tool for site creation.

(blue star) Use xlogin URL to log in with login/password 'trainer' to access the Trainer account on sakai-test. Follow the steps in Test Plan - Site Creation Tool for Trainers#Acceptance Tests

sakai-test 6/5/07

Pass with issue 21/Jun/07 SAK-805 created.


Change UserDirectoryProvider.getDisplayId() to use the email address' UserName instead the Kerberos-Name. Basically, anywhere a user's id is displayed, such as Roster, Site Info, Drop Box, etc., the user's email name is displayed - not their Kerberos name.

(blue star) Access this test at 2.4 Function Integration Tests#Display Email Not Kerberos Name Test

smartsite-test 6/11/07

per Kirk 18/Jun/07 - behaviors described in Jira by QA are acceptable for 2.4 rollout


Verification of SU Tool access via custom UCD role

(star) This test plan is available to QA testers with Admin access only. Use the test plan available at: SU Tool - Test Plan#Test for SAK-354

sakai-test 6/4/07

QA results (2.4-015):Passed 6/15/07


Verification of "User with access to Become User...see Mothra Id" bug fix.

(green star) There is a quick test in the Jira SAK-710 to verify that the user's Mothra Id is not exposed in this case.

smartsite-test 6/19/07

QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-018): Passed 6/19/07


Verify bug for Contact Us button "Contact Us button label intermittently replaced with code output" is no longer occurring.

(blue star) No specific test - just comment whether or not you see the odd text after Wednesday, May 30.

sakai-test 5/31/07

Passed 6/8/07


Verify exports from Melete on our 2.3 production server import to the 2.4 instance.

(star) Kirk will test Melete modules from Smartsite 2.3 on sakai-test and/or smartsite-test to verify the modules will import and function in 2.4




Verify appearance and functionality of new Contact Us feature for SmartSite.

(blue star) Test the integration between SmartSite and Remedy issue reporting system. Requires scheduled test date/time - do not test prematurely. 2.4 Function Integration Tests#Contact Us Test

smartsite-test 6/13/07

QA Failed 6/14/07 Pass 6/22/07


Verify Library users Collaborator role is functional after the 2.4 upgrade.

(star) Hold release for the smartsite-test system. Kirk may prefer to test this one.




Verify Final Grade Submission to Registrar is functional. No asset yet - story is SAK-696




Test plan for Course Management Integration with Banner

Course Management (CM) for SmartSite v2.4 will allow faculty to create their own course sites based on data accessed from the Registrar's Office via Banner. All users will be able to set up their own project sites. These processes replace the current site creation request (although there may be support for faculty who do not feel comfortable creating their own courses.)

The initial test plan for CM is based on the specifications from the collaborative workgroup:

CM Tests

New (green star) QA designation means non-admin users with SU tool can run these tests.



Test Plan

Released to QA

QA Results/Date


SAK-723: Verify new (to Smartsite) faculty user can create his/her first course is a QA asset for documenting test results.

(green star) Test plan at CM Tests#New faculty user creates first course


QA (smartsite-test 2.4-017): Passes all but step 13, Back Button usage. Reported to collab SAK-10407 6/18/07


Verification of default list of available Site Tools and required tools are automatically added and cannot be removed by Site Info and/or Worksite Setup and/or Page Order tool.

(green star) Test plan at CM Tests#Test for Tools options combines SAK-633, SAK-733, and SAK-643 for creating a course site. Test plan at CM Tests#Test for Project Tools options is for project sites.

smartsite-test 6/13/07

Pass per Sandra 6/14/07 QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-017): Passed 6/18/07


Verify pre-selected tools on site creation

(green star) Test plan at CM Tests#Test for Tools options combines SAK-633, SAK-733, and SAK-643 for creating a course site. Test plan at CM Tests#Test for Project Tools options is for project sites.

smartsite-test 6/13/07

Pass per Sandra 6/14/07 QA results: Passed 6/15/07


Support and Training link should be automatically inserted on all newly created project and course sites.

(green star) Test plan at CM Tests#Test for Tools options combines SAK-633, SAK-733, and SAK-643 for creating a course site. Test plan at CM Tests#Test for Project Tools options is for project sites.

smartsite-test 6/13/07

Pass per Sandra 6/14/07


Verify academic terms are displayed in UI-friendly format in Worksite Setup screens.

(green star) Test plan at CM Tests#Test for SAK-700.

smartsite-test 6/11/07

QA results: Passed 6/15/07


Multiple, duplicate, subject codes are listed in the courseset drop-down used if faculty cannot find their course. Adjust listing to single course subject for display.

(green star) Test plan CM Tests#Verify Course Set Display verifies that subjects listed are unique, i.e., not duplicated.

smartsite-test 6/19/07

QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-020): Passed 6/20/07


SAK-716: section meeting times are wrong. Verify that all course information is populated correctly in Section Info.

(green star) Test plan CM Tests#Verify Section Info Display Accuracy verifies that all course information is populated correctly in Section Info, including the meeting times.

smartsite-test 6/19/07

QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-018): Passed for both single section courses and multiple section courses. 6/19/07


SAK-756 is an asset of SAK-718: Academic term display for instructors in Worksite Setup. term.lead.time.in.days=365 and term.lag.time.in.days=21 mean that terms for the coming year and up to 21 days in the past are available in Worksite Setup for course creation.

(green star) Test plan for SAK-756 is in the Jira.

smartsite-test 6/19/07

QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-020): Passed 6/20/07

SAK-773 SAK-775

Both Jiras deal with removing the site eid or the long https:// reference from the UI during site creation.

(green star) Test plan CM Tests#Verify Course Title Display verifies that the site eid is removed from 2 different display screens. Two tests exist - one for each Jira.

smartsite-test 6/19/07

QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-020): Passed 6/20/07


Initially, courseset list display was ordered by eid first, title second. We've reversed the order so that the text display for course/section is alphabetical.

(green star) Test plan CM Tests#Verify Ordered courseSet Display

smartsite-test 6/20/07

QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-020): Passed 6/20/07


Remove Enrolled In, Id, and Credits columns from course site Edit page in Worksite Setup

(green star) Test plan CM Tests#Verify Worksite Setup Member Display for verification.

smartsite-test 6/20/07

QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-020): Passed 6/20/07


Verification that API calls for latest authZGroup info return up-to-date provider information.
Initial test pass will include changing instructors, adding an instructor, add/drop of students. If time allows, we'll also test wait-listed students and create/drop section in this pass. Testers will be limited to Pat, Sandra, and possibly Lisa. Test requires verifying the data state prior to the test run and verifying changes after time based on the caching strategy.

(star) Requires scheduled test with Banner rep Libby. Sandra completed first pass with Vijay on 6/14/07. Per QA on 6/14/07: In addition to the above tests, also:
dropped an empty section, and changed a WS student to RE.

smartsite-test 6/14/07

QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-015): Passed all tests. 6/15/07


Verification of course batching functionality - Course Batching, White List, Course Set Provider Id

(star) Unclear if there is a scenario for course batching with course management functional.








Sakai v2.4 Enhancements - and Fixes




Test Plan

Released to QA

QA Results/Date









Verify that the recently reported bug SAK-699: Assignments associate with existing Gradebook not functioning is fixed.

(blue star) Repeat the steps that Leslie describes and verify that assignements can be associated with Gradebook.

Released 6/1/07

QA results, 6/8/07: Passed


Chat Room

SAK-429: Chat room should not allow blank messages to be displayed is fixed in Sakai v2.4 per SAK-8852 This is a bug.

(blue star) Tests for Sakai v2.4 Enhancements#Test for SAK-281

sakai-test 5/25/07 pulled 5/30/07 Released 6/1/07

Test error - re-released 6/1/07 QA results, 6/8/07, sakai_2-4-x-test-011: Passed.



SAK-431: Upload/Import feature in Gradebook v2.3 difficult to use can be retested in v2.4 to determine whether or not to close this story now. Story needs an asset.

Sandra tested this one and is satisfied with the results. We'll close this out - it will not be released to QA.




Message Center

SAK-429: Search in Message Center Private Message folders gets exception is fixed in Sakai v2.4 per SAK-7145. This is a bug.

(blue star) Create some messages in the Messages tool in so that you can run a search on your message. This tool is now separated out from Message Center. Verify whether the Search function now works.

sakai-test 5/23/07

QA results, 6/8/07, sakai_2-4-x-test-011: Passed



Verify SAK-575: Using the Filter tool in Schedule does not reveal items prior to or beyond the current month is fixed in Sakai v2.4 per SAK-5676. Trouble ticket SAK-575. Report to SAK-648.

(blue star) Run through the tests for Calendar SAK-713 to generate events. Use xlogin URL to log in as sakaistu1. Go to Schedule, select List of Events from View and enter date range for next month. Verify that you can see events for next month.

sakai-test 6/5/07

QA results, 6/8/07, sakai_2-4-x-test-011: Passed.


Tests & Quizzes

From Vernon, SAK-707: An unexpected error occurs when attempting to copy one pool (Sakai Test (ST)) into another (Total) within Question Pools.





Tests & Quizzes

Fix for collab SAK-6990: timed assessment timer started even though username & password access fails.

(blue star) Tests for Sakai v2.4 Enhancements#Test for SAK-655

sakai-test 5/22/07

Passed 5/30/07


Tests & Quizzes

New feature in Samigo will allow us to close SAK-369: Random draw from question pool generates a pat set of questions per quiz taker rather than a random draw for each delivery. Listed in collab Jira as SAK-7696, this new feature allows the author to select that a student's questions drawn from a pool are random on each attempt. Asset of story SAK-369.

(blue star) Tests for Sakai v2.4 Enhancements#Test for SAK-650

sakai-test 5/22/07

QA results, 6/8/07, sakai_2-4-x-test-011: Passed


Tests & Quizzes

Fix for collab SAK-5788: Fill in the Blank question settings are not configured correctly on import/export. Lydia has asked to be notified if the issue is not fixed. This is a bug.

(blue star) Create a simple assessment with a Fill in the blank question with settings "mutually exclusive" and "case sensitive" checked. Verify on export and import that the settings are correct in the newly imported quiz.

sakai-test 5/22/07

QA results, 6/5/07: Passed


Tests & Quizzes

SAK-43: A Fill in the Blank question with multiple consecutive blanks fails on export. Retest this issue against the 2.4 release to determine if it is fixed or if we need to report it to collab. This is a bug.

(blue star) Repeat the simple example in the jira and try to export and import the quiz, especially in IE.

sakai-test 5/22/07

Failed 5/29/07 Report to collab


Tests & Quizzes

SAK-86: Mac OSX, Safari: No edit tools for questions created in T&Q. Retest this issue against the 2.4 release to determine if it is fixed or if we need to push it to collab. This is a bug.

(blue star) Create an assessment using Mac OSX, Safari, and compare the screens and functionality when using Firefox on a Mac.

sakai-test 5/22/07

Failed 5/30/07 Report to collab


Tests & Quizzes

SAK-61: Writing Quizzes with Firefox Impossible with Too Many Questions.
Retest this issue against the 2.4 release to determine if it is fixed or if we need to push it to collab. This is a bug.

(blue star) Create an assessment , using Firefox, with 75+ questions and verify whether there are any authoring issues as noted in Luis' jira.

sakai-test 5/22/07

QA results, 6/8/07, sakai_2-4-x-test-011: Passed

Sakai v2.4 Tools

These are simple tests (no detailed instructions) for new features. Try them out on the test server when test releases are completed. Tests are described in bold dark blue. If you check out these new features and please report any problems by email and note the feature/Jira you are reporting on in case we need to submit a Jira fo the Foundation.


SAK-704 Released to QA for testing on 6/1/07 QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-015): Passed 6/15/07

  • Scheduled release (i.e. a future posting date) and retract dates for announcements SAK-8777
  • Added support for show/hide similar to Resources tool; expands on and replaces previous draft functionality. SAK-8637
  1. Create an announcement scheduled for a near-future release and end date/time. Change the Email Notification to High. Verify it is not visible to others until the release date/time and that it is no longer visible after the end date/time. Ask other team members to email you when they receive the email notification.

Report Announcement feature testing results to: SAK-704


These enhancements were postponed for a post-release version of the 2.4 Assignments tool. Do not test until after the post-release patches.

From an email from John Leesia on 5/24/07
Features that will be available via an Assignment tag that can be added to the 2.4 build:

  • Allow instructors to enter a grade for students who haven't posted a submission (SAK-6614)
  • Provide an additional assignment type which doesn't require an electronic submission (SAK-8285)
  • Send an email to the student to confirm their submission (SAK-271)
  • Add the ability to upload a zip file containing submissions (SAK-8589) and several bug fixes and minor enhancements.
  • Ability to reorder the Assignment List to a user specified order. (SAK-9795)
  • Due date can be set in 5 minute increments (SAK-7406)

Turnitin and GMT related changes will also be included.

Deferred until 2.5 - additional design work is needed

  • Allow assignment that is linked to gradebook to be graded using the gradebook (SAK-7474)
  • Provide a setting on the Assignment to allow all students to resubmit (really two capabilities - a global resubmit setting and an optional 'allow multiple revisions' when submitting. (SAK-7483)


SAK-713 Released to QA for testing on 6/5/07 Passed by QA on 6/8/07

  • Add week/month view option (SAK-8399)
  • Use color-coding for event types (SAK-5073) (requires sakai.properties settings)
  • Small I18N issue (SAK-8541)
  • Show more event info (attachments link to schedule event - SAK-8398)
  • Quartz job to add the Calendar Summary to existing sites.

QA for Schedule/Calendar

  1. Access the Schedule tool in your course. Add several events - individual, repeating, various types, with an attachment - all during June and July 2007.
  2. Return to Home for your course. Select Options in the Calendar frame. Set some event types to High and some to Low. Set colors for these priorities. Change your calendar setting to weekly instead of monthly.
  3. Verify that your days with events are set to the highest priority color for the events that day. Verify that you can see events by the week.
  4. Add sakaistu1 into your course (if not already added). Log in via xlogin URL as sakaistu1. Select Schedule from My Workspace and verify you can see events for your course (and others!) Verify that you can select events to see more details, sort by week or month, and open or download attachments from events.

Report Schedule/Calendar feature testing results to: SAK-713
Test SAK-648 next now that you've got some future events!

Chat Room:

  • refactoring which fixed significant stability and performance problems.
  • Support multiple concurrent chat rooms.
  • Normalize chat's schema into relational tables (conversion from XML storage). (SAK-8508)
  • Rewrite UI in JSF. (SAK-8508)
  • Refactor manager class for easier plug in of other messaging platforms like XMPP.
  • Now will import any rooms created as well as the synoptic view options. (SAK-5917)


These changes are specific to the Sakai 2.4 release.

  • A per-installation configurable spreadsheet download (SAK-7713)
  • Section/Group specific spreadsheet downloads based on the user's filter options
  • Support for course grades indepedent of grade calculation scheme
  • Simplification/clean up of student view (SAK-7036:Implement Student View of Grade Comments)
  • Participation in Sakai migration/archiving service (SAK-7583)
  • Participation in Sakai Event tracking (SAK-6207)
  • Allow comments for each assigned grade (SAK-7031)
  • Expanded services for client tool integration
  • Fix to critical grade data contention issue (SAK-7407)

QA for new Gradebook features

Test: Export/Download your Gradebook spreadsheet for a section/group in the course.

Messages/Forums (formerly Message Center):

  • Split former "Message Center" into two tools, namely Messages and Forums.
  • Addition of Message Notification synoptic view
  • Support for importing Forums & topics from other sites added
  • Group awareness added
  • Enforce enhanced privacy management settings.
  • "Quote" feature (Insert original text in forum messages)
  • Display statistics for user's postings and read messages in Discussion Forums
  • Ability to expand all discussion forum posts to include body text, not just subject heads
  • Revamped UI of Forums
  • Ability to moderate topics


  • News feed settings will now import. (SAK-5920)
  • News events (read, update feed) will be logged. (SAK-6212)

Page Order Helper

SAK-727 Released to QA for testing on 6/6/07 QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-015): Passed 6/15/07

  • Allow Page Order Helper to override toolOrder.xml rather than conflicting with it. (SAK-7341)

QA test available at: Tests for Sakai v2.4 Enhancements#Test for Page Order Helper functionality

Report Page Order Helper feature testing results to: SAK-727


SAK-744 Released to QA for testing on 6/11/07 Testing Completed 7/18/07

  • Content Handlers to mount external resources in CHS and navigate into packaged resources (SAK-4602)
  • Fix to issue where uploading files take up their entire size in system memory. Now streamed.
  • Resource "Type" registry for identifying new content types
  • Move implementation of "Form Items" out of "content" project and use type registry to maintain their presence in Resources tool
  • Add support for Citations and/or Citation Lists in Resources tool (as a new type registered in the registry)
  • UI changes to action links in Resources listing
  • Allow a new root level folder in ContentHosting for private application collections (SAK-7700)

Rather than specific tests for new features, we're using the new Resources test provided by the collaboration team. Run through the test document TC-Resources.xls
Report either a pass for your OS/browser or list any issues you encountered in: SAK-744


  • Add group/section support to tool. (SAK-6231)
  • Add new print friendly view. (SAK-7340)
  • Enforce enhanced privacy management settings.


  • The ability to set a single app server for search indexing, while other nodes connect to it via webservices. For performance concerns in larger installations. See sakai.properties settings above. (SAK-7494)
  • Multi-site search. (SAK-8717)

Section Info:

  • The automatic creation and representation of SIS-provisioned course structures, metadata and memberships (aka Sections).
  • Support for multiple meeting places and times per Section.
  • UI refinements for filtering view.
  • Configurability to ensure that the application functionality and UI match local institutional needs and SIS data.


SAK-705 Released to QA for testing on 6/1/07 QA results (smartsite-test 2.4-015): Passed 6/15/07

  1. Create some syllabus items. View, select Printer icon, and print to see if the items fit well on a printed page.

Report Syllabus feature testing results to: SAK-705

Tests & Quizzes


SAK-706 Released to QA for testing on 6/1/07 QA results, 6/18/07, smartsite-test 2.4-017: Passed all but step 1: can't send email to students with apostrophes in their names.

  • Added email functionality to allow instructors to email invididual sudents from 'Scores' screens, SAK-7094
  • Allow instructors to give individual students permission to re-take the assessment SAK-7093
  • A disable/enable toggle of all FCK Editors in Authoring screen. SAK-5904
  • Random questions and multiple attempts: added flavor of randomization selection for random parts. SAK-7696 - see specific test above.
  • Allow Samigo contents to be imported from other Sakai Sites using the Site Info tool's 'Import From Site' link. SAK-7378
  • Allow instructors to change feedback settings after assessments are published. SAK-3943
  • Change the 'copy' function in question pool to be a deep copy, rather than a link. SAK-3526
  • Implemented IMS content packaging to allow import/export of assessments with attachments SAK-5419
  • Allow importing of Samigo assessments to Question Pool. SAK-6993
  • Importing simple text formatted assessments to Samigo using Word-2-QTI converter. SAK-8642

QA for Tests & Quizzes

  1. Create and release a quiz with another tester as the student. After the 'student' has taken your quiz, send him/her and email from the Scores screen.
  2. Create and release a quiz with only 1 submission allowed. After the 'student' has taken your quiz, go to the Scores -->Submission Status screen, find the student and select Allow Retake?. Verify the student can retake your quiz.
  3. Author a quiz and try toggling the editors off and on.
  4. Requires Instructor access to 2 or more sites. Create quizzes in one site. Log into a second site and select Site Info --> Import from Site --> and select 1 or more sites. Check Tests & Quizzes. Verify that your quizzes were copied successfully to the second site.
  5. Create a quiz and publish it with a specific feedback. Take the quiz as a student and verify the feedback setting. Now, as Instructor, change the feedback setting. Take the quiz as a different student and verify the new feedback setting.
  6. Create a simple question pool. Copy the question pool. Edit a question in the copied pool. Verify that the original question in the first pool is unchanged - i.e., the second pool of questions are truely copies not linked to the originals.
  7. Create a simple quiz and include 1-3 questions with attachments. Export the quiz using the "Content Packaging" choice. Import the quiz AS AN ASSESSMENT (note - does not work for question pools). Import the quiz into another site and verify that the attachments are imported.
  8. Run through the import of a single-section assessment as a question pool one more time to verify that it works in the public release.
  9. When we implement this tool, you will see a Quick Create button next to the Create option in Samigo. Try out this feature as if you were an instructor seeing it for the first time.

Report Tests & Quizzes feature testing results to: SAK-706

Web Content:

  • Now imports with title and URL intact. (SAK-5919)


  • auto-save feature
  • includes now supported
  • various UI improvements (SAK-4679)