Sakai 2.4 Tool Preview
Sakai 2.4 Tool Preview
Sakai 2.4 Tool Preview
Original text from email from Peter Knoop 4/5/07 - additional text added from various tools
The following list is a preview of some of the new and updated functionality the project teams are expecting to deliver in Sakai 2.4, in addition to bug fixes. Links to more detailed information on most projects can be found in the Management/Project Coordination space in Confluence: http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/MGT
Tool Promotions/New Tools
Tools Promoted to Core:
- Messages (Formerly part of Message Center)
- Forums (Formerly part of Message Center)
- Post'Em
- Roster
Tools Promoted to Provisional:
- Mailtool
- PageOrderHelper
- Polls
- User Membership
Recently Added Contrib Projects:
- Agora
- Breeze Link
- Config Viewer
- Evaluation System
- Gallery
- Home Page Tool
- ImageQuiz
- Mneme
- Open Course Ware (OCW)
- PreferAble/TransformAble
- Recent Activity
- Reset Password
- TurnItIn integration
New Features/Enhancements
- Added support for show/hide for consistency with other tools; expands on and replaces previous draft functionality
- Changes to the way in which assignments are entered into the Gradebook to make it easier to edit Gradebook entries that came from the assignment tool API change
- Provide a setting on the Assignment to allow all students to resubmit (as opposed to having to visit each submission to allow resubmission) Assignment level resubmit Not available until 2.5
- Allow instructors to enter a grade for students who haven't posted a submission Grade non-submitted
- Provide an additional assginment type which doesn't require an electronic submission Non-electronic submission option
- Send an email to the student to confirm their submission Submission confirmation
- Add the ability to upload a zip file containing submissions Upload all
- UCT is adding an optional interface to TurnItIn
- Some ease-of-use (for developers) enhancements
- New "provider only" for roles
- Improved transaction handling
No changes listed for Blog tool in version 2.4
Calendar Summary
- Show more event info (attachments, link to schedule event)
- Add week/month view option
- Use colors for event types based on user-defined priority
- Small I18N issue (SAK-8541)
Chat Room
- Support multiple concurrent chat rooms.
- Normalize chat's schema into relational tables (coversion from XML storage).
- Rewrite UI in JSF.
- Refactor manager class for easier plug in of other messaging platforms like XMPP.
- Full spring lifecycle support
- Demo optional components
Content Review
- Adding a generic content-review service API which can be used by any tool (in trunk).
- Adding support for the content-review service in the Assignments tool (in trunk).
- Adding an implementation of content-review for the TurnItIn service (in contrib).
- Enhanced to support the new chat.
Course Management Framework
- The default group provider in 2.4 is backed by the CM service.
- Performance improvements.
- Better transaction support
- Enhanced cross-vendor feature support
- A per Sakai installation configurable spreadsheet download via a plug in
- Section/Group specific spreadsheet downloads based on the user's filter options
- Support for course grades indepedent of grade calculation scheme
- Simplification/clean up of student view
- Participation in Sakai site re-use
- Participation in nascent Sakai migration/archiving service
- Participation in Sakai Event tracking
- A grade comments feature
- Expanded services for client tool integration
- Reduce data contention in Gradebook SAK-7407, e.g., "the ONLY time data contention should occur is when two graders are trying to change the same score for the same student at around the same time."
- Update help content for new functionality in 2.4.
- Additional help content for newer tools.
- Ability to redirect to an external help webapp (SAK-7619).
- Complete localization of all core tools
- Updates to existing translations (Catalan, French, Japanese, Spanish, Swedish)
- Additional translation in Arabic (requires RTL skin)
- Internationalized date/time input widgets available to tools
- Internationalized Tool Titles & Descriptions
- Classes added to support generic spreadsheet formatting. (Mostly not JSF-specific.)
- The Pager can be fully internationalized.
- The Pager and other JSF components can now follow standard Sakai locale support.
- Toolbar separators can now be customized.
Messages/Forums (formerly Message Center)
- Split Message Center (renamed) into two tools - 1) Messages and 2) Forums.
- Addition of Message Notification synoptic view
- Support for importing Forums & topics from other sites added
- Group aware Discussion Forums
- Enforce enhanced privacy management settings.
- Quote feature (Insert original text in forum messages)
- Display statistics for user's postings and read messages in Discussion Forums
- Ability to expand all discussion forum posts to include body text, not just subject heads
- Revamped UI of Forums
- Ability to moderated topics
- Pluto 1.1.1 integration.
- Support for JSR-168 portlets using Pluto 1.1
- Content Handlers to mount external resources in CHS and navigate into packaged resources (details)
- Resource "Type" Registry
- Move implementation of "Form Items" out of "content" project and use type registry to maintain their presence in Resource tool
- Add support for Citations and/or Citation Lists in Resources tool (as a new type registered in the registry)
- UI changes to action links in Resources listing
- Sorting by column fixed (per SAK-9103)
- Add group/section support to tool.
- Add new print friendly view.
- Enforce enhanced privacy management settings.
- Bug fixes
- Performance enhancements
Sakai Maven Plugin
- Maven 1 no changes
- Maven 2 support added
Section Info:
- The automatic creation and representation of SIS-provisioned course structures, metadata and memberships (aka Sections).
- Support for multiple meeting places and times per Section
- Configurability to ensure that the application functionality and UI match local institutional needs and SIS data
Site (SVN Module)
- Improved transaction handling.
Skins (CSS)
- Eliminate default margin-bottom and padding-bottom on h3, h4, h5 tags in tool.css
- Show column borders on sortable lists in tool.css
- Add underlines to default links in tool.css
- Replace black-and-white folder icons with manilla-colored ones
- Adding Print friendly view
Tests & Quizzes (Samigo) - not in original email from Peter
- Added email functionality to allow instructors to email invididual sudents from 'Scores' screens, SAK-7094
- Allow instructors to give individual students permission to re-take the assessment SAK-7093
- A disable/enable toggle of all FCK Editors in Authoring screen. SAK-5904. Based on Dave Ross's contributed patch.
- Random questions and multiple attempts: added flavor of randomization selection for random parts. SAK-7696
- Allow Samigo contents to be imported from other Sakai Sites using the Site Info tool's 'Import From Site' link. SAK-7378
- Allow instructors to change feedback settings for after assessments are published. SAK-3943
- Change the 'copy' function in question pool to be a deep copy, rather than a link. SAK-3526
- Implemented IMS content packaging to allow import/export of assessments with attachments SAK-5419
- Allow importing of Samigo assessments to Question Pool. SAK-6993. Contributor: Lisa Wilson from UC Davis.
- Importing simple text formatted assessments to Samigo using Word-2-QTI converter. SAK-8642. Contributor: James Renfro from UC Davis, based on code from Claremont McKenna College.
- i18n Internationalization/localization support implemented. SAK-8643. Contributor: Diego del Blanco Orobitg from Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
- performance enhancements / bug fixes
- Upgraded to FCK Editor 2.4.1 to address a variety of issues, such as IE7 compatibility.
Worksite Setup/Site Info
- Updated course creation process.
- Integration with new CourseManagementService.
- Ability to search for a course.
, multiple selections available,