Support and Training Archive

Archive: Background information from early Sakai implementation

UC Davis Sakai Pilots
MyUCDavis Demographics Data
Tests & Quizzes Functional Design
Teaching and Learning for practical applications, feature requests, concerns, training, etc.
Research and Collaboration for research applications, audience analysis, online resources, etc.
Personal Workspaces for Potential Uses, User Suggestions, and Concerns.
Class and Project Site Requests
Sakai Resources

Support Strategy -
I believe this is what we decided in our Team Lead's meeting April 17, 2006
4 primary strategies of support for faculty

IT Express - Starting June 1, 2006, same level of support as MyUCDavis, including the usage of Remedy.
TRC - Pedagogical Support
Mediaworks - ET Partners, including one on one support if needed
Application Development Support - This is usually referral to the technical team from IT Express or TRC.
Posted by Sandra Stewart at Apr 21, 2006 14:44 | Permalink | Remove | Reply To This

Training Program Ideas

  • Training strategy and goals
  • Key training messages
  • Training tactics: Faculty Mentors |Current FMFP Assignments| ET Partners| Tech Tips (including video tutorials) | Classes | etc.
  • Schedule: Training| Demos & Presentations | Orientation sessions|etc.
  • Assessment: Training metrics| etc.
  • Remedy Training/Practice: ITX + ETPs + Faculty Support
  • Users can self-register for Jira on the national site
  • Sakai Admins Training
  • Start/end of term are bad/busy times for ITX
  • Fridays best: ? day for each of two groups
  • Spring: only one new pilot, mostly working with it on their own and with ETP
  • Summer: SITT
  • If ITX had access to drafted Tech Tips, they could go in and play with it.
  • Training mid/late-Spring quarter, pre-grading

Important Information


  • When do we announce that ITX is available for Sakai support?
  • Need to define which type of support will be available.
  • Unicon training didn't tell ITX staff how to troubleshoot Sakai.
  • See when we have our practice if we can use the "Solution" portion of Remedy.
  • According to FMFP participant, if they can't solve their poblem in a day they will give up. Their free time is highly structured and there's now ay they can wait longer than a day to get something done.

Possible Site Structure/Breakdown

  • Free workshops
  • Feature demonstrations
  • Pedagogical support: Campus teaching and learning centers
  • Help documentation
  • Getting help

Support Strategy

  • Support strategy and goals
  • Key support messages
  • Support resources:
    • Remedy 3 Tier Support Plan (DRAFT: 3/28/06).
    • IT Express: Role and responsibilities | etc.
    • Teaching Resources Center: Role and responsibilities | etc.
    • Departmental technology support: Role and responsibilities | etc.
    • Other key contacts: TBD | TBD
  • Support Schedule
  • Task List
  • Assessment: Support metrics| etc.
  • See VetMeds QuickTips example at

Training Implementation and Events






Sakai Demos


Olson 53A

Introduced Sakai to new audience: GSI and Faculty who teach languages (ESL and non-English). Gave brief PPt overview. UC Consortium for Language and Lit Director Robert Blake showed (competing) CMS, Moodle.

Nancy Olson, Andy Jones, Robert Blake