Creating Class and Project Training Sites

Creating Class and Project Training Sites

Creating Class and Project Training Sites

Project Sites

I found the easiest way to create additional training sites was
to start with the Admin Sites Tool and save a new site then
edit the appropriate user information. Steps:

  1. Look up the user's email address in whois to get valid UCDLogin ID, User Name, email
  2. Go to Admin Sites Tool
  3. Search for Training Project in the first text box.
  4. Select the first site in the list
  5. Change the 3 fields with the user name in parens to the new user
  6. Select Save As from the top of the frame
  7. Enter training_kerberosid in the Site Id box using the relevant user's kerberos id
  8. Click on Save
  9. Go to Admin-> Worksite Setup
  10. Enter (User Name) from the name used in setting the 3 fields above
  11. click the check box next to the matching site name and choose Revise
  12. Select Edit Site Information
  13. Fix the Site Contact Name and Site Contact Email fields to represent the new user
  14. Step through clicking the Continue and Finish buttons on following screens
  15. After returning to the Site Info page, click Add Participants
  16. Add the new user's kerberos id as a new participant and click Continue
  17. Choose "maintain" on the next screen and click Continue
  18. Click Continue on the next screen then Finish on the last screen
  19. Remove yourself from the participant list when you get back to the Site Info page
  20. Return to WorksSite Setup (or choose the up arrow)
  21. re-search for the site again using (User Name)
  22. Verify that the proper buttons are in place and the welcome message is correct for this user

    You are done!