August 9, 2006

August 9, 2006

VetMed Developers Meeting

Production Servers

Beau - Status of Production Servers: ready to load Fall '06. Syllabus tool changes to point to correct location needs to be updated; about 1.5 hrs or less. Approximately 60 courses with enrollment for fall launch. Expectation of Monday, August 14, for all production servers.

How will VN handle cross-listed courses? Single tab, single site with primary & secondary rosters. Roster loading for secondary students, but final grade submission, specifically needing a separate crn for the secondary students grades may be an issue.


Keith - Status on CREST: Fall data all loaded, course information and sessions, but no offerings for winter/spring quarters. Jira bug fixes in progress right now. Task: scheduler back fill.

Chris - Doing training on CREST now. Getting further information from faculty re: course information desired from search parameters


Phil/Scott - Evaluation Status: Evaluatees (faculty) are imported.
Upcoming deadlines:

  • 9/11 - user acceptance testing & watch logs for performance, etc.
  • 9/18 - production pilot release date

The second term of evaluation release requires history of previous questions.
Current design will record submission of changes, but is not recording 'dirty changes', i.e., submissions without actual question text changes (version 2 feature?)

Discussion of possible duplicate data in student population for fall

Chris - New use case for evaluatees: need to coordinate adding instructors who are manually added to courses by instructor of record in evaluation as well. Discussion involved possible need to change the provider now. Instructor (not IOR) data available from Ilios. Scott will alter view in provider to handle non-IOR instructors. Plan to make final changes today in preparation for production launch
Will review and validate no new issues for evaluation by Monday 8/14.


Discusison of gradebook issues: Beau needs to get code from Jon. Need to ensure that faculty get gradebook output that is final grade submission compatible. Need to ensure short courses have final grade spreadsheets available possibly October 1.