Biweekly Trainer's Meeting Agenda & Notes 11-17-10

Biweekly Trainer's Meeting Agenda & Notes 11-17-10


Send email to jmjohnstone@ucdavis.edu know if you'll need to dial in and I'll set up the Toll-free ReadyTalk line: 866-740-1260, access code 7545991

Attendees: Joyce

Note: Steve's new schedule would be at SON all day Tues/Thurs; Work from campus: 1 hr each day on Mon, Wed, Friday - this is official until January 5.


  1. Training schedule issues
    1. for Steve - no issues
    2. for Fernando - no issues
    3. Over the next couple of weeks (by 12/14) determine what courses to offer and then schedule the classes when the classroom schedule becomes available in January. Steve will do the scheduling in January.
      1. Steve and Fernando will prepare the course offering by Dec 14 - Action:  no issues in doing this by then
      2. Discussed that video tutorials would take time and would not be ready by Dec 14.  Fernando is attempting to hire a student who could help with this.
  2. Remedy Ticket Status
    1. for Steve has ~8 he'll work on in the next week or two; will spend 1 hour 3 days a week to work through them
    2. for Fernando - caught up; just needs to follow-up on a few
  3. Upgrade 11/20 - Steve and Fernando will help with testing pre-deployment and at 5:30am 12:15am on deployment date
  4. Communication Tasks
    1. See Jira Tickets below

Past Action Items:

  1. Continue to clean up Jira tickets.
  2. Follow-up on SAK-3240 - Fernando/David agreed on content; needs to be reviewed one more time; David needs to send out an update.
  3. Posted changes to CMDCOM-11 on 10/14 for Middleware to complete these changes: Joyce to follow-up with Kirk and Middleware on Classes I'm Teaching/Classes I'm Taking changes
  4. Posted a comment to SAK-549 - Kirk to see if this was still planned:  Where is the request for stuID in roster and pictures?

Real-time list of Blocker & Critical tickets for next production release

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

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