QA 2.4.1 Test Plan for Tests & Quizzes

QA 2.4.1 Test Plan for Tests & Quizzes

QA 2.4.1 Test Plan for Tests & Quizzes

There are some undocumented fixes for this patch of Tests & Quizzes - and we don't know what they are.
We do know there are changes to the database which should improve performance. We also want to make sure that grades are transferred to Gradebook successfully.

Start with a new course to make sure you are not inheriting old issues.

1. Create and release a quiz with another tester as the student. After the 'student' has taken your quiz, send him/her and email from the Scores screen.

2. Create and release a quiz with only 1 submission allowed. After the 'student' has taken your quiz, go to the Scores -->Submission Status screen, find the student and select Allow Retake?. Verify the student can retake your quiz.
3. Author a quiz and try toggling the editors off and on.
4. Requires Instructor access to 2 or more sites. Create quizzes in one site. Log into a second site and select Site Info --> Import from Site --> and select 1 or more sites. Check Tests & Quizzes. Verify that your quizzes were copied successfully to the second site.
5. Create a quiz and publish it with a specific feedback. Take the quiz as a student and verify the feedback setting. Now, as Instructor, change the feedback setting. Take the quiz as a different student and verify the new feedback setting.
6. Create a simple question pool. Copy the question pool. Edit a question in the copied pool. Verify that the original question in the first pool is unchanged - i.e., the second pool of questions are truely copies not linked to the originals.
7. Create a simple quiz and include 1-3 questions with attachments. Export the quiz using the "Content Packaging" choice. Import the quiz AS AN ASSESSMENT (note - does not work for question pools). Import the quiz into another site and verify that the attachments are imported.
8. Run through the import of a single-section assessment as a question pool one more time to verify that it works in the public release.
9. When we implement this tool, you will see a Quick Create button next to the Create option in Samigo. Try out this feature as if you were an instructor seeing it for the first time.