Test for SAK-414

Test for SAK-414

Test for SAK-414


Working on SAK-8234 and SAK-7413 - rest of the test is good to go!

Patch to fix multiple Collab issues as listed in the Jira, including:

Verify UI Fixes

Test for SAK-7618, SAK-7423, SAK-7667

Log in as any user type in either a course or project site to perform these UI fix tests. Read the problem and view the thumbnail to see the issue being addressed.

Verify each UI issue is fixed in all of the following OS/browser combinations:

  • Windows XP SP2, Windows 2000 SP4 - Internet Explorer 6, Firefox
  • Mac OS X 10.4.8, Mac OS X 10.3.9 - Safari 2.0.4, Safari 1.2, Firefox
  • Additional test environment: VISTA - IE7





Expected Result


SAK-7618: If viewing an Edit screen in Smartsite.ucdavis.edu (pre-fix) in IE6, the UI tools are out of position. Critical to test for: IE6

Log into a course or project wiki and select Edit for any page. Verify the layout of edit features is compact, but not overlapping, and that features are visible and accessible.

Edit features are not overlapping and are visible and accessible to the user.


SAK-7423, SAK-7667: Hide help toolbar reduces screen visibility. Critical to test for: IE6, IE7, Firefox

From the Edit screen, select the hide the help sidebar "(-)" feature on the upper right hand side of the screen.

The edit area expands horizontally to fill the area the Help sidebar previously filled. There is no loss of height during the frame resizing.

Verify Functional Fixes

Test for SAK-7615, SAK-7457, SAK-5863
Log in to either a course or project site to perform these functional fix tests.
as any user type

Problem - SAK-7615: Removing all content from a Wiki page results in unrecoverable page loss.



Expected Result


Select Wiki from your course menu and then select the Edit button. Type the name of a new page in square brackets, i.e., [new page]; select Save button.

"new page" will be shown as a hyperlink with a question mark after it on the Home page.


Select the new page and then select Edit button or link and delete all the default text in the text area box. Make sure the textarea is empty and Save. Select the new page.

An empty page may be saved without any errors and the page is still accessible without any errors.

Problem - SAK-7457: Cannot use special characters ~, ?, or & in links.



Expected Result


Select Edit on any wiki page and add a link which has any of the special characters ~, ?, or &, for example, {link:Google|http://www.google.com/firefox?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official}. Verify that the link works and is rendered correctly and does NOT add "#38" anywhere in the url string.

Link with any of these special characters still renders correctly.

Problem - SAK-5863: Macro reference outputs the word "null" instead of no text if description and short description are empty in Site Info.



Expected Result


Log in as an Instructor and access Site Info, and then Edit Site Information. Delete text or confirm that there is no text under the Description and Short Description text areas.

Description and Short Description are empty fields.


Go to any page and select Edit. Enter the following information in the edit area and then Save:
title - {worksiteinfo:title}
description - {worksiteinfo:description}
shortdescription - {worksiteinfo:shortdescription}

The title should appear after "title - ", but no text should appear after "description - " or "shortdescription - "
The text "null" should not appear.

Verify Public View Fixes

Tests for SAK-8226 and 8224
Log in to either a course or project site as any user type to perform this test.

Problem - SAK-8226: Breadcrumbs do not appear in public view



Expected Result


As any user type, create a new page from the Home page and add some text into it , then Save the page.

New page is created.


Select Info and locate Feeds?, and click on the Public View link (below Printer Friendly).

A new window should pop up with the content of the page on a different background.


Go back to the Info page and enable Public Read permission for this page by checking the first Public? checkbox and pressing the Save button (beneath Public?)

No visible change.


Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the Home page. Copy and save the new window Home page URL somewhere before closing the window. Close the browser and exit all windows.

Warning: This test is not run properly if you have other windows open!


Open a new Browser session and paste the saved Home page URL back into the browser.

You should see the content without being asked to log in.


Click on the new page link and verify that a breadcrumb appears at the top of the page.

Breadcrumb from the Home page allows you to easily return to the Home page and vice-versa at this point.

Problem - SAK-8224: View_right option does not appear on every page



Expected Result


As any user type, create a new page named "view_right" on the Home page, e.g., select Edit from Home and type [view_right], and then Save the page. Select Edit on the new page and add some text.

A view_right page is created.


View each page in the wiki and verify that the new text appears to the right-hand side.

New view_right text visible on every page.


Go to Info for the view_right page and enable Public Read permission for this page by checking the first Public? checkbox and pressing the Save button (beneath Public?.) Ensure that Home and at least a couple other wiki pages are also enabled.

No visible change.


Copy and save the Home page Public View link URL somewhere before closing the window. Close the browser and exit all windows.

Warning: This test is not run properly if you have other windows open!


Open a new Browser session and paste the saved Home page URL back into the browser. Select and view every link from the home page.

You should see the content from the view_right page displayed to the right of every page.

Verify Permissions/Editing Collision Fixes

Tests for SAK-7530, SAK-8234, and SAK-7413
Log in to either a course or project site as any user type to perform this test.

Problem - SAK-7530: Permission reference to term "Update" confusing for users; replace with Edit

Collab fix to make the permissions reference consistent with the wiki function links. Prior to this fix, when the user selects Info, the first line in the permissions table reads: Page Permissions by role? Create? Read? Update? Admin? Super Admin?

Test: Verify that the first line in the permissions table now reads: Page Permissions by role? Create? Read? Edit? Admin? Super Admin?

Problem - SAK-8234: default_template permissions should equal Home page permissions

No test as of 3/12/07. Communicating with wiki collab team to verify UI and functionality here. L.Wilson
3/13/07 Fix did not get patched to v2.3 yet. This will be a separate Jira in the future.

Problem - SAK-7413: Browser refresh during rWiki edit session sends user back to Home page
This change request rose out of the situation where multiple users are editing in a wiki and the individual wants to refresh the page to see changes made. This refresh is also done by selecting the View link, but this test deals specifically with browser refresh.



Expected Result


Log in to one browser as a user in the course or project site with a wiki. Go to any page other than Home and select Edit. Make text changes, but do not save yet.

Other users see no change in the wiki page yet.


Log in to another browser as a different user to the same site OR have another tester log into the same site. The other user will also choose Edit to make changes, and then Save the page.

Second user's changes are saved first.


First user may now save changes, but will need to modify those changes to work with second user's edits.

User can now see both second user's edits and his/her own changes.


Second user refreshes his/her browser.

The browser updates the current page so that the second user sees all changes - and does NOT get sent back to the Home page.

Verify Sensitive Information Fix

Test for SAK-8182:Wiki displays user login/Kerberos id which is exposing sensitive information

Log in to either a course or project site as any user type to perform this test.



Expected Result


View the Home page and other pages in any Wiki as any user type and verify that only user names (first and last name) are displayed and Kerberos login is no longer displayed in last modified information.

Only user first and last names, but not Kerberos id are displayed in last modified.

Verify Performance Fix

Regression test required - no test plan at this time

Verify Gateway usage Fix

Regression test required - no test plan