SmartSite 2.3.x patch tests - admin

SmartSite 2.3.x patch tests - admin

Test for SAK-389

SAK-389: Tool list in Edit Tools is incorrect on smartsite-test

Access Level: (star) Requires admin access
Test Description: After Thomas completes a test run for course creation, and you have a listing of the course information, verify the following:
Test Steps: Course Creation - Test As Instructor
For each site, SU as the instructor or you may view as admin if the site is available.


User Acting As

Expected Result

Login in as yourself


Course site specified from batch list exists

Become instructor for a course specified from batch list


SU access is successful

Locate the site tab and access the site

SU as instructor

The course tab exists and the site can be viewed

Confirm the tab format is correct

SU as instructor

Tab is displayed correctly, format: SUBJ COURSENUMBER SECTION TERMABBREVIATION TERMYEAR (e.g. BIS 001A 001 SSS WQ06)

Review the site menu against the default course menu

SU as instructor

Menu pages are in the default order as listed below

Select each tool from the menu

SU as instructor

Tool loads upon selection, the name of the page is correct, and the page displays properly without errors

Menu - Pages and Ordering
Order revised to UCD specs 4/10/07

Verify these changes:

    • Section Info, Roster, News, Web Content as available but not active on default

Verify the default tool menu:

  • Home (default is 2 column layout, with Course Workspace (left hand column, only tool), Chat (right hand column, top tool), and Announcements (right hand column, bottom tool)
  • Announcements
  • Assignments
  • Chat Room
  • Drop Box
  • Email Archive
  • Gradebook
  • Message Center
  • Modules
  • News
  • Resources
  • Roster
  • Schedule
  • Section Info
  • Site Info (Section Info and Roster are tools within this tool)
  • Support & Training
  • Syllabus
  • Tests & Quizzes
  • Web Content
  • Wiki
  • Help (cannot be removed)

By default, the menu item (other than Home) is a tool (e.g. Resources is the resource tool) and a default one column layout.

Test for SAK-542

SAK-542: Batch site creation does not remove the batch admin user anymore

Access Level: (star) Requires admin access
Test Description: After Thomas completes a test run for course creation, and you have a listing of the course information, verify the following:


User Acting As

Expected Result

Login in as yourself and use course subject to locate site xxxx in Worksite Setup using the Search function


Site xxxx is listed via Worksite Setup with the following values:

  1. Worksite Title accurately displaying the subject, course number, section, and quarter (WQ 2007 for winter quarter, for example)
  2. Type = course
  3. Owner = ssbatchadmin
  4. Term is the term specified, e.g., "WINTER QUARTER 2007"
  5. Status = Published
  6. Creation Date shows the creation date/time stamp

Access Worksite Setup for site xxxx in Worksite Setup tool by checking the checkbox and selecting "Revise" from the tool menu


Worksite Setup displays site xxxx details and roster.

Click Update/Remove Participants in site xxxx in Worksite Setup tool and verify the course roster.


The site xxxx roster is populated with the current roster. The instructor is correctly included. "ssbatchadmin" is not included in the roster.

Select Return to Sites List and then navigate to the course by clicking on the course name under Worksite Title. From within the course, navigate to Site Info. Verify that the Provider Id is displayed correctly.


Provider Id listed under Roster(s) with site access: is formatted as Year-Term-CRN for single CRN courses and Year-Term-Gxxxx for multiple CRN courses

Test for SAK-541

SAK-541: Creating a new course fails because it tries to write the course description into the course title field

Access Level: (star) Requires admin access

This is a quick verification to validate that the title and description fields are populated correctly on load. Code was modified on http://smartsite-test.ucdavis.edu and course PHE 001 200 SQ 2007 was created on 4/4/07. Description data was populating the title field causing the course load to fail (based on data length?)

Initial test was run in programming by Thomas Amsler on 4/4/07 as shown in graphic below.

Test Steps:

  1. Log into smartsite-test with admin access and access Worksite Setup
  2. Locate PHE 001 200 SQ 2007 and check the box.
  3. Verify that the course title is consistent with the subject-course number-section-term-year format. Verify that the Description field is populated with text content.

Test for SAK-540

SAK-540: No term is set for newly created courses

Access Level: (star) Requires admin access

This is a quick verification to validate that the term value for newly created courses are populated correctly on load. Code was modified on http://smartsite-test.ucdavis.edu and course PHE 001 200 SQ 2007 was created on 4/4/07.
Initial test was run in programming by Thomas Amsler on 4/4/07 as shown in graphic below.

Test Steps:

  1. Log into smartsite-test with admin access and access Worksite Setup
  2. Locate PHE 001 200 SQ 2007 and verify that a term is displayed. Select Revise the option.

Test for SAK-516

SAK-516: Re-ordering Menu settings resets if Home screen is modified

If an admin users re-orders tools on the site menu per faculty request, the tools are rest to their 'original' order when the faculty person edits their Home page.

Test for SAK-586

SAK-586: Note: SAK-449 is now SAK-586

From collab fix for SAK-5443: When a dropbox is viewed by an instructor, the student folders are exposed as ids rather than eids
(star) Requires admin access to perform this test.
Verify that student drop boxes are identifiable to faculty as eids rather than hex numbers.

Test Preparation:

  • Make sure you have Instructor access to a course and/or project site with Drop Box and student roster available.

Test Steps:


User Acting As


Expected Result



Identify a course with both a roster and the Drop Box enabled.

One or more courses identified as test cases.



In Resources, establish a WebDav client for this course. Modify the URL string while creating the client from




by adding "group-user/" after "dav/" and before the "siteid".

Adding group-user when creating the WebDAV connection provides access to the drop box folders - allowing direct access to student content.



The graphic below represents how the content for a drop box in the WebDav directory would be displayed for both student ids and eids (in browser view mode.) Verify that student eids (Kerberos names) are now visible for this drop box.

Student folders are now identifiable by eid/Kerberos (in addition to ids for pre-existing courses.)



Optional test step - add Drop Box to a course with some real users. (Batch courses are generated with Drop Box by default.)

Student folder are created with eid/Kerberos in new Drop Box.

Sample of WebDAV displayed Drop Box for a course site