Upgrade Tests - UCD Data Providers Banner Testing

Upgrade Tests - UCD Data Providers Banner Testing

UCD Data Providers Banner Test Series

Data provider tests which require validation against changes in Banner are grouped here. Banner-test is being manipulated by Libby Bullock of the Banner team as the initiator of Banner-driven changes.
*These tests require coordination with the Banner-test team member.

Course changes scheduled for February 13th test date: dataProviders_021307.txt
Rerun of test scheduled for February 15 with Libby and Sandra - data provided via email.



Test plan

Released to QA

QA Results/Date


API calls for latest authZGroup info ought to return up-to-date provider information. Banner test series. Also includes SAK-394.

(star) Coordinate with the Banner team member and follow the test steps located at Upgrade Tests - Admin Access Required#Validate Successful Banner Updates. Limited to admin access testers only.

NA for first run. Released 2/8/07

Failed* 2/2/07 Passed 2/15/07


Checkbox in site info tool that allows admin to remove non-provided users shows for provided users and also if the admin choosed to delete the user, she doesn't ultimately succeed.

(star) Coordinate with the Banner team member and follow the test steps located at Upgrade Tests - Admin Access Required#Validate Successful Banner Student Drops. Limited to admin access testers only.

Released 2/8/07

Passed 2/15/07

* On February 2, Thomas and Lisa coordinated Banner testing of SAK-337 with Libby Bullock of the Banner team.
Initial tests involved adding and removing students and instructors in Banner and then validating that the changes are seen in a timely manner in Smartsite. Due to the time coordination required, the tests did not involve QA. The results of the initial run indicated that students were added succeesfully, but student drops showed no change in smartsite-test. Instructor changes were recorded accurately. Per Thomas, the issues with students duplicates the current performance on production 2-1-x, so the test is technically not a failure but the desired behaviour is still not achieved. Thomas generated in Jira at SAK-394 and documented the issue in Confluence at SAK-394.