Upgrade Tests - Admin Access Required

Refactor Gradebook 2.1.x mod's for 2.3


Description = Course Grade Direct submission to Final Grade Tool
Category of Testing = integration, functional

Prerequisite Steps

  1. Course site must be available with the gradebook added in one of the tool pages.
  2. The site must have enrollments (site members that are 'students' or with 'access' role.
  3. This test requires admin access.

Test Scenario

General test instructions

  1. MyUCDavis (skip to login to Sakai if no su required)
    1. Login to my.ucdavis.edu (note that MyUCD SU propagates to ips.ucdavis.edu from my.ucdsavis.edu)
    2. Select admin tool icon
    3. Select SU Tool
    4. Search for user (eg, Virginia Hass)
    5. Select user
    6. Open a new browser window
  2. Sakai (http://smartsite-test.ucdavis.edu)
    1. Click login
    2. Enter kname of tester (skip to 'select tab for site' if SU Tool not required)
    3. Select Administration Workspace Tab
    4. Select SU tool
    5. Enter SU-target kname
    6. Select tab for site (eg, FAP 300A SU06)
    7. Select Gradebook page
      1. Course Grades
        1. Click on the words 'Course Grade' at the bottom of the list of Assignments (if any)
        2. Click on Button with label 'Send Grade to UCD Final Submission Tool'
      2. Roster Grades
        1. Click on word 'Roster' in Menu Bar of Gradebook frame
        2. Click 'Export Excel' and/or 'Export CSV' button(s)

Exprected outcome
2.7.1 = Course Grades: SS iFrame (the Gradebook Tool frame) is replaced with the Final Grade Submission Tool and there are no exceptional errors.
2.7.2 = Roster Grades: File contains Assignments grades, one per column, after the student and course data:

test configuration

student_name,export_student_id,course_or_roster,assignments configuration order results in roster download having assignments being listed after their cumulative score ....

Post your test results indicating either a pass or a fail with details to: SAK-317

Define contributor role and define message center roles


(star) Access the Library Explorers Group site and verify that the Collaborator role exists and is assigned to some of the users of this site.

This part of the test requires admin access and a visual verification that the roles exist in the course. SU as an individual with Collaborator status and confirm that you have the same permissions as a Student role in the QA_MessageCenter.xls test.

Post your test results indicating either a pass or a fail with details to: SAK-333

Configure melete in Sakai 2.3 to latest melete release


Verify that sites known to have Modules still have their data and that new modules can be created and dropped. Can look at HYW 066 or Learning Technologies Sites

Post your test results indicating either a pass or a fail with details to: SAK-303

Banner/Data Provider Test Series

The Banner/Data Provider tests included here are modified versions of Scott Amerson's original tests. The tests are modifications because 1) only specific issue-related tests are included and 2) some modifications are required to address new issues or environmental changes since the original test series.

Purpose for this testing

The purpose of these tests is to regression test the provider functionality, which in SmartSite includes:


  1. Support for WebDav authentication (via Kerberos)
  2. Provide user account information (e.g. first,last,email,type) from outside data source (e.g. feed from Mothra)


  1. Assign roles to users who log in to SmartSite that correspond to Sakai internal roles (e.g. Student, Instructor) when applicable. These roles need to be queried from an external data source (e.g. Banner mViews), so that authorization can be determined in real-time.
  2. Define the sites a user belongs to when they log into SmartSite.


  1. Retrieve dynamic rosters for courses, including updates within specific time interval. Roster updates from Banner need to be displayed in the SmartSite application within a pre-determined acceptable time period as defined by the user acceptance testing group.
  2. Display current instructor(s) course sites and display them as members in the course with appropriate role
  3. Display site membership changes in a course site, including instructor adds/removals/updates

Validate Successful Banner Updates


Test Case Scenario

Description = Test the capability of the CourseMangementProvider to accurately reflect Student adds/drops and Instructor changes within SmartSite UI as viewed in members of a course Roster list.
Category of Testing = functionality, regression
Prerequisite Steps = Current roster and list of students to be added, dropped and Instructor changes to be made via Banner-test given or available to QA for respective courses to be tested.

Test Environment Setup Needed

  • Limited to QA tester with required admin access
  • All login accounts that use kerberos names can be "provided" by the system (e.g. UserDirectoryProvider implemented).
  • Testers have access to testable sites (via SU tool, admin workspace, etc.)
  • Referencing smartsite-test (banner test external, mViews, etc.) for populating course data
  • Run CourseManagement student/instructor add/drop tests on Fall Quarter 2006 courses in coordination with Libby Bullock of Banner team
  • Additional External-Banner Test Data Used for Provider Testing
    • A copy of test data that may be used for these test cases is attached:

Validate Successful Banner Updates


User Acting As

Expected Result

Log in and access the course site xxx (where xxx is a test case course) as an Admin


Instructor's courses are now available to the QA tester

Navigate to course site xxxx. Select the Site Info Tool. Compare the count and identity of students displayed with the original roster of students.


Students listed in the current roster are all present

Request the Banner drop student test run. Either remain logged in or log back in as Admin approximately 15-20 minutes after the test run.



Compare the display status of currently active students against the list of students to be added and validate that the new student(s) are displayed.


New students are added to the roster and are shown with Last, First (Kerberos name) under Name, Course Name under Enrolled In, CRN under Id, credits under Credits, Student under Role, Active under Status, no checkbox under Remove

Verify the accurate display status of the list of dropped students.


Dropped student(s) show Last, First (Kerberos name) under Name, nothing under Enrolled In, nothing under Id, nothing under Credits, Student under Role, Active under Status, a checkbox under Remove

Verify that the Instructor displayed is changed as specified in the test list, i.e., the previous instructor no longer shows up and the new instructor is displayed.


Previous Instructor no longer appears on the list and new Instructor is shown as Last, First (Kerberos name) under Name, Course Name under Enrolled In, CRN under Id, nothing under Credits, Instructor under Role, Active under Status, no checkbox under Remove

Post your test results indicating either a pass or a fail with details to: SAK-337

Validate Successful Banner Student Drops


Test Case Scenario

Description = Test the capability of the CourseMangementProvider to accurately reflect student drops within SmartSite UI as viewed in members of a course Roster list. This test version is based on current behaviour in Smartsite version 2.1.x.
Category of Testing = functionality, regression
Prerequisite Steps = Current roster and list of students to be dropped via Banner given or available to QA for respective courses to be tested.

Test Environment Setup Needed

  • Limited to QA tester with required admin access
  • All login accounts that use kerberos names can be "provided" by the system (e.g. UserDirectoryProvider implemented).
  • Testers have access to testable sites (via SU tool, admin workspace, etc.)
  • Referencing smartsite-test (banner test external, mViews, etc.) for populating course data
  • Run CourseManagement student drop tests on Fall Quarter 2006 courses in coordination with Libby Bullock of Banner team
  • Additional External-Banner Test Data Used for Provider Testing
    • A copy of test data that may be used for these test cases is attached:

Validate Successful Banner Student Drops Test


User Acting As

Expected Result

Log in and SU as the instructor for the course site xxx (where xxx is a test case course)

SU to Instructor

Instructor's courses are now available to the QA tester

Navigate to course site xxxx. Select the Site Info Tool. Compare the count and identity of students displayed with the original roster of students.


Students listed in the current roster are all present

Verify that the Instructor is displayed correctly in the list.


Instructor(s) show Last, First (Kerberos name) under Name, Course Name under Enrolled In, CRN under Id, nothing under Credits, Instructor under Role, Active under Status, no checkbox under Remove

Compare the display status of currently active students against the original roster of students.


All active students show Last, First (Kerberos name) under Name, Course Name under Enrolled In, CRN under Id, credits under Credits, Student under Role, Active under Status, no checkbox under Remove

Verify the display status of any guest students against the original roster of students.


Guest students do not appear on the original roster of students. Guest students show Last, First (Kerberos name) under Name, nothing under Enrolled In, nothing under Id, nothing under Credits, Guest under Role, Active under Status, a checkbox under Remove

Request the Banner drop student test run. Either remain logged in or log back in and SU as the instructor approximately 15-20 minutes after the test run.



Compare the display status of currently active students against the original roster of students and validate that there are no changes for the students still active.


All active students show Last, First (Kerberos name) under Name, Course Name under Enrolled In, CRN under Id, credits under Credits, Student under Role, Active under Status, no checkbox under Remove

Verify that the Instructor is still displayed correctly in the list.


Instructor(s) show Last, First (Kerberos name) under Name, Course Name under Enrolled In, CRN under Id, nothing under Credits, Instructor under Role, Active under Status, no checkbox under Remove

Verify the display status of any guest students noted in your first viewing - all guests should still exist.


Guest students do not appear on the original roster of students. Guest students show Last, First (Kerberos name) under Name, nothing under Enrolled In, nothing under Id, nothing under Credits, Guest under Role, Active under Status, a checkbox under Remove

Verify the accurate display status of the list of dropped students.


Dropped students show Last, First (Kerberos name) under Name, nothing under Enrolled In, nothing under Id, nothing under Credits, Student under Role, Active under Status, a checkbox under Remove

Manually remove one or more dropped students from the course site by selecting their checkbox and pressing the Update/Remove Participants button.


Manually removed students should no longer be listed in the course roster.

Post your test results indicating either a pass or a fail with details to: SAK-220