April 4, 2007 - VMDM

VetMed Developer Meeting

April 4, 2007

Programming - Scott

Scott has set up a fully working version of 2.4 with MySQL to review code and database changes.
There are many changes to the code base; he is beginning to gather information to specifics determine how the changes will effect VM custom code (providers, evaluation.)
He stated that it's desirable to have a pilot phase before Fall quarter. Beau noted that identifying changes to expected behaviour which are potentially confusing for faculty familiar with 2.1 is key. For example, introducing sectioning and sharing resources across sections.

Sakai update/training classes are needed both now and at the beginning of Fall quarter.
VM's CERE upgrade to Sakai 2.4 will roll out for summer session II - the database cutover will occur then. SSII faculty and students are essentially early test users. Other early tests are for project sites where users need access over summer.

Introducing some of these changes during summer session I will allow CALF to gauge user acceptance. Some pending changes look very good; for example, the Resource tool appears less cluttered, default screens show minimal info for quicker uploads.

User Support - Beau

A user experienced an issue with a ppt file. It appeared the file was originally loaded to My WorkSpace and then moved to his course's Resources; both the client and admin are unable to delete reference to file. Beau will delete record from the database, since the instructor wants access to the material removed.