Stand-up meeting

Stand-up meeting

Programmer stand up jan112008

Jon - same as yesterday, going through bugs. Reading them, not closing but trying to understand.

Mike - worked more on switching over from running reports on my system to mware. Mware wasn't running it's cron but I turned it on myself. Hope it holds. Finish setting up another computer for experimentation with virtualization. Then work on re-building my desktop system.

James - shared resources (scorm tool) working now. Now can provide resources no matter what we're serving on the back end. Moving forward with 1.3 changes. Then back to reporting.
Working on bugs. Lots cleared out. Need bug meeting. We also need a scorm meeting.

Thomas - worked more on virtualization page. Need a meeting on this. Helped someone re documentation on assignments upgrade we just went through. Helped someone wrt Subversion – rss feeds instead of mail notification.
Still working on the Webdav issue from yesterday. Also code migration meeting and aftermath.

Mike again - There is an account for the team now on the Mac in the qa cube.