Standup meeting

Standup meeting

Programmer standup jan142008

James - bugs and trouble ticket. Working on the import bug I started on Friday. This is an archive then merge forums issue from Kirk.

Also working on Scorm, resource packaging. No impediments.

Mike wenk - rebuilt machine on Friday. Built the virtualization system also on the borrowed hardware. When built it, didn't see reference to the virtualization wrt redhat network. Will contact someone for this information.

Looking at virtualization confluence page Thomas built.

Thomas - getting ready for the production upgrade tomorrow for production tag 10. Joncarlo has to re-do something wrt the iptable switch. The IP switch doesn't work for all of the appl servers. Not all of them see the maintenance page as they should during upgrades. Worked with Brandon wrt help pages and gateway documentation and how this works with AFS and Subversion

Disable the pda interface. Pursue this in test.

Jon - Working on how to su into webdav, which is sak-1448. There may be a way to provide this.

Made a conflunce page re the brute force agitator wrt guest login called "xtreme login."