Authoring Workflow

Authoring Workflow

Authoring Workflow

Creating a new assessment

When the instructor opens the Samigo tool, she is presented with this screen:

To create a new assessment, she will need to follow these steps:

  1. Enter a title in the appropriate textbox
  2. Select the desired assessment type (for example, 'Survey', 'Test', or 'Quiz'), and
  3. Click the button labelled Create.

If the instructor clicks Create, she will then be presented with a screen prompting her to enter her first question (see immediately below). It's also possible to click on the button labelled Import, which will then allow questions to be imported from a QTI compliant file.

Adding a new question to the assessment

The navigation buttons available on this screen are:

  • Add Part: 'Part' is the Samigo term for Section, and allows the instructor to break up a given assessment into discrete chunks that can then be ordered.
  • Settings: this will take the user to the complete settings screen, which contains all the fields available for a given assessment type.
  • Preview Assessment: this will bring up a screen that actually allows the instructor to walk through the assessment from beginning to end seeing it approximately as a student or survey-taker would.

But under normal conditions, the instructor will most likely first choose a question type from the drop down box containing the text 'select a question type'. Available question types include: Multiple Choice, Survey, Short Answer/Essay, Fill in the Blank, Matching, True/False, File Upload, and Copy from Question Pool.

If she selects Multiple Choice, for example, then the screen will immediately refresh.

Composing a multiple choice question

The instructor will then type in the question and responses - the incorrect ones and the correct ones. Within the multiple choice question it's then possible to choose if she wants a single correct answer or multiple correct answers, to indicate if the answers will be randomized, whether a rationale is required from the student, and to provide feedback for the student when the question is answered.

Publishing an assessment

Once all of the questions have been added to each of the constituent parts of the assessment, it's then possible to customize the assessment's settings, and then to publish it.

Delivery Dates must be set before an assessment can be published. For certain assessment types and based on the instructor's selections, it may be necessary to set other values on this screen, including Feedback.

Return to the main Authoring page

A more comprehensive slide show of this same process is available on the Samigo Public Documents page

Glossary of Terms

authoring: the category of actions involved in creating assessments
assessment: in Samigo, a generic term for test, quiz, survey, etc.
assessment type: a grouping of characteristics that can then be applied to an assessment, so that each assessment is initially created with a particular assessment type, for example, a timed quiz, which has the characteristic that
delivery: the category of actions involved in administering an assessment to a group of students or other users
importing, exporting: the category of actions involved in loading external assessments into SmartSite, or outputing them from SmartSite in some format that external systems will be able to use
reporting: the category of actions involved in collecting statistics on assessments that have been delivered