Post Upgrade Announcement

Post Upgrade Announcement

Sent: Tues, January 19, 2010

To: miv-users@ucdavis.edu

Subject: MyInfoVault upgrade complete and available for use

Dear MyInfoVault users,

The updated version of MyInfoVault is now available for use.

As in previous upgrades, the existing functionality has been redesigned and improved so that the workflow and role management features are more secure and perform consistently and easily.

To use the new system, go to http://myinfovault.ucdavis.edu and enter your UC Davis login and password.

What's changed:

  • MIV main page
    The MIV main page has been customized for each role (candidate, department administrator, school/college administrator). Processes that need to be completed are indicated by links and some are followed by a number to indicate how many processes need attention. All functionality on the MIV main page is accessible from the top navigation menu on every MIV page.
  • Managing open actions (redelegated and non-redelegated) for primary and joint appointments
    This page will replace the former “Merit/Promotion/Appraisal Packets� page. Adding, editing, deleting, and reviewing documents/letters are all available via this single page. All “Required� and “Optional� documents/processes are identified. Administrators can now search for and select an individual MIV user’s name to easily locate and manage open actions or select a user’s account.
  • Electronic signature and disclosure certificate
    Electronic signature will no longer require a “Signature Number� to be entered into MIV as user authentication. An email notification will still alert candidates that his/her disclosure certificate is available for review and signature. However, email notifications will not contain dossier document letters or signature numbers. Candidates will be directed to login to MIV to review their dossier for signature.

Additional candidate changes

  • The “Send Dossier To My Departmentâ€� and “View My Dossier Statusâ€� page is available in the top navigation menu on every MIV page, and a new “My Accountsâ€� link displays your account profile.
  • Additional department or school/college administrator changes
  • For non-redelegated actions, the dean’s recommendation will require comments and an electronic signature by the dean or the dean’s designate. (Note: Recommendations uploaded prior to the upgrade will need to be signed by the dean or dean’s designate if the dossier is at the school/college location.)
  • “Selecting a User’s Accountâ€� allows for searching by name or department or school/college administrator.
  • “Recommended Action Formsâ€� and “Candidate’s Disclosure Certificate Formâ€� are available via the “Manage Open Actionsâ€� page.
  • New letter types are available and all letters have been added as PDF uploads.
  • The “Assign Reviewersâ€� link is available in the top navigation menu on every MIV page including the MIV main page and open action pages.
  • Improvements have been made to manage, deactivate and reactivate user’s accounts.
  • A new “My Accountsâ€� link displays your account profile.

Courses are taught through Staff Development and Professional Services.

Need help?
Click on the “Help� link located in the upper right hand corner of the Web page for more information on how to use the new system. To send us questions or comments, please contact miv-help@ucdavis.edu (mailto: miv-help@ucdavis.edu).

We hope you enjoy the new features!

—The MIV Project Team