Email Notice for MIV Citation Entry Change

Email Notice for MIV Citation Entry Change

Email Notice for MIV Citation Entry Change

Citation Storage Functional RequirementCitation (last updated: 2/16/07)

Important Notice for MIV Citation Entry Change - sent via email on March 27, 2007

This announcement is to let MyInfoVault (MIV) users know about an important upgrade for publication citation entries.

Full text field option no longer available beginning March 29
There are currently two ways publication citations can be stored in MyInfoVault: in the full text field or in individual fields.

Beginning March 29, the full text field option will no longer be available for publication citations; instead, citation data will only be saved when it is entered into the individual fields (i.e., Title, Publication Name, Authors, etc.).
This change allows for the development of new features that have long-term benefits for the campus, including:

  • allowing MyInfoVault to be used as a data repository; and
  • creating a searchable database for authors, journals, and areas of interest.

Users WILL NOT have to move prior full text field entries!
MyInfoVault users will not have to update old citations in which they used the full text field. The Office of Academic Personnel will migrate all the existing data from the full text fields into the individual fields. No data will be lost due to this change. The migration of data is expected to be complete by September, or sooner.

Entering publications citations
Beginning March 29, each data element will need to be entered into the individual fields (Title, Publication Name, Authors, etc.).

  • You will be prompted to move the data into the individual fields before saving the record.
  • You can move the data and update the record or cancel and the data will remain in the full text field. 
  • Be sure to check that any special characters in an updated citation are displaying correctly.  Update the special character codes if necessary.

Full text field can be used as a "scratchpad"
On March 29, the full text field will exist as an optional "scratchpad." Users can move data to the scratchpad so that they can stay in the MIV screen when cutting and pasting from other databases. Please note, though, that none of the data entered into the scratchpad field will be saved. MIV will detect if data exists in the scratchpad field and will require the data be entered into the individual fields before the record is saved.

For more information, please visit the MyInfoVault Project Web Site link at http://myinfovault.ucdavis.edu or contact Sally DiVecchia, Office of Academic Personnel, svdivecchia@ucdavis.edu.

Joyce Johnstone and Carolyn Borgnino