News and Announcements (Archives)

News and Announcements (Archives)

News and Announcements (Archives)

Important Notice for MIV Citation Entry Change - sent via email on March 27, 2007

View Citation Storage Announcement

The UC Davis team presented the status of myInfoVault (03/06/06)

On March 9, 2006 the team discussed myInfoVault with other UC Campuses at the Academic Personnel Information Systems Meeting at UC San Diego. See the presentation (PowerPoint):

We need your help – Please fill out our quick survey! (01/06/06)

The brief questionnaire below was developed so we can start assessing the reactions to this new MIV website and identify ways in which we can continue to make it a useful tool to you as a pilot user throughout the duration of this project. Please take a few minutes to email us your thoughts and suggestions (miv-project@ucdavis.edu). Thank you for your assistance!

1. Generally, what is your reaction to the availability of the Web page?

2. What is your reaction to the content, the navigation scheme, and the overall look-and-feel of the site?

3. What do you think would make the Web page even more useful and valuable?

4. What specific suggestions do you have for future content?

5. How often have you visited the page since it was made available?

6. How often are you planning to visit the site (1-5 times, 5-10 times, more)?

Other comments:

Announcing the MIV Web Site (12/16/05)

Dear pilot participants:

As this quarter draws to a close, I'd like to extend to all of you, on behalf of the entire MyInfoVault Project Team, our best wishes for a happy and safe holiday season. Through your involvement in this pilot, we've made huge strides this year. You've been especially helpful to us in our efforts to identify enhancements we needed to make so the MyInfoVault system can evolve and better meet your needs. Over the course of the last few months, we've already implemented a number of those improvements, and we are diligently working on others. Earlier this week, we completed a report that captures the current status of this project. We've included some background information about the project itself (e.g., timeframe, goals, pilot participation, etc.), and we've outlined the enhancements we've completed as well as the issues we're working on.

In fact, I'm very pleased to let you know that our report and other project-related information are available on our brand-new project Web site! Over the last few weeks, we worked with the Pilot Implementation Workgroup to develop this site specifically as a way to provide all pilot participants with timely, practical and useful information and tools. There, for example, you will find:

  • News and announcements (about the project, the system, and the site itself)
  • 'Did you know' tips (to help you take advantage of the system's features and functionality)
  • Step-by-step instructions (for various faculty merit and promotion processes)
  • A list and description of anticipated enhancements as well as bugs that have been fixed
  • Training information
  • Support resources
  • Background materials
  • And much, much more!

I encourage all of you to take a few minutes to tour our new Web site, and to return occasionally, as we will keep updating it throughout the duration of this project. We'd also love to hear your suggestions and comments about the types of information and resources you'd find most valuable and helpful. To submit your suggestions, please email the pilot team staff at miv-project@ucdavis.edu (or click on that email link under "User Corner" on the Web site). To access the site, go to http://myinfovault.ucdavis.edu and click on the "MIV Project Site" link in the right-hand corner.

To receive future updates and announcements regarding the MyInfoVault project and pilot, please subscribe to the miv-info@ucdavis.edu listserve. Just send a quick email to listproc@ucdavis.edu, and in the body of the message, type subscribe <first name> <last name>.
We look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,


Status Report (12/16/05)

December 2005 MIV Status Report (PDF)