MIV Version 3.2 improvements
MIV Version 3.2 improvements
MIV Version 3.2 Improvements
v3.2 provides new a new feature which allows the dean's analyst to prepare and then release the dossier to the dean for review and signature. This same feature is available for AP analysts to prepare and then release the dossier for the Vice Provost's review and signature. All changes listed below are the same for primary and joint appointments.
How does the new Release for Signature work?
Release for Signature Enhancement (dated 3/29/10)
Release to Dean
- "Release" and "Hold" buttons will appear on Manage Open Actions page.
- The dossier will arrive at the school/college location in a "hold" status by default.
- The dossier will not be available for the dean to sign until the dean's analyst prepares the dossier (uploads any comments for recommendations or final decisions) and releases the dossier for signature by selecting "Release."
- Selecting the "Release" button flags the dossier as available for the dean's signature on the MIV Main page "Review/Sign Dean's Final Decision/Recommendation" link and includes the dossier in the action count. This provides the list of dossiers ready for the dean's signature.
- The dossier can be put on hold and re-released as needed.
- Primary and Joint Appointment processing status can not be "Completed" until the "Release" button has been selected and the decision has been signed.
Release to Vice Provost
- The same features above apply to the "Release to Vice Provost" feature
Manage Open Action page changes
- The upload for "Dean's Final Decision/Recommendation Comments" will appear on the Manage Open Action page. Previously the PDF upload page for these documents was on the "Add/Edit Dean's - Final Decision/Recommendation" page. Additionally the Dean's signature pages will now only display the decision options.
, multiple selections available,