General Test Plans for Smartsite 2.4.x

General Test Plans for Smartsite 2.4.x

General Test Plans for Smartsite 2.4.x

Summer 2007 Smartsite 2.4.x patch

In late July 2007, the QA group will be asked to test a version of Sakai which uses the Indiana version of post-2.4.0 features, including:

  • various patches to correct critical and non-critical issues and bugs,
  • integration of post-2.4/pre-2.5 Assignment features,
  • integration of Gradebook 2.5 features ahead of community release.

The test plans in this section address some general tests for this planned Smartsite upgrade.

Gradebook-Assignments-Samigo-MC Integration

This test plan includes a series of general tasks to determine if there are any obvious issues with the integration of Gradebook, Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, and Message Center in this release. We are testing to determine how these tools interact - so some of these steps are simply to determine what this interaction looks like.

Access the current test server and create a site

Time frame

Test server URL

July 23 to July 31


August 1 to August 10


Test Steps

  1. Verify that you can access the current test server with your Kerberos login.
  2. Use My Workspace to create a course site for testing. If you include class roster when given the option, keep in mind that you must not send email notifications that will potentially go out to students, like Announcements.
  3. Include or add the following tools in your site: Assignments, Forums, Gradebook, Tests & Quizzes.
  4. Add other members of the QA team to your site as students to provide student content and/or student perspectives to your course. You can also add sakaistu accounts to your course.

Create Graded Assignments

  1. Access assignments and create 2-3 graded and ungraded assignments. Make sure the assignments are accessible by 'student' in the course during the current testing date range.
  2. Verify whether the graded assignments you created are visible in Gradebook.

Create a Graded Forum

  1. Create a new forum and check the Post to Gradebook option. Leave all other options to their default settings.
  2. Create a topic under the newly-created forum. Use the default settings after confirming that Post to Gradebook is checked.
  3. Verify whether the graded topic you created is visible in Gradebook.

Create Quizzes

  1. Create a short quiz with at least 3-6 questions.
  2. Before publishing, check the quiz settings and ensure that the Grades sent to Gradebook option under Grading --> Gradebook Options is selected. Publish the quiz within the current testing date range.
  3. Verify whether the graded quiz you created is visible in Gradebook.

Create Gradebook Items

  1. Create 1-2 Gradebook items. Stick with grading by points for this first round of testing.
  2. Verify whether the graded item(s) you created is/are visible in Gradebook.

Student View

  1. Log in with one of the sakaistu accounts assigned to your course. As a student, you can see and verify the following:
    1. Student can view all assignments - graded or ungraded
    2. Student can view forum and topic
    3. Student can see correct number of graded tasks in Gradebook
    4. Student can see quiz in Tests & Quizzes
  2. If possible, ask another QA tester to verify their view of your site before adding or changing any content.
  3. As a student, complete some or all of the graded tasks in your course.
  4. If possible, ask another QA tester to complete some or all of the graded tasks in your course.

Instructor Grading

  1. Log into the course as the instructor. Grade at least one assignment, topic message, gradebook item, and quiz.
  2. Log in as a student and view your grades in Gradebook. Verify that the grades are as the instructor specified.
  3. Log in as yourself (student) in a fellow QAer's site if requested, to assist with testing.
  4. Report any issues discovered in completing this Gradebook integration process.


As of 7/24/07, there are 57 open issues listed in Foundation Jira for Resources versions: 2.4.0, 2.4.x, and post-2.4. Five of these jiras are listed as critical.

We need to determine if the pending patch for Smartsite 2.4.x will introduce new problems which users would consider critical. Prior to looking at the Foundation list, we need to complete our own round of testing.

The test plan is to run through whatever test IDs apply for using Resources in My Workspace, in a course site, and in a project site; identify any issues with this version of Resources, paying special attention to confirming that bug SAK-826: Resources is not respecting Notification settings and is sending email to all participants re all content change! is resolved.

Time frame

Test server URL

July 23 to July 31


August 1 to August 10



Test Steps

  1. Log into the current test server (noted in table above) and access Resources in your My Workspace site. Run through any test IDs in QA_Resources.xls that apply (some public or sharing items may not be relevant.)
  2. Log into the current test server and access Resources in a course site as an instructor. Run through any test IDs in
    QA_Resources.xls that apply.
  3. Log into the current test server and access Resources in a project site using a maintain role. Run through any test IDs in QA_Resources.xls that apply.