SmartSite Troubleshooting Guide
SmartSite Troubleshooting Guide
This is the Sakai a.k.a SmartSite troubleshooting guide. If you need more information please contact Thomas Amsler tpamsler@ucdavis.edu
Need To Start Sakai
- Become the sakai user
- sudo su - sakai
if you are not in the sudo list but have root access use: "su - sakai"
- Make sure that sakai is not running. If it is running follow the steps in section Need To Stop Sakai
- Now we can start sakai
- cd /ucd/opt/sakai/bin
- ./start.sh ; tail -f /ucd/pkg/apache-tomcat/logs/catalina.out
- This will start sakai and output the log file in the current shell. It usually takes anywhere from 40 seconds up to a couple of minutes to fully start sakai.
Need To Stop Sakai
- Become the sakai user
- sudo su - sakai
if you are not in the sudo list but have root access use: "su - sakai"
- First, check the process list if it is running by executing:
- ps ax | grep java | grep /ucd/pkg/apache-tomcat
- Then to stop it execute:
- cd /ucd/opt/sakai/bin
- ./stop.sh
- Check again if it is still running. Sometimes, it does not stop with the above command. If it's still running, execute:
- kill -9 PID
- or:
- killall -9 java
- kill -9 PID
, multiple selections available,