Associated Jira's from R52096 to R57934
Associated Jira's from R52096 to R57934
Module Name: access
- none
Module Name: alias
- none
Module Name: announcement
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-14080 The sort order of listed Groups in Announcements is inconsistent with that in other tools.
- SAK-14022 delete.any & delete.own does not work for access users, if revise.any & revise.own permissions are not enabled respectively
- SAK-14021 The update and cancel button disappears, if the "add" permission is removed.
- SAK-13850 When the announcements are viewed by group, they cannot be deleted
- SAK-13276 announcement / delayed email notification does not work
- SAK-11457 Comment out or remove annc.schInv.notify event
- SAK-12406 announcements / specify dates not sticking after adding attachment
- SAK-9116 Not fully i18n
- SAK-6753 Sorting 'By Group' does not work in Announcements
- SAK-2928 Sites with more than 10 Announcements do not display properly (sort order is wrong, sorts wrong group of announcements)
- SAK-13434 NPE when building menu
- SAK-14790 (Announcements) EntityTransferrer copies entities to "Current Context" instead of "destination context"
- SAK-14376 announcement notification should include URL of site not base Sakai URL
- SAK-13512 Setting Specify Dates in Announcement results in no reply address as Sender instead of sender's name and email address
- SAK-14000 NullPointerException when updating or merging
- SAK-6755 Unable to view announcements "by group" when certain announcements are merged from course site.
- SAK-11931 Error displays for permissions in MOTD.
- SAK-13110 Display Options "List view with announcement body" doesn't work
- SAK-3807 Revising announcement changes list sort order
- SAK-4244 public view options should be consistant between tools
- SAK-13474 Increase length of announcement channel to 255 chars
Module Name: archive
- none
Module Name: assignment
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-14409 problem with asn.all.group in grading view
- SAK-13061 Inconsistent date strings in ASSIGNMENT_SUBMISSION
- SAK-14028 Assignment confirmation mail contains HTML in plain text section
- SAK-12728 Incorrect internationalization of the texts in Grade Scale
- SAK-14836 : ?
- SAK-14549 Null pointers involved with ContentReviewService
- SAK-14514 NPE from assignement submissionin
- SAK-13943 Update Portuguese translation
- SAK-14595 Assignment returns a 404 when exporting grades as xls
- SAK-13612 String "Points" is not localizable in viewing the detail of assignment
- SAK-12644 deleting assignments causes error when remaining number < "Show X items"
- SAK-12353 Assignments does not transmit changed max point value to Gradebook
- SAK-14443 Checkmarked assignments cannot be unchecked
- SAK-14123 Too strong truncation of assignment title
- SAK-13552 NPE in check for content review under some configurations
- SAK-14501 assignments / unchecked assignment grade is blank when returned to student.
- SAK-15038 Assignments > Grade Scale > Points
- SAK-15285 Wrong Portuguese translation indicates a different action
- SAK-15007 Possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in BaseAssignmentService
- SAK-15284 In Assignment List, the sort order in the "For" column is defective
- SAK-14505 Non-electronic submissions should not be auto-created
Module Name: authz
- SAK-12149 code casts to service impl
- SAK-14345 The string "Should this role be limited to the group provider only?" should be localizable
- SAK-12998 Potential NPE and minor cleanup (static code review)
Module Name: blog
Module Name: calendar
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-14836 : ?
- SAK-13943 Update Portuguese translation
- SAK-14792 (Calendar) EntityTransferrer copies entities to "Current Context" instead of "destination context"
- SAK-12675 NPE from EventSummary.setAttachments
- SAK-13482 Date not localized when listing day events
- SAK-14263 Bottom button bar misses 'Goto Today' button
- SAK-12409 Inconsistent use of colons next to form fields
- SAK-10974 Calendar summary on My Workspace renders incorrect date for Events
- SAK-544 Schedule printing to PDF mangles international characters
- SAK-12851 Hide description field for events without description
- SAK-13206 Event description is not formatted as HTML
- SAK-15310 NPE parsing preferences
- SAK-13050 Unparseable date error in selectDate within CalendarBean
- SAK-15404 Alert message for failure to choose a group when adding a schedule item is inconsistent with the alert generated by other tools
Module Name: chat
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-13925 : ?
- SAK-14150 ChatDelivery doesn't ecape names or messages for javascript
- SAK-13001 Generic Jira: Comparing String against an object reference 21 times in Sakai code base (static code Review)
- SAK-12445 Error deleting chat message
- SAK-14754 Error from double-click on Delete button on Delete message confirmation page
- SAK-13836 Multi-Paragraph messages are not posted
- SAK-13507 chat mangles usernames in presence list
- SAK-14471 CPU pegged up with Chat
- SAK-14756 Some chat messages are unpostable
- SAK-12891 Add Message button in Chat does not work for Safari
- SAK-3998 add class/id hooks to sakai jsf widgets
- SAK-14777 Unwanted horizontal scrollbar in IE7 when vertical scrollbar appears
- SAK-14835 : ?
- SAK-14566 NPE when accessing channel title
- SAK-14567 NPE when accessing chat message date.
Module Name: citations
- SAK-10837 Upgrade jQuery in citations by pointing to new jQuery.js
- SAK-14673 Sometimes clicking "search" doesn't do anything
Module Name: cluster
- none
Module Name: component
Module Name: content
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-13913 : ?
- SAK-14836 : ?
- SAK-11722 UTF-8 database check says a US7ASCII database is OK
- SAK-13943 Update Portuguese translation
- SAK-14251 Hard-coded 'or a' phrase in file picker attachment helper
- SAK-3804 Long URLs do not wrap, creating horizontal scrollbar in Resources
- SAK-15021 : ?
- SAK-12533 Pipe warning
- SAK-11668 Accessibility: Incorrect table summary in Resources
- SAK-15507 : ?
- SAK-15474 some mime types missing icons in resources
- SAK-15619 CLONE -Add content types for OpenOffice docs
- SAK-15626 CLONE -Add MIME types for MS OOXML formats (docx, etc.)
- SAK-15623 Add content type for gzip
- SAK-15621 Add content type for Ogg Vorbis media
- SAK-15635 Missing Mime Tyes
- SAK-15633 Missing content type: application/excel
Module Name: content-review
- none
Module Name: courier
Module Name: course-management
- none
Module Name: dav
- none
Module Name: db
- SAK-13070 Static Code Review: Inconsistent synchronization of org.apache.commons.dbcp.SakaiBasicDataSource.m_rollbackOnReturn; locked 50% of time
- SAK-13028 DB NPE
Module Name: discussion
- none
Module Name: email
- SAK-14258 From header not decoded by Mail Archive tool
- SAK-15136 JVM threads locks on SMTP server unavailability
Module Name: entity
Module Name: entitybroker
- none
Module Name: event
- none
Module Name: gradebook
- SAK-13554 Gradebook Setup confirmation message doesn't need to "congratulate"
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-13672 Ambiguous getter for "category" property of Assignment domain class
- SAK-13943 Update Portuguese translation
- SAK-13029 Gradebook NPE
- SAK-13224 Gradebook Service pom.xml missing a <groupId>
- SAK-15515 Course Grades page scalability
- SAK-13829 Stack trace for weighted gradebooks
- SAK-13558 Error when assigning Gradebook item to Category in Category w/ Weighting in 2.5.x branch
- SAK-15514 Fix ClassCastException and re-enable Gradebook tests on 2.5.x
- SAK-14833 "Import Grades" feature allows user to create a gradebook item worth any point value
- SAK-12940 Excessive logging
- SAK-6566 Less verbose logging
Module Name: help
Module Name: jcr
- none
Module Name: jobscheduler
- none
Module Name: jsf
- SAK-14188 Orphaned pager_*.propertie should be removed (clarify fr_FR locale)
- SAK-3998 add class/id hooks to sakai jsf widgets
- SAK-14897 branch to test melete/resources integration
Module Name: linktool
- SAK-15010 : ?
Module Name: login
Module Name: mailarchive
Module Name: mailtool
Module Name: master
- none
Module Name: memory
- none
Module Name: message
- SAK-14407 'annc.new' event is logged to SAKAI_EVENT when Announcements tool is added to a site
- SAK-11565 MOTD tool does not respect availability dates
- SAK-13032 Message - NPE
Module Name: metaobj
Module Name: msgcntr
- SAK-13488 Incorrect string for messages in swedish translation
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-13780 : ?
- SAK-14382 Include sender's campus e-mail address on "From" line
- SAK-12847 unexpected end of subtree in Hibernate query for synoptic forums & messages
- SAK-12685 forums / forum topics are accessible via "Next Topic" link when they shouldn't be
- SAK-11514 Multiple paths to ppt.gif are incorrect
- SAK-14730 Error in Dutch translation causes 404 in msgcntr
- SAK-14073 Forums - Canceling Changes in "Template Settings" Still Saves Them
- SAK-13885 Re-evaluate insertion of Permission Levels upon startup for clustered environment
- SAK-15451 Forums attachments are not accessible to participants in a new site after duplicate or wsetup import
- SAK-14707 Users can get FAIL response instead of Forums page
- SAK-13735 Forums allows assigning grade which is greater than maximum value with no warning
Module Name: osp
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-14769 Forms in a Matrix cell are unordered
- SAK-14096 Name of matrix not modifiable after matrix is published
- SAK-13349 UTF-8 problems with Glossary in the seperate window
- SAK-13304 Audience Selection page mixes jstl and jsf tags
- SAK-14162 Share screen for Portfolios should list only containing site's roles
- SAK-13918 Custom skinning is overridden by some eport classes
- SAK-13825 Select Evaluators link has extra whitespace
- SAK-14601 Missing keys in tooltip ("hideshowdesc_toggle_hide" and "hideshowdesc_toggle_show")
- SAK-13437 OSP crash when tryng to login & re-display ePortfolio
Module Name: podcasts
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-10756 Podcasts tool throws resource ID error but allows behavior anyway
Module Name: polls
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-13561 no translation of some strings
- SAK-13079 .anon role gives EL path error on setting permissions
- SAK-13034 Polls - NPE
Module Name: portal
- SAK-14234 Authorization headers should be omitted from bug reports
- SAK-13437 OSP crash when tryng to login & re-display ePortfolio
- SAK-13469 Portal - NPE
Module Name: postem
Module Name: presence
- none
Module Name: presentation
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-10160 Presentation tool should be called "Presentations" for consistency
Module Name: privacy
- none
Module Name: profile
- SAK-14375 Update British Localization for Sakai 2.5
- SAK-13957 email field in Profile tool is misaligned
- SAK-3151 My Profile - change wording of pull-down menu shown in search results
Module Name: providers
- SAK-14632 NPE when JLDAP provider gets attribute which wasn't requested
- SAK-14436 KerberosUserDirectoryProvider uses sun.misc.BASE64Encoder
Module Name: reference
- SAK-14014 relogin page doesnt style textfields same as when logged in
- SAK-14140 Tool Icons: Sites, New Account, Home, Welcome
- SAK-14008 Added version.service and version.sakai to reference sakai.properties
- SAK-10194 Sections based on pools are not showing the pool name
- SAK-13474 Increase length of announcement channel to 255 chars
- SAK-14482 Mercury site has old assignments tool
- SAK-15680 Remove obsolete /Docbook folder and contents from reference project
- SAK-15691 Create release-mgmt project and move /reference/releaseweb to it.
- SAK-15679 Add 2.5.4 sql conversion scripts
Module Name: reports
- SAK-10429 Fix compound messages in resource bundle
- SAK-13903 Report conversion misses some beans
- SAK-12647 User Storage Details Report crashes when the db is case sensitive
- SAK-13936 Syllabus help manual displayed for help manual of reports
Module Name: reset-pass
- SAK-14369 Provide fr_FR locale for Reset Password
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-15524 Apostrophe disappears from mainText L10n value when displayed
Module Name: rights
- none
Module Name: roster
- SAK-14375 Update British Localization for Sakai 2.5
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-13943 Update Portuguese translation
Module Name: rwiki
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-7430 Improve default Home Page for RWiki
- SAK-8663 Incorporate Right To Left text into Wiki CSS
- SAK-14492 Width not adjusted for pages with large images
- SAK-14327 Expand the UI text concerning the behavior of "minor change"
- SAK-14298 Minor Change checkbox is ignored
- SAK-12452 Error page when instructor disables the Edit function in Info page when student is online and in the same page with instructor
Module Name: sakai-mock
- none
Module Name: sam
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-14693 FireFox 3.0.1 with In-Line Rendering of .mov or .swf quiz content: plug-ins not recognized - same content recognized by same browser & system when served from Sakai Resources.
- SAK-13930 : ?
- SAK-13545 Missing confirm screen after Submit for Grading (reopened)
- SAK-12096 Time counter and progressBar desynchronization on Timed Assessments
- SAK-13125 Timer does not display correct time in browsers (IE7 and Safari) when Popup reminder, "5 minutes", is displayed
- SAK-12576 Secondary sort order should be firstname in questions page
- SAK-14898 Delete Samigo stand-alone build readme file (README.STANDALONE.txt)
- SAK-14874 Grades are not sent to Gradebook when the assessment is submitted by SubmitTimedAssessmentThread
- SAK-13190 Order of options of a multiple choice questions is different for student and faculty
- SAK-9633 When you export an assessment with a survey question, it is not exported in the preferences language.
- SAK-13166 When creating a new part, the part title should be a mandatory field
- SAK-13991 When an assignment is removed, we should be able to reuse its title
- SAK-14294 Email sent to wrong student if more than one students' Email links in grading pages
- SAK-13496 attempt to copy questions into pool with no pools needs error message
- SAK-12796 Typo on assessment types page
- SAK-13048 When clicking Cancel on "Retract Now" page, should return to "Settings" page.
- SAK-13985 Qestion is not inserted to the correct position
- SAK-14271 Feature Request: Disable Save for Later button for Timed Assignment
- SAK-14218 Out of date ReadMe file
- SAK-9189 "Processing..." text is not i18n
- SAK-11878 When time is up, ItemGrading records do not get created if users navigate out from a timed assessment
- SAK-13618 sam/conf/opt/sa_forms/java/dev/org/sakaiproject/security/sam/samigo.xml not xml file
- SAK-12144 Question numbers wrap across lines
- SAK-14239 Double-clicks on assessment title on student index page can cause bug reports
- SAK-14585 Question pool performance issue
- SAK-14554 In assessment settings page, if the assessment is released to anonymous, the value of "Gradebook Options" should be set to "None"
- SAK-14511 Deleted assessment still accessible via its URL
- SAK-12098 Updating Total Score page submits the un-submitted assessment (the forGrade becomes true)
- SAK-13223 In file upload questions, if the uploaded file name exists, we should version the name
- SAK-13217 Some Samigo test scores don't make it to the Gradebook
- SAK-12907 Removing a published Quiz where grades has been send to gradebook does not remove gb entry
- SAK-12437 Attachments don't get rendered if the site id contains a '+'
- SAK-12141 Answer rationales are not exported
- SAK-11894 clicking buttons in Settings in Samigo closes everything
- SAK-15302 Question Pools: Add New Pool does not create pool
- SAK-15576 tests & quizzes-file upload question - uploaded file (jpg) is not viewable after submission
- SAK-12733 Samigo (Tests & Quizzes) is not correctly internationalized (needs ResourceLoader)
- SAK-15482 unable to re-name existing question pool
- SAK-14534 Feedback on Submission shows points in TOC
- SAK-14513 Obsolete unused files
- SAK-12944 Two incorrect if statements within a grading service Static code review
- SAK-14296 Preview Assessments should work all the time
- SAK-14151 NPE in ItemAuthorBean
- SAK-14144 Correct the copyright content in XMLController.java
- SAK-14344 Remove reference to commons-resources jar
- SAK-13161 Clean up unused jsp files under question pool module
- SAK-12840 In Samigo, Randomize setting for MCQ options are not exported.
Module Name: samples
- none
Module Name: search
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-12862 Unit tests fail for MergeUpdateOperationTest
- SAK-13369 Links in RSS feeds are not fully qualified
- SAK-13246 Enable Search to index file names of Resources
- SAK-14174 Deleted items not removed from shared index
- SAK-15349 Update pdfbox to 0.7.3
Module Name: sections
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-12241 Editing section name doesn't update section description
- SAK-13214 Sections-app pom.xml <testiNcludes> element should be <testIncludes>
Module Name: site
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-12152 code casts to service impl
- SAK-12441 Remove line break from site info iframe
- SAK-14482 Mercury site has old assignments tool
Module Name: site-manage
FOR REFERENCE ONLY: these changes were not automatically applied
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-12476 Setting a group title longer than 99 chars causes an error
- SAK-12497 Redundant wording in instructions
- SAK-14836 : ?
- SAK-12532 Better log message when no setup.request from site setup.
- SAK-12693 potentialy deceptive alert: Site exists
- SAK-8250 Site Info allows site title to be greater than 20 characters
- SAK-13132 Performance problems in site info saving updates to sites with many groups
- SAK-14082 renaming a tool causes the order to change incorrectly
- SAK-11625 Editing page leaves first sortbale item 'selected' for key board use but doesn't deselect when the mouse is used.
- SAK-12898 Cannot use '&' (ampersand) in page order tool rename facility
- SAK-14690 : ?
- SAK-15671 page order resets pages to the bottom if they are left in edit mode when the order is saved
- SAK-12500 More redundant wording
- SAK-14723 Secondary sort order should be alphabetical by name column in Site Info when sorting by other column
- SAK-13254 Worksite Setup should log any exceptions that result in user alerts
Module Name: syllabus
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-12177 Wrong view state of syllabus
- SAK-12585 Odd log line from Syllabus
- SAK-4244 public view options should be consistant between tools
Module Name: test-harness
- none
Module Name: textarea
- none
Module Name: tool
- SAK-14949 : ?
Module Name: user
- SAK-14375 Update British Localization for Sakai 2.5
- SAK-7620 Improve exception error messages when authentication fails.
Module Name: util
Module Name: usermembership
Module Name: velocity
Module Name: warehouse
- none
Module Name: web
- SAK-13538 Translations reduce available help text
- SAK-11941 Web Content Tool Lacks Refresh Button
- SAK-12110 Web Service (Web Content) Fails import with NPE
- SAK-8279 Certain locations cause NPE in IFrameAction.doMacroExpansion
- SAK-15009 : ?
Module Name: webservices
, multiple selections available,