IT Times

IT Times

Roger & Corey,

Here are the deadlines for summer if we use the same timeline as the latest few issues. Tell me if anything looks wrong, but I think we'll be OK with this schedule?partly because we've already got about half of the issue figured out.

My hunch is the challenge this time will be getting the responses for the profiles, and assembling the menu of services?deciding what to put in the menu, how to describe it, and how to design it.

I've also put a copy in the ITT summer 2007 folder in the IT Times folder on the shared drive,


Summer 2007 IT Times deadlines

March 29 - Email IET communicators to solicit spring story ideas, announcements

(holiday Friday, March 30)

April 3 - draw up story list

April 4 - assign stories

April 11 - assign photos, graphic illustrations

April 25 - first drafts of stories due end of day

April 26,27 - edit first drafts, return w/comments to writers

April 30 - start roughing out design with designer

May 2 - second drafts of stories due end of day

May 3,4 - edit second drafts, return w/comments to writers as needed

May 4 - graphics/illustrations due

May 10 - third drafts due, as needed

May 11,14 - final text edits

May 15 - Material to designer, start of day

May 15-21 - Edition gets designed

May 22 - (Tuesday) final on-page edits, finished by 2 p.m.

May 22 - (Tuesday) send to reviewers by 3 p.m.

May 24 - (Thursday) due back from reviewers by end of day

May 25 - (Friday) Final changes finished; proofreading starts

(holiday Monday, May 28)

May 29 - (Tuesday) proofreading finishes by 1 p.m.

May 29 - (Tuesday) To Repro Graphics by 4 p.m.

June 1 - (Friday) to bulk mail

Week of June 4 - arrives in campus mailboxes

3/14 Meeting w/RA&BB: SmartSite Features for June issue.

Circulation Date: June 1-7th
Print Date: May 29th
BB will provide rest of timeline based on what occured last year.

Story List:

  1. Overview of Where we are at with SmartSite.
  2. Menu/Table of Contents of available tools.
  3. Call to action: Where to go for more info/training.
  4. 15-20 Faculty profiles with pictures.
    Suggested Questions for an email/survey of current users:
    When did you start using SmartSite?
    What do you like about SmartSite?
    What advice do you have to new users?
    How do you see yourself using SmartSite in two years?
  5. Staff Use SmartSite Too (General Staff Article)
  6. TRC Teaching Evaluation Story/Book Project (Specific Staff uses)