Website Export Screen shots
Website Export Screen shots
1. The user chooses the Website Builder link under their MyUCDavis MyClasses menu options.
2. The user selects the term and course whose content they wish to export.
3. The user chooses the Copy/Export Site link on their Website Builder menu.
4. The user clicks the Export button beneath the Export Instructions text.
5. An interface listing all Course Websited Resources is presented.
- A checkbox will appear next to each exportable element, allowing it to be added to the export.
- Each unexportable quiz will be listed, along with the reason.
- A select/deselect all link will be available.
6. After selecting resources, the user clicks on the "Export to Zip File" Link.
- The user will be prompted to choose a download location for the file.
Note: the zip file name is resources_subjectcode_coursenumber.zip
Note: these examples are specific to Windows XP, Firefox {}
7. The user unzips the file to a folder on disk.
- The course_links.html file contains all the links for this user's course. There is currently no method for importing the links as individual links in Resources. All links are listed; if they are contained in a hierarchy of folders, the links are listed under their folder name.
- The HTML page displays the URL as text and then the active link with the name the user assigned in MyUCDavis.
9. The user connects to their course resource site via webdav.
- This may require the user to initial log into the web interface for sakai to read the directions on webdav and setup the webdav connection.
10. The user copies the extracted folder contents to the mapped webdav directory.
, multiple selections available,