Smartsite-NG special instructions

Smartsite-NG special instructions

When staging a release, one needs to follow these instructions to build/setup properties:

  1. ~/config-staging/tomcatclean.sh

  2. cd ~/src

  3. svn co https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sakai/tags/sakai_2-5-x-prod-XYZ

  4. cd sakai_2-5-x-prod-XYZ

  5. Uncomment SAK-1607 line in patches/patch-list.txt
  6. patches/scripts/apply-patches.pl

  7. mvn clean install sakai:deploy -P with-jsmath

  • Next step is to deploy the sakai.properties tag in the staging area
  1. cd $HOME/config-staging

  2. svn export https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sakai-properties/tags/sakai-properties-2-5-x-prod-XYZ/sakai.properties sakai.properties.XYZ 

    diff sakai.properties.XYZ sakai.properties 

  4. Hand merge to sakai.properties any of the above differences that are not URL related. If there is a URL difference, the URL should remain smartsite-ng, but anything else in there should change.
  5. Make sure smtp.rewrite.outbound=true and smtp.rewrite.address=smartsiteng@gmail.com are present in the sakai.properties file.