Delivery Workflow

Delivery Workflow

Delivery Workflow

Taking an assessment

When a student opens the Samigo Tests & Quizzes tool, he will be presented with a list of assessments that he can take, as well as a list of the assessments he has already submitted.

By clicking on one of the available assessments, he will be presented with an opportunity to begin testing, and a screen displaying some relevant information about this assessment that might be useful to know, for example, whether there's a time limit or not.

If he then clicks Begin Assessment, the next screen shown will be the assessment itself. This can be organized into one question per screen, or displayed by parts, or else displayed as a single page.

The student can then answer all the questions and click the button labelled Submit for Grading.

That's the basic workflow.

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Glossary of Terms

authoring: the category of actions involved in creating assessments
assessment: in Samigo, a generic term for test, quiz, survey, etc.
assessment type: a grouping of characteristics that can then be applied to an assessment, so that each assessment is initially created with a particular assessment type, for example, a timed quiz, which has the characteristic that
delivery: the category of actions involved in administering an assessment to a group of students or other users
importing, exporting: the category of actions involved in loading external assessments into SmartSite, or outputing them from SmartSite in some format that external systems will be able to use
reporting: the category of actions involved in collecting statistics on assessments that have been delivered