CGM Data Organization
The Center for Geotechnical Modeling follows the three tenets of information security as closely as possible. These three tenets make up the acronym CIA: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Security. Our data is only accessible to authorized individuals; our data can be trusted to be unmodified from when it is generated by research and tests; and we prioritize the quick retrieval of this data when it is needed by said authorized individuals.
Data is generated by various software installed on a few select computers. These include computers in the Schaevitz lab and the Control room. Before being stored in, all important test data on these machines back up to the computer “CGMTransfer” (, located in the server room, via a program called FreeFileSync. This step is required because the computers the data is created on are located behind a firewall to protect them from outside connections. From CGMTransfer, the data is uploaded to on the CGM Data Box account using the same file transfer program.
Computers that have the CGMTransfer drive mapped to them will show something similar to the following image in file explorer:
The highlighted folder is the CGMTransfer network location, which is where any data you want backed up to Box should go. In the Data subfolder, there will be more folders titled “NGCMON”, “Resdaq-main”, and “Schaevitz”, which each in turn have their own subfolders titled “data”, “magic”, and “rawdata”. Depending on which computer you are working on, you will choose the appropriate folder. Do not touch the “data” folder – this is just for the automated data transfer process. If you wish to back up files separate from the automatic backup, please use the “magic” folder.
The following image shows the available folders to back up to in
As you can see, the folders in the shared CGMTransfer drive correspond to folders in Box.