How to Live Stream Data via YouTube
Do not physically touch the Epiphan Broadcaster, the device is ready to stream. Before any Live stream please verify the settings on the Broadcaster.
To log into the Broadcaster, use any computer connected to the internal CGM Admin network. You can plug in your own laptop with the blue Ethernet cable on the table in the conference room or use the computer hooked up to the large TV, for example.
Open up a web browser, i.e. Google, Firefox etc. Go to
User name “admin” no password.
Do not make any changes! Please just verify that the Publish Stream window shows the following information:
Publish: using RTMP Push
Port: 1935
Mount point: live2/s6ch-yb7w-62zc-e6mb-5bsq
Username: admin
The password field is blank.
In another window, open up YouTube. Log into YouTube using the account. Please see Dan for assistance with logging into the YouTube account.
Once you are logged into the YouTube Geotechnical Modeling Channel, on the upper right-hand corner click on the movie camera icon, then click “Go live”.
You should see a preview of your stream on the left. If it looks good, click the green “Start Stream” button on the upper-right corner of the page. It will change to a red “End Stream” button.
If you do NOT see a preview of your stream, navigate back to the VGADVI Broadcaster window and click “Apply”. This should automatically start your stream after a moment.
To share your stream to others, click the arrow to the left of the red “End Stream” button, copy the link, and send it to whoever wishes to view the stream.
Once you are done with the live stream, please make sure to stop the stream. Press the red “End Stream” button in the YouTube window. Log out of the Geotechnical Modeling channel. This will conclude your broadcast.