
Animation and Modeling


The academic community is absolutely poised for an explosion in the application of 3D modeling and animation services. Developments in the entertainment and game industry lead the way to available and affordable tools and applications to illustrate (clarify) and animate (bring to life) concepts, mechanisms, procedures and processes that are difficult to visualize, as well as, performing, operating, building, testing, training or practicing movements and skills in a virtual environment without the risk and expense of doing the same in a real world environment. Creating these kinds of visual images and sequences is a logical and compelling application in the development of learning materials. Actual examples range from a virtual fashion show, to celluar conjugation, from simulations to historical recreation of architecture.

Mediaworks is in a unique position to create learning materials using 3D applications like Maya because our staff consists of experts in programming, illustration, video, photography and graphic arts. Our experience is a natural match for development using Maya software because Maya experts usually have prior experience in these different disciplines. Maya is an application with several different specialties including MEL (Maya Embedded Language), rendering, modeling, texturing, dynamics and animation using traditional keyframe, procedural, expression-driven and non-linear methods.

The overall strategy, over the next few years, is to increase the awareness of our capabilites on campus and within the academic departments, develop early partnerships and eventually establish ourselves as a comprehensive resource for custom creative development, consultation, and instruction.

For a detailed plan, see the attached document, "AnimationStrategyPlan.xls", and refer to the Business Plan and Marketing Plan.