RTE 1.3.3 readme

Sharable Content Object Reference Model
(SCORM ?) 2004
Sample Run-Time Environment Version 1.3.3
Please direct all questions regarding the Sample Run-Time Environment (RTE) Version 1.3.3 to the ADL Help & Info Center, located at ADLNet.org.

Table of Contents
I. Revisions
II. Introduction
III. Installation Instructions
IV. Running the Sample RTE
V. Design Information
VI. Additional Information

I. Revisions
Changes from Sample RTE Version 1.3.2 to Version 1.3.3

1. The Sample RTE has been updated to set an error code to 351 when a SetValue(parameter_1, parameter_2) is made and parameter_1 is not specified (parameter_1 is equal to an empty characterstring).
2. The following changes have been made to the Table of Contents. The Sample RTE has been updated to perform the following tasks:

  • Handle cases in which disabled activities are included in the activity tree and a Table of Contents is displayed.
  • Create the appropriate Table of Contents when Constrained Choice is specified in the Manifest.
  • Display a Table of Contents, if appropriate, when the root of the Activity Tree has a "choice exit == false" attribute.
  • Promote the descendant of an activity that is "hidden from choice" one level in the Table of Contents.
    3. The Sample RTE has been modified so file input/output errors generated in cases where navigation events are set after Terminate are now caught. In these cases, the learner session has ended and the appropriate message is displayed.
    4. The Sample RTE has been modified so that invisible activities can be valid targets of choice navigation requests if they are in a choice cluster and would otherwise be valid choice targets.
    5. The Sample RTE has been modified to display a validation error whenever a Content Package is imported that has a leading forward slash ("/") in an href value or xml:base value, as well as when an xml:base value does not end in a forward slash ("/").
    6. The Sample RTE has been modified to display a validation error whenever a Content Package is imported and any URL (href or xml:base) contains a backward slash ("\") instead of a forward slash ("/").
    7. The Sample RTE has been modified to allow the <adlnav:presentation> element on an item referencing an asset.
    8. The Sample RTE has been modified to correct an error that was occurring when a LangString value was being set to "scn". Setting an attribute/element to this value will no longer result in an error.
    9. The Sample RTE has been modified to allow the evaluation of status information on non-tracked clusters.
    10. The Sample RTE has been updated to enforce during the import process, in all cases, that the objective identifiers for the <primaryObjective> element and all secondary <objective> elements for an activity are unique.
    11. The Sample RTE has been updated to accurately detect during the import process, the xsi:schemaLocation attribute when a prefix qualifier is being used on the element that contains the xsi:schemaLocation attribute.
    12. The Sample RTE has been updated to only subject XML elements and attributes that are defined in the namespaces recognized by ADL to additional SCORM Application Profile checks. This process happens during the importing of courses, if the validation option is selected. In past versions, these elements and attributes may have been subjected to unnecessary testing that could have caused courses to not import into the Sample RTE.
    13. The Sample RTE has been updated to properly handle the xsi:schemaLocation and the valid locations of this attribute. This process happens during the importing of courses, if the validation option is selected. In past versions, the Sample RTE expected this attribute to only exist at the root of the XML instance. This attribute is permitted to exist throughout an XML instance. This may have caused courses to not import into the Sample RTE.
    14. The Sample RTE has been updated to no longer display a course in the "Manage Courses" option after the course has been deleted using the "Delete Course" functionality.

Changes from Sample RTE Version 1.3.1 to Version 1.3.2

1. The Sample RTE Installation File was updated to allow several versions of 1.3.x software to be installed concurrently. In other words, the Sample RTE Version 1.3.1 will not be updated to the Sample RTE Version 1.3.2 as part of the installation process.
2. Initialization of the cmi.comments_from_lms.n.comment element was updated to allow for 4000 characters.
3. Several enhancements to increase platform neutrality were added to the Sample RTE JSP pages. Changes include but are not limited to using the File.Separator instead of hard coded path separators.
4. A change to the SCORM 2004 impacts the SPM value for data model elements. The SPM was previously noted at 4096 instead of 4000 within the SCORM 2004 documentation. The change reflected in Sample Run-Time Environment sets the SPM of those data model elements at 4000.
5. The Sample RTE handling of the cmi.session_time and cmi.total_ time was incorrect. The bug was addressed and is corrected within the released version Sample RTE 1.3.2.
6. The Sample RTE import function is more robust and will prompt the user if the extension of the file is not a required .zip file.
7. The incorrect handling of the persisted cmi.exit data model element is corrected in the SRTE 1.3.2.
8. The interaction type "sequencing" incorrectly allowed a set of empty strings. The "sequencing" type is an array of short_ identifier_types, which cannot contain an empty string and is corrected in the SRTE Version 1.3.2.
9. The SRTE no longer accepts a string length greater than 8 characters for a langstring subcode. Attempting to set a langstring subcode to a value greater than 8 characters will result in a return error code of "406".
Example: A call to SetValue("cmi.learner_preference.language", "en-us-Philadelphia") shall return false and issue an error code of 406.
10. The MIME type for Microsoft Power Point has been added to the Apache Tomcat server to support content written in Power Point.
11. The SRTE's Table of Contents has been enhanced to collapse the tree or promote branches of a tree where the parent is hidden, disabled, etc. This will prevent errors due to the "hole" in the tree.

Changes from Sample RTE Version 1.3 to Version 1.3.1

1. Functionality was added to allow administrators to initialize the cmi.comments_from_lms data model element from within the Sample RTE's interface.
2. Functionality was added to allow administrators to edit the user preference information for any user, and individual users to edit their own user information. This user information will be used to set the cmi.learner_preference data model elements.
3. Functionality was added to allow users to view their status in courses in which they are registered. The status information displayed reflects the tracking information that is currently stored in the activity tree for that user/course registration.
4. The Sample RTE Data Model implementation was modified to conform to the IEEE P1484.11.1 Data Model for Content Object Communication Draft Standard.

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II. Introduction

Welcome to the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) SCORM Version 2004 Sample Run-time Environment (RTE) Version 1.3.3. This Sample RTE is intended to provide an example implementation of the concepts described in the SCORM. Specifically, this sample was developed in order to provide an example of the SCORM Run-time Environment (API and Data Model) and SCORM Sequencing and Navigation as they might be applied in an LMS environment. Robust exception and error handling has not been included in this sample code.

Even though there are a number of valid Web-enabled SCORM implementations, this version of the Sample RTE was implemented as a Web-based client/server application using HTML, JavaScript, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java Applets and Java Servlets (See Section V. of this readme for additional Sample RTE design information).

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III. Installation Instructions

It is recommended that you read through this entire document prior to beginning installation.


The SCORM Sample RTE requires the Sun Java 2 Software Development Kit, Standard Edition Version 1.4.1 or above. At the time of release of this software, the latest known version of the Sun Java 2 Software Development Kit, Standard Edition is 1.5.0_02. The Sun Java 2 Software Development Kit, Standard Edition is available for download free of charge at http://java.sun.com/products/archive/


  • If you install the Sample RTE on one machine and intend to access it from another machine using Microsoft Internet Explorer, the J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed on both machines. The J2SE JRE is included in the J2SE SDK.
  • The Sample RTE requires the full J2SE SDK. The J2SE JRE alone is NOT sufficient for this software.

After installing the J2SE SDK, you must do the following:

1. Create an environment variable named "JAVA_HOME" and set its value to the root directory of the J2SE SDK.

  • For Windows 2000 and XP: Right click on "My Computer", select "Properties", select the "Advanced" tab and then click on "Environment Variables". Add a JAVA_HOME entry in the User or System Variables that points to the location where the J2SE SDK was installed (i.e. C:\j2sdk1.4.2_05).
  • For Windows NT: Select Start -> Control Panel. Select System, select Environment. Add a JAVA_HOME entry in the User or System Variables that points to the location where the J2SE SDK was installed.
  • For Window 98: Open and edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and add or change the PATH statement. To do so, click Start-> Run and enter Sysedit. Add the line "SET JAVA_HOME=" ending with the path pointing to the location where the J2SE SDK was installed. This change requires a reboot to be effective.
    2. Add the full path of the J2SE SDK bin directory (where the java.exe is located) to the PATH environment variable.
  • For Windows 2000 and XP: Right click on "My Computer", select "Properties", select the "Advanced" tab and then click on "Environment Variables". Add the J2SE SDK bin directory to the Path by adding a semicolon followed by a reference to the JAVA_HOME environment variable followed by "\bin" (e.g. %JAVA_HOME%\bin).
  • For Windows NT: Select Start -> Control Panel. Select System, select Environment, and look for "Path" in the User Variables and System Variables. Add the J2SE SDK bin directory to the Path by adding a semicolon followed by the full path of the J2SE SDK bin directory (i.e. C:\j2sdk1.4.2_05\bin).
  • For Window 98: Open and edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and add or change the PATH statement. To do so, click Start-> Run and enter Sysedit. Add the full path of the J2SE SDK bin directory to the Path (i.e. C:\j2sdk1.4.2_05\bin). This change requires a reboot to be effective.


The Sample Run-Time Environment has been tested on Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (SP2) and Windows XP Professional (SP1 and SP2), both on the Intel Pentium PC platform with Internet Explorer 6.0. It was not tested with any other browsers on any other platforms.


Installation of the Sample RTE is to be done only after installing the J2SE SDK as described in the Prerequisites.

The Sample RTE is available for download as a self-extracting executable install file. Once you have completed downloading the file, perform the following steps:

1. Double-click on the downloaded self-extracting executable file to begin the installation process
2. Click the "Next" button to continue from the "Welcome" page
3. Read the "License Agreement" and

  • Click the "Yes" button to agree and continue with the install
  • Click the "No" button if you do not agree with the terms of the license and wish to exit the install
    4. The recommended root installation directory is "C:\ADL". You may choose another root installation directory, but the Sample RTE install will always append the "\Sample_RTE_1_3_3" sub-directory to the specified root installation directory. The remainder of this readme document assumes that the Sample RTE will be installed to "C:\ADL\Sample_RTE_1_3_3". This is referred to as "<drive>:\<install_directory> ". If you override the default to use a different root installation directory, please take that into consideration when reading the remainder of this readme.
    5. Click the "Next" button
    6. The install will add program icons to the Program Folder of your Start menu. You may type a new folder name, or select one from the existing list of Start Menu folders. It is recommended that you use "ADL". Then click on the "Next" button to install the Sample RTE. The installation program will copy the necessary files to the appropriate directories at this time.
    7. Your will be prompted to view a copy of this readme document.
  • Click on the "Yes" button to view the readme
  • Click on the "No" button to skip viewing the readme
    8. Click on the "Finish" button to complete the installation.

The installation will not remove/un-install the SCORM Sample Run-Time Environment Version 1.3.2.

NOTE: The jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16 Servlet Engine and Web server is pre-configured to run on port 8080.

The following actions are necessary to ensure that the Sample RTE will run properly:

  • The Microsoft Internet Explorer browser must be set to check for a new page every visit to the page. To configure the browser:
    o Open a Microsoft Internet Explorer browser
    o Click on "Tools" -> "Internet Options"
    o On the "General" tab, "temporary internet files" sub-section, click "Settings"
    o Ensure that the "Every visit to the page" radio button is selected
    o Click "OK" and then "OK" again.
  • The Java Plug-in must be configured to disable caching. To disable the Java Plug-in cache:
    o Click on the "start" menu, "Settings", and then "Control Panel"
    o Double click on the "Java Plug-in" icon
    o Select the "Cache" tab
    o Un-check the "Enable Caching" option
    o Click "Apply"
  • Ensure that the Sun Java Plug-in is selected as the default Java Environment for the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. To set the default browser Java Environment:
    o Open the "Java Plug-in" applet in the Control Panel
    o Select the "Browser" tab
    o Select the checkbox next to the browser that you are using to run the Sample RTE
    o Click "Apply"
  • If you are using Windows XP SP2 these additional actions are required:
    o Allow JavaScript to run by
    + Open a Microsoft Internet Explorer browser
    + Click on "Tools" -> "Internet Options"
    + On the "Advanced" tab, check the box that states, "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer" under the "Security" section.
    o Allow the Sample RTE to pop-up windows by either disabling pop-up blocking or exclude the Sample RTE from pop-up blocking.

This completes the installation of the Sample RTE.

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IV. Running the Sample RTE

The instructions provided are for running the Sample RTE on a Windows platform. This is the only platform that the software has been tested on and is the only platform for which instructions are provided at this time.

To Run the Sample RTE:

First, start the jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16 servlet container and web server that is provided with this installation. To do this:

  • Click on the shortcut at Start Menu -> Programs -> ADL -> Sample RTE 1.3.3 -> Startup. You will see a command prompt window appear and show several lines of textual information. This window will remain open until you stop the server
  • Next click on the Start Menu > Programs -> ADL -> Sample RTE 1.3.3> SampleRTE1.3.3. This will launch the Sample RTE Main page. The first time that you visit this page you will need to login with username: "admin", password: "admin". (Be sure that Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 is your default browser.)

Online help pages are available once the Sample RTE is started. "Help" links appear at the bottom of each page.

To stop the jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16 servlet container and web server click on the Start Menu -> Programs -> ADL -> Sample RTE 1.3.3 -> Shutdown.

To return the Sample RTE to a "clean" state, log into the Sample RTE and from the main menu choose the Clear Database option. This will remove all course files that have been imported as well as any information associated with them, and will remove all user registration information. All Global Objective information will also be removed.

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V. Design Information

The Sample RTE is composed of several distinct and separate components. These components are as follows:

1. Sample Run-time Environment Server Component: Implemented using Java Applications and Java Servlets.

2. Run-time Environment Client Component: Implemented using JSP, Java Applets, HTML, and JavaScript.

Sample Run-Time Environment Server Component

The Run-time Environment Server Component is implemented using Java Servlets and Java Applications. The Servlets respond to requests from the Run-time Environment Client Component and are responsible for Data Model persistence as well as sequencing and parsing logic. The modules that make up the Server Component are listed below:

  • ADL Validator: This module is responsible for validating the imsmanifest.xml file that is required in SCORM Content Aggregation Packages. The ADL Validator is also responsible for parsing the XML file and returning a DOM tree representation to the Sample RTE Server Component. See the JavaDoc Package, "org.adl.validators" for details.
  • Utilities: This module contains utility Java files including debug classes. See the JavaDoc Package, "org.adl.util" for details.
  • ADL Sequencer: This module is responsible for handling sequencing based on the IMS Simple Sequencing Specification and SCORM 2004 Sequencing and Navigation Version 1.3.1. It contains classes that create an initialized activity tree, maintain the activity tree throughout the sequencing process and handle all sequencing logic. See the JavaDoc Package, "org.adl.sequencer" for details.
  • Sample RTE: The Sample RTE Package is the hub of all of the Server Component packages. It contains the logic to utilize the other packages when needed. See the JavaDoc Packages,"org.adl.samplerte.server" and "org.adl.samplerte.util" for details.
  • Data Models: This package contains the classes that maintain the SCORM Run-Time Data Model and the Navigation Data Model. See the JavaDoc Package "org.adl.datamodels" for details.

Sample Run-Time Environment Client Component (Java Files)

The Run-time Environment Client Component consists of a sample user interface implemented in HTML and JavaScript and the Run-time Environment API Adapter implemented as a Java Applet. The Applet is downloaded to the client when the user accesses the Run-time Environment page through a Web browser. This Applet (ClientRTS) provides the communication to the Run-time Environment Server Component for Data Model element persistence.

See the JavaDoc Package, "org.adl.samplerte.client", for details.

Sample Run-Time Environment Client Component (Web Files) is comprised of the following modules:

  • Administrative: This module contains files that change passwords, delete courses, manage global objectives, create or delete users, delete courses and clear the Sample RTE database. The following files comprise the Administrative module. (Files are located in the "admin" folder)
    o clearDatabase.jsp
    o clearDatabaseUtil.jsp
    o commentsWin.htm
    o createObjective.jsp
    o deleteCourse.jsp
    o deleteUser.jsp
    o dsp_comments.jsp
    o dsp_commentSuccess.jsp
    o dsp_courses.jsp

o dsp_scos.jsp
o dsp_userProfile.jsp
o dsp_users.jsp
o dsp_userSuccess.jsp
o newUser.jsp
o objectivesAdmin.jsp
o processCreateObjective.jsp
o processDeleteCourse.jsp

o processDeleteUser.jsp
o processNewUser.jsp
o processObjectivesAdmin.jsp
o selectAction.jsp
o selectCourse.jsp
o selectCourseObjectives.jsp
o selectUser.jsp
o selectUserStatus.jsp
o viewStatus.jsp

  • Help: This module contains information pages on how to use the Sample RTE. The following files comprise the Help module. (Files are located in the "help" folder)
    o changeProfileHelp.htm
    o changePwdHelp.htm
    o courseRegisterHelp.htm
    o globalObjectivesHelp.htm

o importHelp.htm
o launchCourseHelp.htm
o newUserHelp.htm

  • Import: This module is responsible for managing the course import process. These files utilize the Server side Java Component to handle parsing, validation and database access. The following files comprise the Import module. (Files are located in the "import" folder)
    o confirmImport.jsp
    o importCourse.jsp
    o importUtil.jsp

o invalidImport.jsp
o LMSCourseImport.jsp

  • Includes: The Sample RTE utilizes a style sheet (*.css) that handles the interface look and feel. See sampleRTE_style.css for details. (File is located in the "includes" directory under the Sample RTE Web Root)
  • Run-Time: This module contains the files used to deliver a SCORM Conformant Content Aggregation. In addition, the SCORM API is included along with miscellaneous menu and main screens. All images used in the Sample RTE menu are located in the "menu-images" directory located in this module. The following files comprise the Run-Time module. (Files are located in the "runtime" directory)
    o menu-images (Dir)
    o adlLogo.gif
    o APIWrapper.js
    o code.jsp
    o courseComplete.jsp
    o courseRegister.jsp
    o gotoMenu.jsp
    o LMSFrame.jsp

o LMSLogin.htm
o LMSLogin.jsp
o LMSLogin2.htm
o LMSMain.htm
o LMSMenu.jsp
o LMSStart.htm
o logout.jsp
o menu_empty.htm

o mtmcode.js
o pleaseWait.jsp
o processCourseReg.jsp
o selectMyCourse.jsp
o sequencingEngine.jsp
o sequencingUtil.jsp
o tiertwo.gif
o viewCourses.jsp
o viewMyStatus.jsp

  • Special State: This module contains information pages that describe special sequencing states. It is possible that content will not be delivered as result of a sequencing request. In that event these pages inform the user about what state the sequencer is in. NOTE: These pages are included to help debug sequencing in content. There is no requirement by the SCORM that they be presented. Commercial LMSs may handle sequencing states in their own manner. The following files comprise the Special State module. (Files are located in the "specialstate" folder under the Sample RTE Web Root)
    o blocked.htm
    o error.htm
    o endsession.htm

o failedatroot.htm
o invalidevent.htm

o nothing.htm
o undefinedError.htm

VI. Additional Information

Building the Sample RTE

NOTE: It is not a requirement to build the Sample RTE. It will install as a fully operational unit.

In order to compile the Sample RTE, the full installation instructions above must be completed first. The Sample RTE build file depends on a full jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16 install, along with resources provided by the operational RTE. It is important to note that when the RTE is built, it overwrites the previously installed RTE. To move back to the original RTE, the un-install must be executed and then the self-extracting executable needs to be re-run.

The Sample RTE is built using Apache Ant, a Java-based build tool. Before building the Sample RTE, Ant must be installed. For information and downloads of Ant, see http://ant.apache.org/.
To build the Sample RTE (NOTE: Apache Ant must be installed to build the Sample RTE. See above):

  • Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where the Sample RTE is installed (Default: C:\ADL\Sample_RTE_1_3_3).
  • From this point, navigate to source\SampleRTE.
  • At the prompt type "ant"

The XML Ant build files will compile all Java class and jar files needed by the Sample RTE. In addition the files will be installed to jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16. (NOTE: For changes to take effect, the tomcat server will need to be restarted). This completes the compilation of the Sample RTE.

Source File Locations

  • All JSP, HTML, and JavaScript files are located at <Sample RTE Install Dir>\source\SampleRTE\LMSClient
  • The Sample RTE Java files are located in their respective package locations. For example the data model classes are located at "org\adl\datamodels". The root of the Java source directory is <Sample RTE Install Dir>\source\src. Here you will find the build script and the root "org" directory.

Presentation Decisions

Several decisions were made by the Sample RTE development team regarding the presentation of navigation controls. Many of these decisions were based on presenting the user with a clean, easily understandable interface. Presentation of Navigation controls may be addressed if a future version of the SCORM. Feel free to submit comments or suggestions on the Sample RTE presentation decisions to the ADL Technical Team.

Through request and feedback of the user community regarding the Table of Contents (TOC) provided by the Sample RTE, we are providing the detailed TOC requirements implemented by the Sample RTE. Please note that these requirements are NOT defined by the SCORM 2004 Conformance Requirements; they are implementation specific decisions made by the Sample RTE development team.

The following Table of Contents requirements are implemented in the Sample RTE Version 1.3.3:

  • All fonts in the TOC shall be the same type and size.
  • When the title of the Current Activity is visible in the TOC, it shall be represented with bold font.
  • When the title of an activity is visible in the TOC but that activity is not a valid target of a Choice Sequencing Request, a mouse-over of that title shall not result in a link.
  • The root of the activity tree and titles for activities whose parent has Choice = true shall be shown in the TOC. These activities shall be selectable (mouse-over link) unless some other requirement (listed below) prevents them from being a valid target of a Choice Sequencing Request. Everything in a choice=true cluster by default is selectable (has mouse-over).
  • Titles for activities whose parent has Choice = false shall be shown in the TOC as not selectable (no mouse-over) when they are part of the path to some other selectable activity.
  • Invisible (isvisble = false) activities shall not have their titles shown in TOC. Further, the TOC shall promote the children of the invisible activity - its children shall be displayed on the same TOC level (as siblings) to the invisible activity.
  • Hidden (hiddenFromChoice precondition rule that evaluates to true) activities and all of their descendents shall not have their titles shown in TOC.
  • Prevented (preventActivation == true) activities and all of their descendents shall not have their titles shown in TOC, unless they are already active or the Current Activity is the parent of the prevented activity.
  • Disabled (disabled precondition rule that evaluates to true; limit condition violation, constrained) activities and all of their descendents shall have their titles shown in TOC as "grayed-out"; they are not selectable.
  • Previous forward-only siblings of the Current Activity are not selectable but do not appear "grayed-out".
  • Constrained (constrainedChoice == true and not reachable from the Current Activity) activities and all of their descendents shall be considered disabled.
  • If no activities, other than the root of the activity tree, are valid targets of a Choice Sequencing Request, no TOC shall be displayed.
  • Invisible activities shall not have their titles shown in the TOC, but may be targets of a Choice Navigation request.
  • If a TOC would be rendered (there is some activity in the tree that is a valid target of choice) and the root of the Activity Tree (organization element) has Choice Exit == false, the LMS shall not allow the root of the activity to be selectable. The title for the activity tree root is visible but is not a link (no mouse over) and is not selectable.
  • If controlMode choice = false on leaf, it will have no effect if the leaf is otherwise selectable.

Known Issues

1. If a package manifest contains references to external SCOs, a cross-domain JavaScript security error will occur. This may prevent the possibility for the SCOs to communicate with the RTE provided API.
2. The Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser must be set to check for a new page every visit to the page. To configure the browser:

  • Open a Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser
  • Click on "Tools" -> "Internet Options"
  • On the "General" tab, "temporary internet files" sub-section, click "Settings"
  • Ensure that the "Every visit to the page" radio button is selected
  • Click "OK" and then "OK" again.
    3. If an "out of environment space" error occurs when starting and stopping the jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16 server in Win9X/ME-based operating systems, use the following method to create shortcuts for starting and stopping the server. In Windows Explorer, right-click on the STARTUP.BAT and SHUTDOWN.BAT files located in the jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16\bin directory. Click on "Properties" then on the "Memory" tab. For the "Initial environment" field, enter 4096. After you click apply, Windows will create shortcuts in the directory which can be used to start and stop the server. These shortcuts may be copied to the desktop. The original shortcuts and the Start Menu items for starting and stopping the server will not work.
    4. A Java "Out of Memory Error" may be encountered when importing a Content Package with a large file size into the Sample Run-Time Environment (RTE). This error is a result of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) running out of memory during import. To fix this problem, increase the amount of memory the JVM is allotted. This can be done by creating an environment variable named "JAVA_OPTS" and setting it to a value of "-Xms128m -Xmx256m". The Jakarta Tomcat file catalina.bat looks for this environment variable and, if it is set, uses it to set the amount of memory allotted to the JVM when the server is started.
    5. It is possible that a user switching between different versions of the Sample RTE could encounter an Applet Error if they have Applet Caching enabled. If this occurs, the user can take the following steps to correct the issue:
  • Enter Control Panel in your Windows environment.
  • Locate the Java Plug-in and double click on it.
  • Click on the "Cache" tab.
  • Click the "Clear" button in the upper right-hand corner.
  • Click Yes when prompted to confirm.
  • Uncheck the Enable Caching check box in the upper left-hand corner.
  • Click the Apply button.

Supported Java Version

  • The following list describes Sun Java Runtime Environment versions supported as of the date of this release:
    o 1.5.0_02
    o 1.5.0_01
    o 1.5.0
    o 1.4.2_07
    o 1.4.2_06
    o 1.4.2_05
    o 1.4.2_04
    o 1.4.2_03
    o 1.4.2_02
    o 1.4.2_01
    o 1.4.2
    o 1.4.1_06
    o 1.4.1_05
    o 1.4.1_04
    o 1.4.1_03
    o 1.4.1_02
    o 1.4.1_01
    o 1.4.1

Third Party Components

The Sample RTE uses the following third party tools:

  • jspSmartUpload

jspSmartUpload is freeware and the user may use it for commercial or noncommercial purposes without any charge or registration provided that the following conditions are met.
1. Redistributions of the product must retain the following copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

jspSmartUpload - Copyright (c) 2001 ADVANTYS. All rights reserved.

2. Software files can be freely distributed with another application which adds substantial functionality.
3. It is illegal to repackage the software as your own application and sell it.
4. It can be used by commercial users.
5. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment:

"This product includes software developed by Advantys (http://www.advantys.com)."

Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.

6. The names "jspSmart" and "Advantys" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact info@jspsmart.com.
7. Products derived and/or bundled from/with this software may not be called "jspSmart", nor may "jspSmart" appear in their name, without prior written permission of Advantys.


  • Morten's JavaScript Tree Menu

The Tree Menu is used when the Sequencing Control Choice mode is enabled. The menu is presented in the left RTE frame.

Morten's JavaScript Tree Menu version 2.3.0, dated 2001-04-30 http://www.treemenu.com/ Copyright (c) 2001, Morten Wang & contributors All rights reserved.

  • Apache Software

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation ( http://www.apache.org/)

o Apache's Jakarta-Tomcat Server Version 5.0.16

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

o Apache's Xerces Version 2.6.0 Parser

The Apache Xerces XML Parser is used to validate the XML in the imsmanifest.xml file during course import.
Please view the Apache License Agreement at http://xml.apache.org/LICENSE.

Advanced Distributed Learning Co-Laboratory (ADL Co-Lab) grants you ("Licensee") a non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use, modify and redistribute this software in source and binary code form, provided that i) this copyright notice and license appear on all copies of the software; and ii) Licensee does not utilize the software in a manner which is disparaging to ADL Co-Lab.


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