September 19th, 2006

  1. what did you do yesterday?
  2. what are you going to do today?
  3. what are the impediments to what you are trying to get done today?
  4. are there any new tasks to add to the sprint backlog
  5. have you learned anything or decided anything new of relevance to the team members (have you gone to a meeting we weren't invited to)?
  • Lisa
  1. Yesterday got thru all the 2.2 code refactoring from question pool - can import question pool but no questions
  2. Today trying to work thru the broken things
  3. Don't understand why: the function call "poolIsUnique" checking to see if any of the titles – checking against assessment table, can't see why – something wrong.
  4. Nope.
  5. Nope.
  • Thomas
  1. Started looking yesterday at provider issues with staff, in touch with Scott from Columbia, pointed out some things to look at with instructors.
    • Issue: instructors look like they're not provided. SAK-202.
    • Also, tracked back SAK-201.
    • Started organizing DNS changes for SmartSite.
    • Request from Babette about marketing analysis
    • Breeze stuff
    • Performance problems, CPU spikes, expensive garbage collection (question)
    • Got in touch with Aron about latest JVM settings, installed on test
    • Need to check on removing internal user accounts to enhance consistency
  2. Today, did code review of course service updated yesterday. Took out hardcoded strings. Added error checking for variables from Sakai properties.
  3. New task: to do remote jconsole setup – because the instances are headless – Jon may be able to help, uses VNC.
  4. Meetings: attended Sakai Architect monthly meeting yesterday, Vet Med and School of Med was there, got mandate from Pete Siegel to come up with common arch. Vet Med said "no changes", School of Med said "want Vet Med's arch". Main argument, they have their own staging databases.
  • James
  1. Yesterday tried adding new steps to add site process as per Kirk's recommendation
  2. Today trying to transition to cleaner entity content handling with EntityManager cover
  3. Nope.
  4. CRM Tool - Kirk postulated some more complicated tool that follows a user from the request to create site, Bev's interactions, etc.
  • Scott
  1. Yesterday worked with patches from batching and provider testing.
  2. Today contacted Pat Kava and tried to coordinate some QA testing of providers - going to do tomorrow morning. Instance has no data, going to run 30 course creations tonight, she'll be able to follow test plan tomorrow. Updating JIRAs.
  3. No impediments, except wonders if we're going to do any trunk cleanup – Thomas will followup, look at with Scott.
  4. Kirk made story about support and training, going to go thru that and link to another JIRA if there is one.
  5. Nope.
  • Jon
  1. Yesterday, worked on the refresh AuthZ thing. Created patch for gradebook. Assigned to schedule for testing to Pat.
  2. Today, work with James on the data we have to make more of a Tracker, provide workflow info.
  3. Nope.
  4. New task: work on workflow, JIRA
  5. Nope.