Meal Plan Setup Instructions

Meal Plan Setup Instructions:

Meal plan setup is found under


Each new academic year the meal plan codes should be confirmed with dining to make sure everything is the same for what is set in Odyssey.

Meal Plans should be set up like the below example:


  • Term Session

  • Code (Odyssey Code)

  • Description

  • Charge Item

  • Dates (Should match Term Session Dates)

  • Check keep contract dates in line with dates

  • Meal Setup (Set to Allowance for all AY plans)

  • Allowance A: This should be the meal plan amount minus aggie cash, the Rate should have a 1 entered

  • Allowance B: This should be the aggie cash amount, the rate should have a 1 entered

  • Student facing meal plans should be view on portal, with a description and web order

  • BBMealPlanID (Set to the Odyssey code)

  • Alt Start Date/Alt End Date: This is the date that sends the meal plan automatically to the Odyssey system