Test Steps
1. SU as a faculty member at UCDavis and create a course site via course management (Worksite Setup from My Workspace) using whatever term is accessible on the test server. Verify when you reach the Tools screen that the following tools are available to you. Reports any tools not found or extra tools (found onscreen but not on the list.)
Revised list 6/13/07 to remove checks for: Mailtool, Roster, Section Info, and Web Content
As of 6/20/07 Roster is now stealthed; Support & Training is added by default and cannot be deselected until after the course is created.
Revised list 7/17/07 to add check for Section Info
Checked | Tool | |
| Home | |
| Announcements | |
| Assignments (graded version) | |
| Chat Room | |
| Drop Box | |
| Email Archive | |
| Forums | |
| Gradebook | |
| Mailtool | |
| Messages | |
| Modules | |
| News | |
| Podcasts | |
| Polls | |
| Post 'Em | |
| Resources | |
Roster | Schedule | |
| Section Info | |
| Site Info (cannot be unchecked) | |
| | Syllabus |
| Tests & Quizzes | |
| Web Content | |
| Wiki |
Report to SAK-643 if the Support & Training link does not appear pre-selected when you create the site.
Verify Section Info Display Accuracy
SAK-716: section meeting times are wrong
Test Setup
This test verifies that the information passed from Banner to Smartsite about course details is accurately displayed in Smartsite. To access Banner information, we'll use http://classes.ucdavis.edu. Some data
Data represented in classes may be more 'raw' than not be displayed the same in Smartsite, so use your discretion in reporting.
For example, classes may show: Meeting Times: TR 1210-1400 Location: WELLMN 235
whereas Smartsite displays: Day: T,Th Time: 12:10 pm-2:00 pm Location: WELLMN 00235Report to SAK-714:235
While the displays differ, Smartsite is accurately displaying the same date, time and location, which is what we are testing for here. The case above would be a pass.
Test Steps
- Select or create a new course site as a MyUCDavis instructor from a current (Spring - Fall 2007) course.
- Select (add the tool, if necessary) Section Info and compare the Day, Time, and Location information with the data displayed in classes.ucdavis.edu for the same course.
- Use either http://registrar.ucdavis.edu/csrg/schedule.cfm (Spring and Fall) or http://summer-sessions.ucdavis.edu/courses.html (summer sessions) to compare the data in the Avail. column.
- Compare 3-5 single section and multiple section courses, if possible.
If you spot any inaccuracies, report the course, section, term and where the difference appeared.
If you've tested multiple sites without identifying any differences, list this as a pass.
Report your results to SAK-714
Verify Course Set Display
SAK-741: return coursesets with duplication removed
Test Description
A course set is displayed to faculty during the course creation process when Add a course(s) and/or section(s) not listed above... is selected and the user is taken to the screen shown below. The first selection option is the courseset labeled the course/section choice which for most of us is the subject code, like "Art History", "Philosophy" or "Economics".
Until recently, the Course Offering drop-down displayed multiple listings. An adjustment was made to ensure that only single or unique subject codes are listed.
Test Steps
- From My Workspace as yourself or SU'd as UCD faculty, select Worksite Setup and New. Select Add a course(s) and/or section(s) not listed above...
- Select the first drop-down. Review the list of subjects displayed. Note any duplicates and/or any obvious subject codes missing.
Report your results to SAK-741
Verify Course Title Display
SAK-773: Creating a New Course Site : Do not show the course/section EID
SAK-775: Creating a New Course Site : Course title is section EID
Test Description
Early release of site creation displayed the site eid which is a long, alpha-numeric value. The two Jiras here deal with removing the site eid from the display of an instructor's course sites (SAK-773) and from the display when a user chooses to create a course not assigned to him/her (SAK-775.)
In addition, the section title is now changed to include the short version of an academic term (Short-term here), for example, 'SS1 2007' for Summer Session 1 2007.
Test Steps for SAK-773
- SU as an instructor with courses available to you from the selected term and go to the first screen of the course creation process.
- Review the list of available courses and verify that the eid no longer appears in the course title.
- Verify courses appear in this format ('box' is the check box):
First line - Subject CourseNumber : Title, second line - checkbox Subject Number - SectionNumber Short-term, SectionCategory
AHI 163: Chinese Art
box AHI 163 - 01 SQ 2007, Lecture
Report your results to SAK-773
Test Steps for SAK-775
- Identify a course and the instructor of record in preparation for the next step.
- From My Workspace as yourself or SU'd as faculty (not the instructor of record), select Worksite Setup and New. Select Add a course(s) and/or section(s) not listed above...
- Select the subject, course offering, and section of your identified course from the drop-down options. Select the Continue button.
- Review the text under "The following roster(s) have access to your site:" and verify that the site eid does not appear in the description.
- Verify that the course(s) listed appear in the following format: Subject CourseNumber - SectionNumber (course URL)
- Enter the email or Kerberos id of the identified instructor of record in the Authorizer's username field. Select the Continue button.
- Verify that the site eid is not displayed in the Class Information. Specific rendering of the Class Information screen data is currently being discussed and is not specified for this step of the test.
Report your results to SAK-775
Verify Ordered courseSet Display
SAK-779: courseSet display not in alphabetical order by title
Test Steps for SAK-779
- From My Workspace as yourself or SU'd as faculty (not the instructor of record), select Worksite Setup and New. Select Add a course(s) and/or section(s) not listed above...
- Select the first drop-down option which displays course subjects and verify the drop-down list is in ascending alphabetical order.
Report your results to SAK-779
Verify Worksite Setup Member Display
SAK-777: Remove Enrolled In, Id, and Credits columns from course site Edit page in Worksite Setup
Test Steps for SAK-777
- Access Worksite Setup for an existing course, either from Worksite Setup in Administration or via Site Info in the course itself. From the default screen which shows the list of members in the site, verify that the columns Enrolled In, Id, and Credits are no longer displayed. See picture below for reference.
Report your results to SAK-777