ucd-enterprise-data-service for data provisioning into Sakai

ucd-enterprise-data-service for data provisioning into Sakai

Campus Data Provisioning into Sakai via WebServices and UCDData Tool

Development is ongoing to load user accounts, course sites, rosters, and other related Banner information into Sakai. The current tool being used is a UCDData tool, which is a module in Sakai that mimicks Scott Fischbein's Import Tool from VetMed.

Requirements for the Tool

The tool should:
#1. batch load users and courses into Sakai
#2. be quick in loading
#3. be called remotely, outside of Sakai

Current Tool design

Design Documents are attached. These include below , which has some UML:
#1. JavaDocs TODO
#2. Class Diagrams TODO
#3. Sequence Diagrams TODO
#4. Tool Structure see below, TODO
#5. Code

Current Tool build

The ucd-enterprise-data-service needs to be added to the root sakai src directory, and built with Sakai.