AggieService Field Mapping

AggieService Field Mapping


The Case object holds all the information on every case submitted to AggieService. As such it's one of the biggest and most complicated objects on the service. This reference, along with this google document, comprise our documentation of the fields and integrations for the Case object.

Field NameLabelTypeSourceDescriptionUnused
Account__cOver the Cap AccountTextformCOA account for storing 'Over the Cap' account from Funding Change form

Account_Department_Code__cDepartment Code

AccountIdDepartment Official Name (A)lookup (Account)systemAccount of case's submitter
Action__cActionpicklistformType of Action for cases (Academic, Student, Staff)
action_copyCase_leavesToBenefits__cSubmit to Benefits for Processingboolean
Creates child case via Process Builder when checked
action_copyCase_stipendToPayroll__cSubmit to Payroll for Processingboolean
Creates child case via Process Builder when checked (Triggers creating a child case and setting the Topic to Payroll via Process Flow invoking Apex Trigger).
action_copyCase_stipendToRecords__cCreate Records Caseboolean
Action to create a copy of the case to send to the Records team. Used by UCDH on various case types.
action_Meets_DD_Entry_Criteria__cMeets Department Delegate Entry Criteriaboolean
Marks whether a case has been identified as routing to the delegate approval process. (Boolean set when the case is created marking that it meets Department Delegate entry criteria. NOTE: This is set once and not refereshed; if the criteria for approval changes, this field will not update.)


Action Number


Active Milestonelookup (SLA_Stage__c)systemFor cases with support plans via the SPA Engine, this is the active milestone stage on the case. (Active SLA_Stage for the current Case, based on CaseMilestone)
Add_to_DMV_Separation_Spreadsheet__cAdd to DMV Separation Spreadsheetboolean

Added_to_DMV_Spreadsheet__cAdded to DMV Spreadsheet

Additional_Comments__cAdditional Commentstext area

Additional_Percent_Time__cAdditional Percent Timepercent (3,2)form

Administrative_Summer_Comp__cAdministrative Summer Compboolean

Affected_Employee_Campus_Email__cAffected Employee Campus EmailemailformEmail address for Affected Employee. Entered in all case forms which deal with affected employees.
Department name for affected employee
Affected_Employee_Name__cAffected Employee Name (C)lookup (Contact)formLookup to Contact for affected employee. Populated by email lookups based on Affected_Employee_Campus_Email__c
Affected_Employee_Phone__cAffected Employee PhonephoneformPhone number for Affected Employee. Entered in all cases which deal with affected employees.
Affected_Employee_PPS_ID__cAffected Employee PPS IDtextremoveUC Employee ID, corresponds to PPS ID in UC Davis systemsx
Affected_Employee_Primary_Title_Code__cAffected Employee Primary Title CodeFormula (Text)
Affected employee's primary title for various case actions. Updated per AG-907
Affected_Employee_Textname__cAffected Employee NameText(100)form

Title of affected employee
Affects_Pay__cAffects Payboolean
UC Path BaseCamp escalation field
AggieJobLink__cAggieJobLink NumbertextformAggieJobLink number for Recruitment cases
Alleged_Contract_Article_Violations__cAlleged Contract Article Violationspicklist (multi)
For ELR cases, these are the contract violations for union contracts
Alleged_Contract_Violation_Description__ctextarea (rich)
Further description and context of alleged violations
Alleged_Grievance_Violations__cAlleged Grievance Violationspicklist (multi)
For ELR cases, the grievance violations that occurred.
Anything_else_you_d_like_us_to_know_del__cAnything else you'd like us to know?longtextform

Text field for additional comments. Found on most every form save Ask a Question.

Note: In order to test cases in PROD, one can put TESTING as the first word in this field and the case will route to the AggieService TEST Queue instead of anywhere else.

Application_Complete__cApplication Completeboolean

Appointment_Date__cAppointment DatedateformAppointment start date for Recruitments
Appointment_End_date__cAppointment End datedateformAppointment end date for Recruitments
Appointment_Extension_Reason__cAppointment Extension ReasonpicklistformPicklist of reasons for appointment extensions in Appointment Changes form
Appointment_Percentage__cAppointment PercentpercentformPercentage for appointment in Recruitment cases
Appointment_Requesting_For__cAppointment Requesting Fortext

Appointment_Scheduled_with_HR_Generalist__cAppointment Scheduled with HR Generalistboolean

Appointment_Type__cAppointment Type

Approval_Matrix_Key__cApproval Matrix Keypicklist
Cases can follow a number of approval processes, each having their own approval matrix. These matrices have a key, or category, that dictates which they should follow. This picklist houses the exhaustive list of types of matrices we can tie to an approval process.
Approval_NumApprovers__cNumber of Current Approversformula
Number of current approvers on the case due to the delegate approver system and approval matrix.
Approval on File
If there is a relative working in the same unit as person being hired, approval needs to be on file
Approval_Status__cApproval Statuspicklist

Approved_By1__cApproved Bytext

Approved_By2__cApproved Bytext

Approved_Signer_1__cApproved Signer 1lookup (contact)form

Approved_Signer_2__cApproved Signer 2lookup (contact)form

Arbitrator_Email__cArbitrator Emailemail
For ELR cases, the arbitrator's email
Arbitrator_Name__cArbitrator Nametext
For ELR cases, the arbitrator's name
Arbitrator_Not_Recommended__cArbitrator Not Recommendedboolean
For ELR cases, whether the arbitrator was good and worth recommending. (Boolean to track arbitration anomalies tied to arbitrator's rulings)
For ELR cases, the date when the arbitrator was selected
Article_Created__cArticle Createdboolean

Article_Published__cArticle Publishedboolean

Article_Reviewed_By__cArticle Reviewed ByLookup(User)

Article_Topic__cArticle Topicpicklist

AssetIdAssetlookup(Asset)systemnot usedx
Automatic_Emails__cAutomatic Emailsformula
Formula for determining if the case should have trigger-driven automatic emails sent out.
Background_Check_Complete__cBackground Check Completeboolean

Backup_Timesheet_Supervisor__cBackup Timesheet SupervisortextformEntry for Backup Timesheet Supervisor. Part of integration for Backup_Timesheet_Supervisor_contact__c.
Backup_Timesheet_Supervisor_contact__cBackup Timesheet Supervisor (C)lookup (Contact)integrationLookup populated via Trigger from Backup_Timesheet_Supervisor__c. Note: currently people put in names here instead of Email addresses, thereby invalidating our integration hookup, since we look up via campus email address (the only unique ID we have for people)
BusinessHoursIdBusiness Hourslookup (Business Hours)form, systemThe Business Hours which the case is covered under. This required field is set by default and provided explicitly from the forms.
Case_Priority__cCase Priorityformula
this is an image of a flag (green, yellow, red) based on "Priority" field (low, medium, high)
Case_Routing_Account_Category__cCase Routing Account Categoryformula

Case_Routing_Department_Code__cCase Routing Department Codeformula

Formula field for the department code for case routing. Follows this logic:

  1. If we have an explicit code via Routing_Department_Code__c, go there.
  2. If we have an affected employee, route to their department
  3. If we have a point of contact, route to their department
  4. Route to submitter's department

Case_Routing_School_Division__cCase Routing School / Divisionlookup (Account)
Auto-populated case routing school / division per AG-665

Formula field for the unit code for case routing. Follows this logic:

  1. If we have an affected employee, route to their unit code
  2. If we have a point of contact, route to their unit code
  3. Route to submitter's unit code

CaseNumberCase Numberauto numbersystemAuto-incrementing ID for cases.
Category__cCategorypicklistformIdentifies which service channel is responsible for a case/which service channel traditionally assists the submitter of the case in question
Central_Payroll_to_Process_Final_Check__cCentral Payroll to Process Final CheckbooleanremoveWhen checked, invokes a Process Flow to create a Central Payroll - Separation Check Request case, though currently not on any page layouts.x
Change_Reasons__cChange Reasonspicklist (multi)formReasons for changes. Used in Staff Positions
Chart_Account_Subaccount__cChart -Account-Subaccounttext(16)formCHART: 1-digit alphanumeric
ACCOUNT: 7-digit alphanumeric
SUBACCOUNT: 5-digit alphanumeric

Chart_Account_Subaccount_Changed__cChart-Account-Subaccount Changedbooleanform

Check_Distribution_Method__cCheck Distribution Methodpicklistform

Check_EPER_Screen__cCheck EPER Screenboolean

ClosedDateDate/Time Closeddate/timesystemTime the case was closed.
COA_Funding_Chart__cFunding Charttext areaformChart of funding strings in fixed-width format. Each of the 5 lines is 48 characters in this format:
start date | end date | COA | percent

Code_Number__cCode NumbertextformThis field pulled from a form that is no longer used with the advent of UC Path (AG-1014).
Code_Type__cCode TypePicklistformThis field pulled from a form that is no longer used with the advent of UC Path (AG-1014).
College_Schools_Divisions__cCollege Schools DivisionsPicklist

CommentsInternal Commentstext area
a text box only visible to service providers

Comp_Time_Payout__cComp Time Payoutboolean

Compensatory_Hours__cCompensatory Hoursnumber (4,2)

Completeness_Screening__cCompleteness ScreeningpicklistintegrationIdentifies what group is doing the completeness screening for a recruitment. Provided by PeopleAdmin's Applicant Screening XML.
ContactEmailSubmitter EmailformulasystemSubmitter's email address derived from ContactId.
ContactFaxContact FaxformulasystemSubmitter's fax number derived from ContactId.
ContactIdSubmitter Name (C)Lookup (Contact)form, system, integrationSubmitter's contact record
ContactID__cContact IDtextremoveWas used by Central Payroll form, but no reason to use this as ContactId seems to capture the same informationx
ContactMobileSubmitter MobileformulasystemSubmitter's mobile phone number derived from ContactId.
ContactPhoneSubmitter PhoneformulasystemSubmitter's preferred phone number derived from ContactId.
Contract_Signed_by_Employee__cContract Signed by Employeeboolean

Contract_Signed_by_Hiring_Manager__cContract Signed by Hiring Managerboolean

Course_Quarter__cCourse QuartertextformQuarters for Course Buyout. This field pulled from a form that is no longer used with the advent of UC Path (AG-1014).
Boolean to determine whether we create an arbitration case from a grievance case
Create_Onboarding_Record__cCreate Onboarding Recordcheckboxintegration

When this field is checked and Date_of_Hire__c and New_Hire_Name__c are filled in, will update the related Position object with the current case number. Note: The position workflow integration (i.e. relating Recruitments to job records in AggieService) is a mess so, as a consequence, this rarely fires. Note: position object was removed with AG-1058

Create_Payroll_Case__cCreate Payroll Caseboolean
Triggers creation of a child case and sending to Payroll via a Process Flow. Found on Recruitment & Onboarding layouts.
CreatedByIdCreated Bylookup (User)systemLookup to the user who created the case. Most cases created from the Community come in as a particular integration user; in this case the AggieService Admin user.
CreatedDateDate/Time OpeneddatetimesystemDatetime the case was opened
Current_AggieJobLink__cCurrent AggieJobLinkbooleanform

Current_Employee__cCurrent Employeeboolean

Damage_Payments__cDamage Paymentspicklist

Date_Closed__cDate Closedformula (date)

Date_Employee_Returned_to_Work__cDate Employee Returned to Workdate

Date_Medical_Release_Received__cDate Medical Release Receiveddate

Date_of_Hire__cDate of HireDate
Date of Hire entered by Service Providers for Onboarding & Recruitment cases
Date_Opened__cDate Openedformula (date)

Date_Payment_Expected__cDate Payment Expecteddate

Date_Reviewed__cDate Revieweddate

Date_Signed__cDate Signeddate

Date_Student_Employment_Approved__cDate Student Employment Approveddate

Day_Employee_s_Regular_Work_Sched_Begins__cDay Employee's Regular Work Sched Beginspicklist

Day_Employee_s_Regular_Work_Sched_Ends__cDay Employee's Regular Work Sched Endspicklist

Days_Opened__cDays Openedformula (number)
number of days from open to closed (or if not closed, then number of days from open to today)
DCP_Number__cDCP Numbertext

Degree_Date__cDegree Datedateform

Department_Approver__cDepartment Approverlookup (contact)
Lookup to Contact
Department_Code1__cDepartment CodetextformDEPRECATED. Please use Account_Department_Code__c instead
Department_Name__cDepartment Nametextform

DescriptionDescriptionlong textform, systemDefault field for issue description. Automatically populated from an email's body in email-to-case entries.
Designated_Approver_1__cDesignated Approver 1lookup (User)integrationCases which meet the entry criteria for approvals will have their 1st active delegate ID copied here via Trigger.
Designated_Approver_2__cDesignated Approver 2lookup (User)integrationCases which meet the entry criteria for approvals will have their 2nd active delegate ID copied here via Trigger.
Designated_Approver_3__cDesignated Approver 3lookup (User)integrationCases which meet the entry criteria for approvals will have their 3rd active delegate ID copied here via Trigger.
Designated_Approver_4__cDesignated Approver 4lookup (User)integrationCases which meet the entry criteria for approvals will have their 4th active delegate ID copied here via Trigger.
Designated_Approver_5__cDesignated Approver 5lookup (User)integrationCases which meet the entry criteria for approvals will have their 5th active delegate ID copied here via Trigger.
Desired_Contents__cDesired Contentspicklist


Differential_List__cDifferential Listtext areaformList of differential justifications
Discipline_Reason__cDiscipline Reasonpicklist (multi)
Reasons for ELR discipline cases
DMV_Program_Coord_Email__cDMV Program Coord Emailboolean
Send confirmation email to DMV program coordinator
DMV_Program_Coord_Email2__cDMV Program Coord Emailboolean

DMV_Pull_Notice__cDMV Pull Noticepicklist

DMV_Pull_Notice_Request__cDMV Pull Notice Requestboolean
Email student with DMV Pull Notice Request form
DMV_Pull_Notice_Request_Deletion__cDMV Pull Notice Request Deletionboolean

Documents_Uploaded_to_EDMS__cDocuments Uploaded to EDMSboolean

Dollar_Amount__cDollar Amountcurrency (8,2)form

Dollar_Amount_Type__cDollar Amount Typepicklistform

Draft_PD_ORG_Chart_Attached__cDraft PD & ORG Chart Attachedbooleanform

Drivers_License_to_HRC__cDrivers License to HRCboolean

Due_Date__cDue Datedate

EDFT_Process__cEDFT Processboolean

Effective_Date__cEffective DatedateformDate when operation should be performed. Currently on Longevity / Special Recognition increase but could be used elsewhere.
Email_Address__cEmail AddressemailformUsed in Postdoctoral Appointments, where affected person doesn't always have a UCD email address
Email_to_Fleet__cEmail to Fleetboolean

Emeritus_Separation__cEmeritus SeparationbooleanformTracks whether an Academic separation is an emeritus separation
Employee_Entered_in_TRS__cEmployee Entered in TRSboolean

Employee_is_MSP__cEmployee is MSPboolean
Whether an employee is an MSP employee
Employee_Name__cEmployee NameLookup (Contact)formLookup to POC contact as provided by forms.
Employee_Pay__cEmployee Paypicklist

Employee_s_Address_is_Current__cEmployee's Address is Currentpicklist

Employee_s_Timekeeping_System_or_Method__cEmployee's Timekeeping System or Methodpicklist

Employee_Separation__cEmployee Separationpicklist

Employees_Current_Mailing_Address__cEmployee's Current Mailing Addresstext

End_Date__cEnd Datedateform

Entered_into_Aggie_Job_LInk__cEntered into Aggie Job LInkboolean

EntitlementIdEntitlement NameLookup(Entitlement)integration

Lookup to the entitlement supporting the Case. This is populated by the SPA engine based on the SLA record covering the case.

(for more information, bother jboveda@ucdavis.edu until he writes documentation and links to it here)

EPER_Screen_Checked__cEPER Screen Checked

ETL_flag_processed__cScheduled Job Processedboolean
Boolean for admin operations ONLY. Used to mark a case as processed by a database operation, in order to chunk operations throughout a timeframe.
ETL_Hiring_Department_Code__cHiring Department CodetextformHiring Department code as provided from Recruitment forms. Part of integration to populate the Hiring Department Account lookup.
Exception__cExceptionbooleanformUsed for Postdoctoral Appointments
Experience_Level__cExperience LevelpicklistformUsed for Postdoctoral Appointments
External_Position_Number__cExternal Position NumbertextformExternal position number for other job boards (e.g. UCPath)
External_System_ID__cExternal System IDtext
System ID for external case / record associated to this case
External_System_URL__cExternal System URLurl
URL for record associated with this case
Family_Member__cFamily Memberpicklistform

Field_Type__cField Typepicklist

File_Contents__cFile Contentspicklistform

File_Description__cFile Descriptiontext
Description of what the contents of the attachment are
Final_Filing_Date__cFinal Filing Datedate
For ELR cases, the last day the case can be filed
Fixed_Variable__cFixed / VariablePicklistformDesignation on whether a position is fixed or variable. Loaded by staff recruitment forms
FML_Packet__cFML Packetboolean
Check if a FML packet needs to be sent.
FML_Packet_Sent_Date__cFML Packet Sent Datedate
Date the FML packet was sent to the requestor.
FOA_Case__cFOA Caseboolean
Some cases need special handling if they're part of FOA. This marks cases as FOA cases depending on whether the associated department with the case is a FOA department. Populated via Case_triggerHandler.
Full_Month__cFull Monthpicklist (multi)

Hearing_Date__cHearing Datedate
For ELR cases, the date of an arbitration hearing or other meeting hearing.
Hiring_Department__cHiring DepartmentLookup (Account)integrationLookup to the Account record of the Hiring Department. Populated via Trigger from ETL_Hiring_Department_Code__c. If changed, will update ETL_Hiring_Department_Code__c.
Hiring_Department_Category__cHiring Department CategoryFormula
Hiring department category lookup used for Applicant Screening sorting cases.
Hiring_Manager__clookup (contact)formContact lookup for hiring manager. Pulls from Recruitment.
Hours_of_Operation__cHours of Operationtext

Hours_Worked__cHours Workednumber (4,2)

HR_Generalist__cHR Generalistlookup (contact)

HR_PPS_Entry_Complete__cHR PPS Entry Completeboolean

HR_Representative__clookup (Contact)
The HR representative on a case (used on ELR cases)
primary keysystem18-digit Salesforce record ID
ID_Source__cSource IDtextformUnique ID for cases created via form submissions e.g. FormAssembly
Identifier__cTimesheet Identifiertextform

In_Residence_Full_Salary__cIn Residence – Full Salaryboolean

In_Residence_Partial_Salary__cIn Residence - Partial Salarypercent (3, 2)

For ELR cases, the date the incident took place
Information_Reviewed_By__cInformation Reviewed Bylookup (Contact)
Information packet reviewed by this contact (cannot be current case owner)
Internal_Comments_ONLY__cInternal Comments ONLYlong text
Comments made in this field are ONLY visible to UC Davis Service Providers.
Is_Employee_a_TRS_Supervisor__cIs Employee a TRS Supervisor?booleanformOnly asked on Staff/Academic forms, not student forms.
Is_there_a_Different_Point_of_Contact__cIs there a Different Point of Contact?boolean

booleansystemWhether the case is closed (not listed in fields, 10/31/19)
IsClosedOnCreateClosed When CreatedbooleansystemSometimes cases are entered simply for tracking, and, for convenience, should be marked closed as soon as they're created. For example, phone calls with questions that are answered on the line would fit this criteria. Salesforce will populate this when one of those cases is marked close on create.
booleansystemWhether the case is deleted. Cases marked as IsDeleted are still in the system until they're purged and sometimes recoverable from the Recycle Bin (not listed in fields, 10/31/19)
IsEscalatedEscalatedbooleansystemWhether the case has been escalated. Currently unused.x
IsStoppedStoppedbooleansystemWhether work on the current case is stopped. Currently unused.x
Issue_Description__cIssue Descriptionlongtextform, removeDEPRECATED : Description of issue from Question, Problem, and Knowledge Article formsx
Job_Location__cJob LocationtextformPlaintext entry for job's location
Justification__cJustificationtext areaform





Last_Approval_Matrix__cLast Approval Matrixlookup (Approval Matrix)
Lookup populated by CaseUpdateDesignatedApprover.UpdateDesignatedApproverOnCase with the Matrix for the last phase of approvals.
Last_Comment_Channel__cLast Comment ChannelpicklistintegrationWhenever someone posts a comment, the case is updated with the type of communication (Email, Comment, Feed)
Last_Comment_Posted__cLast Comment PosteddatetimeintegrationWhenever someone posts a comment, the case is updated with the datetime of that last communication
Last_Day_on_Pay__cLast Day on Paydate
Currently used in Central Payroll - Separation Check Requests to track last day on payroll.
Last_Owner__cLast Ownerlookup (User)
Field to track which user was the last owner of the case. Only populated by users (not groups)
LastModifiedByIdLast Modified Bylookup (User)systemLookup to the user who last modified the case
datetimesystemTime the case was last modified. Because of Last_Comment_Posted__c and Last_Comment_Channel__c, this includes the last time anyone commented, posted, or emailed into the case.
Leave_Request_Form_Received__cStaff Leave Request Form Receiveddate

Leave_Type__cLeave Typepicklistform

Location__cDelivery Locationtextform

Longevity_Increase__cLongevity Increasebooleanform

Longevity_Increase_Amount__cLongevity Increase Amountcurrency (2,2)form

Mailing_Address_Verified__cMailing Address Verifiedboolean

Medical_Certification_Received__cMedical Certification Receiveddate

Medical_Release_Documentation_Received__cMedical Release Documentation Receivedboolean

Milestone_Due_Date__cMilestone Due Datedatetime
Datetime field to show when the current milestone for a particular case would fall into violation. Useful for sorting cases and managing work.
MilestoneStatusMilestoneStatustextsystemA milestone is a step in an entitlement process. If an entitlement process applies to a case, this field appears.
MQ_Screening__cMinimum Qualifications ScreeningpicklistintegrationIdentifies what group is doing the screening for minimum qualifications for a recruitment. Provided by PeopleAdmin's Applicant Screening XML.
Multiple_appointments__cMultiple appointments?booleanform


Need_Student_Employment_Approval__cNeed Student Employment Approvalboolean

New_Aggie_Job_Link_Needed__cNew Aggie Job Link Neededboolean

New_Appointment_End_Date__cNew Appointment End Datedateform

New_Chart_Account_Subaccount_Number__cNew Chart-Account_Subaccount Numbertextform

New_Contract__cNew Contractboolean

New_Department_Contact__cNew Department Contactlookup (Contact)
Lookup for the new contact for department transfers. No case has any information in this field (as of 20180328 & as of 20191104)x
New_Department_Contact_Campus_Email__cNew Department Contact Campus EmailemailformEmail of the contact in the new department. Found in Transfer and End Appointment cases. As of AG-464 No longer on forms.x
New_Department_Contact_Name__cNew Department Contact NametextformName of the contact in the new department for transfers. No longer on forms. As of AG-464 No longer on forms.x
New_Employee__cNew Employeeboolean
No case has any information in this field (as of 20191104)x
New_employee_checklist_sent__cNew Employee Checklist Sentboolean
Send new employee checklist to supervisor after PPS entry.
New_Hire_Email__cNew Hire Emailemailform

New_Hire_Name__cNew Hire NametextformName of new hire, entered from Onboarding and Recruitment cases
New_Hire_Phone__cNew Hire Phonephoneform

New_Home_Department_Code__cNew Home Department Codetextform

New_Position__cNew Positiontext
No case has any information in this field (as of 20191105)x
New_Salary__cNew Salarycurrency (8,2)form

New_Timesheet_Supervisor__cNew Timesheet Supervisortextform

New_Timesheet_Supervisor_Backup__cNew Timesheet Supervisor Backuptextform

New_Title__cNew Titletextform

NIH_Cap__cNIH Cappicklistform

Notify_HR_if_Retiree_has_10yr_Service__cNotify HR if Retiree has 10yr + Serviceboolean

Number_of_Applicants__cNumber of Applicantsnumber

Number_of_Months__cNumber of Monthsnumber

Number_of_Positions__cNumber of Affected Employeesnumberform

Number_of_Students_Hiring__cNumber of Students Hiringnumberform

Number_of_Students_Hiring1__cNumber of Students Hiringpicklistform

Object_Code__cObject Codetext

Onboarding_Appointment_Date__cOnboarding Appointment Datedatetime

Onboarding_Packet_Sent__cOnboarding Packet Sentboolean

Optional_Timesheet_Supervisor__cOptional Backup Timesheet SupervisortextformOptional Backup Timesheet Supervisor found on Timesheet Change forms
Optional_Timesheet_Supervisor_contact__cOptional Timesheet Supervisor (C)lookup(Contact)
Lookup for (optional) third timesheet supervisor. Not currently on timesheet case record type...
OriginCase Originpicklistform

The communication channel from whence the case came. Values of note:

  • Community: Cases that come in from the community forms are tagged thus.
  • Email - (source): When cases enter via email-to-case, they're tagged with 'Email' followed by the source integration.

Other_Description__cOther Descriptiontextform

Owner_Alias__cOwner Aliasformula
Pulls up the owner's alias in cases. Important for Qualtrics Surveys, where we want to identify the owner (user) by name but cannot have lookups do this work for us from the Qualtrics side.
OwnerIdCase OwnerLookup (User, Queue)systemThe current owner of a case. Could be a particular user or a queue.
PA_Job_Link__cPA Job Linkurl
Job posting URL from PeopleAdmin
PA_Position_Number__cPosition NumbertextformPosition number for associated case. Part of lookup integration to Positions__c field.
PAN_to_be_Emailed__cPAN to be Emailed (Intercampus Only)boolean

Parent_Case_Owner__cParent Case Owner

unable to locatex
Parent_Case_Owner_Email__cParent Case Owner Emailemail
Parent Case Owner email for email communications
Parent_Case_POC_Contact__cParent Case POC Contactformula
Formula for admin use. Parent case's point-of-contact ID. Used to avoid SOQL queries in case triggers where we'd have to find this out manually.
Parent_Case_POC_User__cParent Case POC Userformula
Formula for admin use. Parent case's point-of-contact User ID. Used to avoid SOQL queries in case triggers where we'd have to find this out manually.
Parent_Case_Submitter_User__cParent Case Submitter Userformula
Formula for admin use. Parent case's submitter User ID. Used to avoid SOQL queries in case triggers where we'd have to find this out manually.
ParentIdParent Caselookup (Case)systemLookup to the parent of the current case (if any)
Pay_Date__cPay Datedate

Pay_Option__cPay Optionpicklistform

Pay_Period__cPay Perioddateform

Pay_Period_End_Date__cPay Period End Datedate
Currently used in Central Payroll - Separation Check Request to denote the end of the pay period
Payout_Comp__cPayout Compboolean

Payout_Date__cPayout Datedate

Payout_Vacation_Balance__cPayout Vacation Balanceboolean

No case has any information in this field (as of 20191104)x
Payroll_Portion_Complete__cPayroll Portion Completeboolean

Payroll_PPS_Entry_Complete__cPayroll PPS Entry Completeboolean



Please_Identify__cPlease Identifytext areaform

Please_specify_appointment_affected__cPlease specify appointment(s) affectedtextform

POC_Contact_Email__cPOC Contact Emailformula(text)
Formula to pull the POC's email for use in automatic emails, such as surveys
POC_Name__cPoint of Contact NametextformName of the point-of-contact as provided from forms
POC_Phone__cPoint of Contact PhonephoneformContact phone number of the point-of-contact as provided from forms
POC_Role__cPoint of Contact's RoletextintegrationThe UserRole of the point of contact of a case. Used in sharing rules for DSS/COE cases in place of predefined case teams.
POC_User__cPoint of Contact Userlookup (User)integrationPoint-of-contact user record populated via Trigger from Employee_Name__c
Point_of_Contact_Campus_Email__cPoint of Contact Campus EmailemailformEmail address for point-of-contact entered from case forms. Used in integrations to populate Employee_Name__c
Position_Assigned__cPosition Number Assignedtext

Position_Description__cPosition Descriptionpicklist
No case has any information in this field (as of 20191105)x
Position_Description_Obtained__cPosition Description Obtainedboolean

Position_Name__cPosition Nametext
Name of a position. Created 20161116 since Position lookup currently isn't working well enough for users. Note: Position object removed with AG-1058, so the lookup doesn't exist anymore.
Position_number_changes_needed__cPosition description changes neededboolean

Position_Open_To__cPosition Open Topicklist
Picklist with classifications of who a recruitment case is open to. Used in automatically sorting recruitment cases coming in via email.
Position_Posted__cPosition Postedboolean

Position_Supervises_Others__cPosition Supervises Othersbooleanform

Position_Type__cPosition Typepicklistform

Possibility_of_Extension__cPossibility of Extensionboolean

Posted_Date__cPosted Datedate
Date position posted
Posting_Title__cPosting TitletextformHuman-readable title for recruitments
PPS_Entry_Complete__cPPS Entry Completeboolean

PPS_Entry_Complete2__cPPS Entry Completeboolean

Pre_employment_Physical_Complete__cPre-employment Physical Completeboolean

Previous_Case_Number__cPrevious Case NumbertextformFor use on Report A Problem cases
Previous_position_number__cPrevious Position Numbertextform

Previously_Approved_Matrix__cPreviously Approved Matrixtext
Place to house which approval matrix where we left off. This way we can pick back up. NOTE: this is a text field because we can't use approval actions to update lookups.
Prior_Experience__cPrior Experience (months)number(4,0)form


Problem_Type_Topic__cProblem Type/Topicpicklistform

Process_By_Date__cProcess By Datedate
Date transfer should be processed. As of AG-464 No longer on forms.x
ProductIdProductlookup (Product)systemnot usedx
Question_Category_Topic__cQuestion Category/Topicpicklistform


ReasonCase ReasonpicklistsystemTBAx
Reason_for_Appointment_Ending__cReason for Appointment EndingtextformReason a transfer appointment ended. As of AG-464 No longer on forms.x
Reassigned_to_a_SSC_Payroll_Cordinator__cReassigned to a SSC Payroll Cordinatorboolean
No case has any information in this field (as of 20191105)x
Reclassification_Complete__cReclassification Completeboolean

RecordType_Name__cRecordType Nametext
Recordtype name for use in formula fields to avoid the 15-lookup limit.
RecordTypeIdCase Record Typerecordtypeform,systemType of case. Record Types control picklist values, page layouts, and other display information.

Recruitment_Type__cRecruitment Typepicklist

Reference__cClient Reference TagtextformSubmitter-editable field to sort cases by arbitrary tags
Referred_to_Compliance_Office__cReferred to Compliance Officeboolean
For ELR cases, track that the individuals were referred to the compliance office.
Regular_Full_Salary__cRegular – Full Salaryboolean
No case has any information in this field (as of 20191105)x
Regular_Partial_Salary__cRegular – Partial Salarypercent(3,2)
No case has any information in this field (as of 20191105)x

Relative_Name_1__cRelative Nametextform

Relatives_Employed_at_UCD__cRelatives Employed at UCD?booleanform

Relatives_Primary_Department_Name__cRelative's Primary Department Nametextform

Remedy for an ELR case
Remove_from_DMV_Add_Spreadsheet__cRemove from DMV Add Spreadsheetboolean
No case has any information in this field (as of 20191105)x
Remove_Time_From_Roster__cRemove Time From Rosterboolean

Requested_By__cRequested By:picklist

Requirements__cRequirementspicklist(multi)formUsed for recruitments, onboardings, etc.
Requisition_Number__cRequisition Numbertext

Research_Summer_Comp__cResearch Summer Compboolean

Resignation_Letter_Emailed_to_Central_HR__cResignation Letter Emailed to Central HRboolean

Resolution__cResolutionlong textarea
Notes regarding the resolution of a case. Required for closing a case when using the Close Case button.
Retired__cRehired Retireebooleanform

Return_Date__cExpected Return DatedateformDate employee expects to return from leave
Reviewer__cReviewerlookup (Contact)
Lookup to reviewer. I do not believe this is in any way related to the Reviewer Campus Email (below)
Reviewer_Campus_Email__cReviewer Campus Emailemailform

Root_Causes__cRoot Causespicklist(multi)
For case record type UCPath BaseCamp Escalation
Routing_Account_Category__cRouting Account CategorytextintegrationIf set, cases which route based on Account Category pay attention to this value. More information can be found in our /wiki/spaces/ATD/pages/341737976.
Routing_Department_Code__cRouting Department Codetextform, integrationIf set, cases which route based on Department Code pay attention to this value. More information can be found in our /wiki/spaces/ATD/pages/341737976. Set in Recruitment and Appointment Changes cases
rrpu__Alert_Message__cAlert Messagetextarea
Managed package where users can set up an automatic alert to pop up for anyone viewing the case.
Sabbatical_Leave__cSabbatical Leaveboolean

Salary__cPay Ratecurrency(10,2)formPlace to hold salary / pay rate information primarily found in the Recruitment forms.
Salary_Action__cSalary Actionpicklist

Salary_Cap_Rate__cSalary Cap Ratecurrency(8,2)formSalary cap rate information from Funding Change forms
Salary_Changes__cSalary Changescurrency(6,2)

Salary_Option__cSalary Optionpicklistform

Salary_Type__cSalary Typepicklistform

Salesforce_Object__cSalesforce Objectpicklist

Same_Unit__cSame Unitboolean

Scan_Email_to_Fleet__cScan/Email to Fleetboolean

Schedule_an_Appointment__cSchedule an Appointmentboolean

Screening_Type__cScreening Typepicklist
Types of screening that are done by the recruitment support team
Select_Scale__cSelect Scalepicklistform

Select_Step__cSelect Steppicklistform

Send_Current_Employee_Onboarding_Email__cSend Current Employee Onboarding Emailboolean

Send_Invite_to_Apply__cSend Invite to Applyboolean

Send_New_Employee_Onboarding_Email__cSend New Employee Onboarding Emailboolean

Sent_Contract_to_Central_HR__cSent Contract to Central HRboolean

Separation_Check_Requested__cSeparation Check Requestedboolean
No case has any information in this field (as of 20191105)x
Separation_Date__cSeparation Datedateform

Separation_Reason__cSeparation Reasontext areaform

Short_Term_Extension__cShort Term Extensionbooleanform

Similar_Position_s__cSimilar Position(s)booleanform

SK_AggieService_Survey_POC__cSK AggieService Survey POCtext
Signing key for aggieservice surveys - poc
SK_AggieService_Survey_Submitter__cSK AggieService Survey Submittertext
Signing key for aggieservice surveys - submitter
SK_ELR_Survey_POC__cSK ELR Survey POCtext
Signing key for elr surveys - poc
SK_ELR_Survey_Submitter__cSK ELR Survey Submittertext
Signing key for elr surveys - submitter
SLA__cService-level AgreementLookup (SLA__c)integration

Service-level Agreement covering this particular case as part of the SPA engine. Populated by the case_AssignSLA trigger.

(for more information, bother jboveda@ucdavis.edu until he writes documentation and links to it here)

SlaExitDateEntitlement Process End Timedatetimesystem

SlaStartDateEntitlement Process Start Timedatetimesystem

Source_URL__cSource URLURL
Used to identify related resource URLs, such as PeopleAdmin requisitions.
SourceIdCase Sourcelookup(Social Post,Email Message)form,systemnot usedx
Special_Recognition_Increase__cSpecial Recognition Increasebooleanform

Special_Recognition_Increase_Amount__cSpecial Recognition Increase Amountcurrency (2,2)form

Picklist for how cases progress along a support plan. Auto-populated by the SPA engine.
Start_Date__cStart Datedateform

StatusCase StatuspicklistsystemIdentifies where in the typical case workflow a case is. Possible values include New, In Process, and Closed
Step_Number__cStep Numbernumber(2,1)form

Steps_to_Reproduce__cSteps to Reproducelong text area

StopStartDateStopped Sincedatetimesystem

Student_Eligibility_or_Work_Study__cStudent Eligibility or Work Studypicklist

SubjectShort DescriptiontextsystemA 'short description' of a case, useful for searching & sorting cases. This is not filled in by case forms, but often used by Service Providers to summarize a case for easy organizing on their list views. It is filled in by the email subject line when Case Origin is email.
Subject__cSubjecttext area

Subject_Summary__cSubject/Summarylong text areaform

Submit_to_Recruiter__cSubmit to Recruiterboolean

Submitted_on_my_Behalf__cSubmitted on my Behalfformula (boolean)

Submitted_to_Aggie_Job_Link_for_Approval__cSubmitted to Aggie Job Link for Approvalboolean

Submitter_Attached_Resignation_Notice__cSubmitter Attached Resignation Noticeboolean

Submitter_Contact_Email__cSubmitter Contact Emailformula(text)
Email address used to ensure surveys and other emails are sent to submitters go to the right place
Submitter_Email__cSubmitter EmailemailformSubmitter's email address as captured from case forms
Submitter_Name__cSubmitter NametextformSubmitter's contact name as captured from case forms
Submitter_Phone__cSubmitter PhonephoneformSubmitter's phone number as captured from the public-facing case forms
Submitter_Role__cSubmitter's RoletextintegrationThe UserRole of the submitter of a case. Used in sharing rules for DSS/COE cases in place of predefined case teams.
Submitters_UserID__cSubmitter's User IDlookup (User)form, integrationLookup to the submitter's user record. Populated both by case forms and via Trigger
Submitting_on_behalf_of__cSubmitting on behalf of:picklistformField which marks whether a case is being submitted on behalf of the submitter or another employee
Subtype__cSubtypepicklistformSubcategorization for cases. Depends on the Type field
Subtype_Benefits__cBenefits Subcategorypicklist
Further subcategorization for cases. Depends on the Subtype field
Summer_Compensation__cSummer Compensationtextform

Supervisor__cSupervisor (C)lookup (Contact)form,integrationLookup to Contact based on email lookup from Supervisor_s_Campus_Email__c (not Timesheet information)
Supervisor_s_Campus_Email__cSupervisor's Campus EmailemailformEmail address for supervisor as required to be identified in various case forms.
Supervisor_s_Name__cSupervisor's Namelookup (Contact)

Supervisory_Position__cSupervisory Positionboolean

SuppliedCompanyWeb Companytext

SuppliedEmailWeb EmailemailsystemEmail address provided in email-to-case cases
SuppliedNameWeb Nametext

SuppliedPhoneWeb Phonetext

TB_Test_Complete__cTB Test Completeboolean

Team_Sharing_Department_Code__cTeam Sharing Department Codeformula(text)
Field which populates with a department which should be referenced by the case team sharing system.
Temporary_Position_Number__cTemporary Position Numbertext
Temporary position number in university or external systems; used in Recruiting forms on backend
Tier_Support_Level__cTier Support Levelpicklist


Timesheet_Pushed_to_Completion__cTimesheet Pushed to Completionboolean

Timesheet_Supervisor__cTimesheet SupervisortextformEntry for Timesheet Supervisor. Part of integration for Timesheet_Supervisor_contact__c.
Timesheet_Supervisor_Changing__cTimesheet Supervisor Changingbooleanform

Timesheet_Supervisor_contact__cTimesheet Supervisor (C)lookup (Contact)integrationLookup populated via Trigger from Timesheet_Supervisor__c. Note: currently people put in names here instead of Email addresses, thereby invalidating our integration hookup, since we look up via campus email address (the only unique ID we have for people)
Title_Code__cTitle Codetextform


Total_Number_Hired__cTotal Number Hirednumber(3,0)

TRM_Calculation__cTRM Calculationboolean

TRS_Employee__cTRS Employeeboolean
Whether an employee uses TRS time system or not
TRS_Timesheet_Follow_up_Needed__cTRS Timesheet Follow-up Neededboolean

TypeRequest TypepicklistformUsed to organize cases into various types. These choices are limited by the RecordType. Further subdivisions are handled by the Subtype__c controlled picklist.
UCPath_Subtype__cUCPath Subtypepicklist
For UCPath Basecamp.
UCPath_Topic__cUCPath Topicpicklist
For UCPath Basecamp.
UCPath_Type__cUCPath Typepicklist
For UCPath Basecamp.
Union__cBargaining Unitpicklist
Picklist with the names of our unions in a readable fashion
Union_Representative_Email__cUnion Representative Emailemail
Email address of the union representative involved in an ELR case
Union_Representative_Name__cUnion Representative Nametext
Name of the union representative involved in an ELR case. This isn't a lookup since we don't add non-UCD people to our contacts as of this posting.
Update_HDC__cUpdate HDCboolean
Update HDC as needed
Updated_in_PA__cUpdated in Recruitment Systemboolean
Updated in Recruitment System (either PeopleAdmin or PeopleSoft, depending on the group involved)
Vacate_Position_in_PA__cVacate Positionbooleanform

Vacation_Hours__cVacation Hoursnumber(4,2)

Vacation_or_Sick_Leave__cVacation or Sick Leavepicklist

Verified_Student_Eligibility__cVerified Student Eligibilityboolean

What_is_Your_Question__cWhat is Your Question?long textform, integrationField populated from Ask a Question question. This field is also integrated from Email-to-case data; copying over the Description field into this field.
Which_Appointment_to_End__cWhich Appointment(s) to Endtextform

Work_Related__cWork Relatedbooleanform

Work_Schedule__cWork Scheduletextform

Work_Study_Forms_Processed__cWork Study Forms Processedboolean


X1_Student_ID__c1. Student IDtextformIdentifies pre-selected students on a Recruitment
X1_Student_Name__c1. Student NametextformIdentifies pre-selected students on a Recruitment
X2_Student_ID__c2. Student IDtextformIdentifies pre-selected students on a Recruitment
X2_Student_Name__c2. Student NametextformIdentifies pre-selected students on a Recruitment
X3_Student_ID__c3. Student IDtextformIdentifies pre-selected students on a Recruitment
X3_Student_Name__c3. Student NametextformIdentifies pre-selected students on a Recruitment
X4_Student_ID__c4. Student IDtextformIdentifies pre-selected students on a Recruitment
X4_Student_Name__c4. Student NametextformIdentifies pre-selected students on a Recruitment
X5_Student_ID__c5. Student IDtextformIdentifies pre-selected students on a Recruitment
X5_Student_Name__c5. Student NametextformIdentifies pre-selected students on a Recruitment

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