mavenized dependencies

The following snippet lists the dependencies in <hibernate-dist>/lib/README.txt in maven project file format

  • check for comments below as this has yet to be put through serious testing
  • maven understands and acquires all dependencies, but hibernate may complain about some omissions (JBOSS CACHE) or versions changes I made (seemingly out of necessity).
project.xml (maven) XML snippet: dependencies

            <!--  - Ant core - buildtime  -->
            <!--  - C3P0 JDBC connection pool - runtime, optional  -->
            <!--  - CGLIB bytecode generator - runtime, required  -->
            <!--  - runtime, required  -->
            <!--  - runtime, optional  -->
            <!--  - runtime, optional (required by JCS)  -->
            <!--  - runtime, required  -->
            <!--  - runtime, optional (required for DBCP)  -->
        <!-- NOTE: took all the JBOSS CACHE ref's out -->
        <!-- <dependency>
              - Standard JCA API - runtime, optional  
(Can't find this in any maven repo's)
        </dependency> -->
            <!--  - XML configuration & mapping parser - runtime, required  -->
            <!--  - EHCache cache - runtime, required (default cache provider)
            NOTE: I changed this to 1.1 from 0.8 - Jon -->
            <!--  - Hibernate core - runtime, required  -->
            <!--  - Standard JAAS API - runtime, optional (required by JCA)  -->            
            <!--  - Standard JDBC APIs - runtime, 
required for standalone operation (outside application server)  -->
            <!--  - JGroups multicast library - runtime, optional 
(required by replicated caches)
            NOTE: I changed this from the documented 2.2.3 version -->
            <!--  - Standard JTA API - runtime, required for standalone operation 
(outside application server)  -->
            <!--  - JUnit test framework - buildtime  -->
            <!--  - ODMG API 3.0 - runtime, required  -->
            <!--  - Ant optional tasks - buildtime  -->
            <!--  - OpenSymphony OSCache - runtime, optional
            NOTE: I changed this from the documented 2.0 version -->
        <!--  <dependency>
             - Proxool JDBC connection pool - runtime, optional
              - SwarmCache replicated cache - runtime, optional
            <!--  - XSLT processor - runtime, optional (required for XML Databinder)  -->
            <!--  - SAX parser - runtime, some SAX parser is required  -->
            <!--  - Standard JAXP API - runtime, some SAX parser is required
            NOTE: The version is somthing I added but was not in the docs -->