- Allow assignment that is linked to gradebook to be graded using the gradebook (SAK-7474)
- Provide a setting on the Assignment to allow all students to resubmit (as opposed to having to visit each submission to allow resubmission) (SAK-7483)
- Allow instructors to enter a grade for students who haven't posted a submission (SAK-6614)
- Provide an additional assignment type which doesn't require an electronic submission (SAK-8285)
- Send an email to the student to confirm their submission (SAK-271)
- Add the ability to upload a zip file containing submissions (SAK-8589)
- Due date can be set in 5 minute increments (SAK-7406)
- Added an event for viewing assignments
Calendar Summary:
- Add week/month view option (SAK-8399)
- Use color-coding for event types (SAK-5073) (requires sakai.properties settings)
- Small I18N issue (SAK-8541)
- Show more event info (attachments, link to schedule event)
- Quartz job to add the Calendar Summary to existing sites.
Tests & Quizzes (Samigo)
- Added email functionality to allow instructors to email invididual sudents from 'Scores' screens, SAK-7094
- Create and release a quiz with another tester as the student. After the 'student' has taken your quiz, send him/her and email from the Scores screen.
- Allow instructors to give individual students permission to re-take the assessment SAK-7093
- Create and release a quiz with only 1 submission allowed. After the 'student' has taken your quiz, go to the Scores/Submission Status screen and allow the user to retake the quiz.
- A disable/enable toggle of all FCK Editors in Authoring screen. SAK-5904
- Author a quiz and try toggling the editors off and on.
- Random questions and multiple attempts: added flavor of randomization selection for random parts. SAK-7696 - see specific test above.
- Allow Samigo contents to be imported from other Sakai Sites using the Site Info tool's 'Import From Site' link. SAK-7378
- Requires Instructor access to 2 or more sites. Create quizzes in one site. Log into a second site and select Site Info -> Import from Site -> and select 1 or more sites. Check Tests & Quizzes. Verify that your quizzes were copied successfully to the second site.
- Allow instructors to change feedback settings after assessments are published. SAK-3943
- Create a quiz and publish it with a specific feedback. Take the quiz as a student and verify the feedback setting. Now, as Instructor, change the feedback setting. Take the quiz as a different student and verify the new feedback setting.
- Change the 'copy' function in question pool to be a deep copy, rather than a link. SAK-3526
- Create a simple question pool. Copy the question pool. Edit a question in the copied pool. Verify that the original question in the first pool is unchanged - i.e., the second pool of questions are truely copies not linked to the originals.
- Implemented IMS content packaging to allow import/export of assessments with attachments SAK-5419
- Create a simple quiz and include 1-3 questions with attachments. Export the quiz using the "Content Packaging" choice. Import the quiz AS AN ASSESSMENT (note - does not work for question pools). Import the quiz into another site and verify that the attachments are imported.
- Allow importing of Samigo assessments to Question Pool. SAK-6993
- Run through the import of a single-section assessment as a question pool one more time to verify that it works in the public release.
- Importing simple text formatted assessments to Samigo using Word-2-QTI converter. SAK-8642
- When we implement this tool, you will see a Quick Create button next to the Create option in Samigo. Try out this feature as if you were an instructor.