- Allow assignment that is linked to gradebook to be graded using the gradebook (SAK-7474)
- Provide a setting on the Assignment to allow all students to resubmit (really two capabilities - a global resubmit setting and an optional 'allow multiple revisions' when submitting. (SAK-7483)
Calendar Summary:
Released to QA for testing on 6/5/07
- Add week/month view option (SAK-8399)
- Use color-coding for event types (SAK-5073) (requires sakai.properties settings)
- Small I18N issue (SAK-8541)
- Show more event info (attachments link to schedule event - SAK-8398)
- Quartz job to add the Calendar Summary to existing sites.
Report Schedule/Calendar feature testing results to: SAK-704713
Chat Room:
- refactoring which fixed significant stability and performance problems.
- Support multiple concurrent chat rooms.
- Normalize chat's schema into relational tables (conversion from XML storage). (SAK-8508)
- Rewrite UI in JSF. (SAK-8508)
- Refactor manager class for easier plug in of other messaging platforms like XMPP.
- Now will import any rooms created as well as the synoptic view options. (SAK-5917)