Upgrade 2.4.x
to 2.5.x Test Plan
Test Plan for the SmartSite system after upgrade to Sakai version 2.4, June 2007, are divided into the following areas2.5.x upgrade. Testing is broken down below:
- General v2.4.x Tests - general tests for the first week of implementation
- QA Sakai v2.4.x patches - patch tests for maintenance and fixes after June 23rd upgrade
- UCD-specific User-Interface 2.4.x Test Plans - user interface and content tests, including SmartSite skins implementation
- UCD-specific 2.4.x Code Integration - integration of UCD-specific functionality, such as integrating UCD data providers with course management features and final grade submission
- Sakai v2.4.x Enhancements - new features in existing tools or introduction of new tools, such as Assignments 2.4.x