(IOR = Instructor of Record)
1. Unique Course
Example: ENG 121 001 Smit 200610 21213
One course with one section for a term
2. Mutliple Sections with single IOR per section
ENG 299 001 Andrews 200610 001 21214
Smith 200610 002 21215
3. Multiple Sections with a IOR
ENG 220 001 SMITH 21214
ENG 220 002 SMITH 21215
4. Multiple sections with single IOR and with Ad Hoc grouping
Eng 240 001 Andrews 200610 21218 |
Site 1 |
Eng 240 003 Andrews 200610 21220 |
Site 2 |
5. Single Section with more than one IOR
Example: Eng 111 001 Andrews - Primary (p) 200610 21223
Smith - Secondary (s)
6. Mutiple Section with Mutiple IOR
- 6a - one primary
- 6b - mixed primary
Example: 6a
Eng 112 001 Andrews (p) 200610 21223
Smith (s)
002 Andrews (p) 200610 21223
Smith (s)
Example: 6b
Eng 112 001 Andrews (p) 200610 21223
Smith (s)
002 Smith (p) 200610 21223
Andrews (s)