mod_auth_cas OS X

mod_auth_cas on OS X Notes

Building mod_auth_cas 1.0.8

  1. In order to build mod_auth_cas on a server, the XCode toolset must be installed on the server. This provides the necessary files and headers for building of C binaries.
  2. Export the code from the ja-sig svn repository. The latest releases can be found at Copy the link for the latest version and execute svn export on the commandline with the url as the last parameter. An example of an svn export statement is as follows:
    svn export
    That will copy the source files to a folder with the tag name.
  3. The makefile include for this distribution is incompatible with OSX. The apxs build line is missing some necessary options, and is also missing the platform and architecture specifications. In order to build the binary for Intel macs, four platforms must be specified. To correct the problem, replace the included file with the attached

Configuring the module

  1. Some instances of XServe do not load the authz_user_module by default. If you encounter problems using the mod_auth_cas module after compiling, try adding the following to your httpd conf file for cas:
    LoadModule authz_user_module libexec/apache2/

These notes have been tested on a Mac Pro desktop.

  File Modified


Oct 07, 2008 by Brian Donnelly