Login in to Aggieservice. Under setup go to Certificate Key and management
Select CA-Signed certificate
Download signing certificate request
Follow the Steps in. https://ucdavisit.service-now.com/servicehub?id=content_details&sys_id=34d7099b1b2cc8503f4286ae6e4bcb4f through https://kb.ucdavis.edu/?id=0334 . From this link page, please proceed to Step 2 : InCommon Ordering URL as you will have already accomplished Step 1 above. Use Step 1 to verify.
You will receive an email with different certificates.[Attach screenshot]
Under setup go back to Certificates and management and upload signed crt certificates to validate the signing
Under set up go to domains and select the signed certificate to complete the process.
Wait for approximately 2 hours and use the browser to confirm certificate has been propagated to your browser.
Under set up, Please select Single Sign On Certificate. Verify whether expired certificate needs to be updated to the new one for all the CAS login.