Versions Compared


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  • (00:00 Joncarlo) Prevent any client access to SmartSite via iptables and redirect clients to a maintenance/outage page
    • We need to allow access from dedicated IPs for possible pre-upgrade work, such as exporting Melete modules, etc.
    • Adjust iptables on head node (stubing) to allow JMX access to port 9000 for specified IPs
      • PORT 8443:
        • (thomas)
        • (thomas)
        • (zoidberg: vpn, terminal server)
        • (kirk)
        • (james)
        • (sandra)
        • (emily)
        • (Jon)
        • ...
      • PORT 9000:
        • IPs :
  • (00:10 James) Export all Melete modules
    • Detailed Instructions on Melete Bulk Export
    • On production login to any modules tool, go to Manage, go to Export/Import, click on Bulk Export
    • File will be written to local machine
    • File is about 60 MB and is called
    • Shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes to export
    • (warning) Prepare smartsite-test, cleaning out all the melete tables, so that we can do a test import
    • (error) Run melete table backup creation script (james)
  • (01:00 Thomas/Emily) Shutting down Sakai instances on all nodes (stubing, walton)
  • (01:10 Prabhu) Backing up (CLONE) production database so that it can be fully restored.
    • This backup/clone should maintain the names for all constraints, indexes, etc.
    • Production SmartSite internal DB server is caje
  • (02:00 Thomas/Emily) Perform maintenance on the SmartSite internal DB on caje
    • Remove all existing melete tables :
      • Code Block
        drop table MELETE_CC_LICENSE;
        drop table MELETE_COURSE_MODULE;
        drop table MELETE_MODULE_SHDATES;
        drop table MELETE_SECTION;
        drop table MELETE_USER_PREFERENCE;
        drop table MELETE_MODULE;
        drop table MELETE_MODULE_LICENSE;
  • (02:10 James) Apply update scripts to Sakai internal DB on caje:
    • (warning) We still need to figure out how we handle the DB constraint errors
    • (error) Add additional Samigo sam_media_t conversion (thomas)
    • (error) Add script to remove Script that removes hibernate auto.ddl errors (jon)
        Code Block
        - run the sql that is created by that script
        - output from caje prod:
         alter table "CMN_AGENT_GROUP_ASSOC_T" drop constraint FKBE10ED353D1FCFC;         
         alter table "CMN_AGENT_GROUP_ASSOC_T" drop constraint FKBE10ED358C3DFCAA;        
         alter table "CMN_AGENT_GROUP_T" drop constraint FKD858333FA8D3F022;              
         alter table "CMN_AGENT_GROUP_T" drop constraint FKD858333FF7F2E3EA;              
         alter table "CMN_GRP_PRNT_MMBR_MAP_T" drop constraint FKEBB1654487557E9A;        
         alter table "CMN_GRP_PRNT_MMBR_MAP_T" drop constraint FKEBB165448C3DFCAA;        
         alter table "CMN_NODE_PARENT_CHILD_MAP_T" drop constraint FK614EA03B3D1FCFC;     
         alter table "CMN_NODE_PARENT_CHILD_MAP_T" drop constraint FK614EA03B8C3DFCAA;    
         alter table "CMN_NODE_T" drop constraint FK596CE0D2217F38D0;                     
         alter table "CMN_NODE_T" drop constraint FK596CE0D227873A;                       
         alter table "GB_GRADABLE_OBJECT_T" drop constraint FK759996A76AB1529A;           
         alter table "GB_GRADEBOOK_T" drop constraint FK7C870191F11270F8;                 
         alter table "GB_GRADE_MAP_T" drop constraint FKADE112256AB1529A;                 
         alter table "GB_GRADE_RECORD_T" drop constraint FK46ACF752B5399B44;              
         alter table "GB_GRADE_TO_PERCENT_MAPPING_T" drop constraint FKCDEA021164995486;  
         alter table "GB_GRADING_EVENT_T" drop constraint FK4C9D99E0B5399B44;             
         alter table "MELETE_COURSE_MODULE" drop constraint FK5FE498D34995ABCE;           
         alter table "MELETE_MODULE" drop constraint FK54E9B209EBF83B4B;                  
         alter table "MELETE_MODULE_SHDATES" drop constraint FK2EA2E51A4995ABCE;          
         alter table "MELETE_MODULE_STUDENT_PRIVS" drop constraint FK702F80EA4995ABCE;    
         alter table "MELETE_SECTION" drop constraint FK7492E6E84995ABCE;                 
         alter table "MFR_AP_ACCESSORS_T" drop constraint FKC8532ED796792399;             
         alter table "MFR_AP_ACCESSORS_T" drop constraint FKC8532ED721BCC7D2;             
         alter table "MFR_AP_CONTRIBUTORS_T" drop constraint FKA221A1F7737F309B;          
         alter table "MFR_AP_CONTRIBUTORS_T" drop constraint FKA221A1F721BCC7D2;          
         alter table "MFR_AP_MODERATORS_T" drop constraint FK75B43C0D21BCC7D2;            
         alter table "MFR_AP_MODERATORS_T" drop constraint FK75B43C0DC49D71A5;            
         alter table "MFR_ATTACHMENT_T" drop constraint FK7B2D5CDE2AFBA652;               
         alter table "MFR_ATTACHMENT_T" drop constraint FK7B2D5CDEC6FDB1CF;               
         alter table "MFR_ATTACHMENT_T" drop constraint FK7B2D5CDE20D91C10;               
         alter table "MFR_ATTACHMENT_T" drop constraint FK7B2D5CDEFDEB22F9;               
         alter table "MFR_ATTACHMENT_T" drop constraint FK7B2D5CDEAD5AF852;               
         alter table "MFR_CONTROL_PERMISSIONS_T" drop constraint FKA07CF1D1E581B336;      
         alter table "MFR_CONTROL_PERMISSIONS_T" drop constraint FKA07CF1D151C89994;      
         alter table "MFR_CONTROL_PERMISSIONS_T" drop constraint FKA07CF1D117721828;      
         alter table "MFR_LABEL_T" drop constraint FKC6611543EA902104;                    
         alter table "MFR_LABEL_T" drop constraint FKC661154344B127B6;                    
         alter table "MFR_MEMBERSHIP_ITEM_T" drop constraint FKE03761CB6785AF85;          
         alter table "MFR_MEMBERSHIP_ITEM_T" drop constraint FKE03761CBC6FDB1CF;          
         alter table "MFR_MEMBERSHIP_ITEM_T" drop constraint FKE03761CB2AFBA652;          
         alter table "MFR_MEMBERSHIP_ITEM_T" drop constraint FKE03761CB925CE0F4;          
         alter table "MFR_MESSAGE_PERMISSIONS_T" drop constraint FK750F9AFB17721828;      
         alter table "MFR_MESSAGE_PERMISSIONS_T" drop constraint FK750F9AFB51C89994;      
         alter table "MFR_MESSAGE_PERMISSIONS_T" drop constraint FK750F9AFBE581B336;      
         alter table "MFR_MESSAGE_T" drop constraint FK80C1A316FE0789EA;                  
         alter table "MFR_MESSAGE_T" drop constraint FK80C1A3164FDCE067;                  
         alter table "MFR_OPEN_FORUM_T" drop constraint FKC17608474FDCE067;               
         alter table "MFR_OPEN_FORUM_T" drop constraint FKC1760847B88980FA;               
         alter table "MFR_PRIVATE_FORUM_T" drop constraint FKA9EE57544FDCE067;            
         alter table "MFR_PVT_MSG_USR_T" drop constraint FKC4DE0E14FA8620E;               
         alter table "MFR_TOPIC_T" drop constraint FK863DC0BEC6FDB1CF;                    
         alter table "MFR_TOPIC_T" drop constraint FK863DC0BE7AFA22C2;                    
         alter table "MFR_TOPIC_T" drop constraint FK863DC0BE20D91C10;                    
         alter table "SAKAI_SYLLABUS_ATTACH" drop constraint FK4BF41E45A09831E0;          
         alter table "SAKAI_SYLLABUS_DATA" drop constraint FK3BC123AA4FDCE067;            
         alter table "SAM_ANSWERFEEDBACK_T" drop constraint FK58CEF0D810DF4559;           
         alter table "SAM_ANSWER_T" drop constraint FKDD0580938152036E;                   
         alter table "SAM_ANSWER_T" drop constraint FKDD058093CBA347DB;                   
         alter table "SAM_ASSESSACCESSCONTROL_T" drop constraint FKC945448AC07F835D;      
         alter table "SAM_ASSESSEVALUATION_T" drop constraint FK6A6F29F5C07F835D;         
         alter table "SAM_ASSESSFEEDBACK_T" drop constraint FK557D4CFEC07F835D;           
         alter table "SAM_ASSESSMENTGRADING_T" drop constraint FKDAED4C879E4AF02B;        
         alter table "SAM_ASSESSMETADATA_T" drop constraint FK7E6F9A28C07F835D;           
         alter table "SAM_GRADINGSUMMARY_T" drop constraint FKBC88AA279E4AF02B;           
         alter table "SAM_ITEMFEEDBACK_T" drop constraint FK3254E9ED8152036E;             
         alter table "SAM_ITEMGRADING_T" drop constraint FKB68E6756E5D3D24D;              
         alter table "SAM_ITEMMETADATA_T" drop constraint FK5B4737178152036E;             
         alter table "SAM_ITEMTEXT_T" drop constraint FK271D63158152036E;                 
         alter table "SAM_ITEM_T" drop constraint FK3AAC5EA87DA376A0;                     
         alter table "SAM_MEDIA_T" drop constraint FKD4CF5A1971254D1C;                    
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDACCESSCONTROL_T" drop constraint FK2EDF39E0C07F835D;   
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDANSWERFEEDBACK_T" drop constraint FK6CB765A610DF4559;  
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDANSWER_T" drop constraint FKB41EA361CBA347DB;          
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDANSWER_T" drop constraint FKB41EA3618152036E;          
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDEVALUATION_T" drop constraint FK94CB245FC07F835D;      
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDFEEDBACK_T" drop constraint FK1488D9E8C07F835D;        
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDITEMFEEDBACK_T" drop constraint FKB7D03A3B8152036E;    
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDITEMMETADATA_T" drop constraint FKE0C287658152036E;    
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDITEMTEXT_T" drop constraint FK9C790A638152036E;        
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDITEM_T" drop constraint FK53ABDCF67DA376A0;            
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDMETADATA_T" drop constraint FK3D7B2712C07F835D;        
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDSECTIONMETADATA_T" drop constraint FKDF50FC3B7DA376A0; 
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDSECTION_T" drop constraint FK424F87CCC07F835D;         
         alter table "SAM_PUBLISHEDSECUREDIP_T" drop constraint FK1EDEA25BC07F835D;       
         alter table "SAM_SECTIONMETADATA_T" drop constraint FK762AD7497DA376A0;          
         alter table "SAM_SECTION_T" drop constraint FK364450DAC07F835D;                  
         alter table "SAM_SECUREDIP_T" drop constraint FKE8C55FE9C07F835D; 
  • (02:30 Thomas/Emily) Perform maintenance on the SmartSite AFS volumes
    • Backup all existing melete entries
    • Melete volumes are:
      • /afs/
      • /afs/
      • /afs/
      • Code Block
        mkdir /afs/
        mkdir /afs/
        mkdir /afs/
        cp -R /afs/* /afs/
        cp -R /afs/* /afs/
        cp -R /afs/* /afs/
    • Delete the content in melete volumes:
      • Code Block
        rm -fr /afs/*
        rm -fr /afs/*
        rm -fr /afs/*
  • (03:15 Thomas/Emily) Backup all configuration files on production staging area
    • /afs/*
      • Code Block
        mkdir /afs/
        cp /afs/* /afs/
  • (03:20 Thomas/Emily) Start process of preparing Sakai v2.3.x source on the head node (stubing).
    • Getting the source code:
      • Code Block
        cd ~/src
        svn co
    • Setting up the build environment:
    • ~/
      • Code Block
        maven.compile.source = 1.5 = 1.5
    • ~/.bash_profile
      • Code Block
        JAVA_OPTS=" -d64 -Xmx6144m -Xms6144m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:NewSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=200m -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=3 -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=18 -Dsakai.home=/ucd/opt/sakai/sakai-home/"
        MAVEN_OPTS=" -d64 -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m"
    • Delete old tomcat content
      • Code Block
        rm -fr /ucd/pkg/apache-tomcat/*	
    • Delete old tomcat staging build
      • Code Block
        cd ~/bin
    • Build the source code
      • Code Block
        cd ~/src/sakai_2-3-x-prod-001
        maven sakai
    • Copy staged tomcat
      • Code Block
        cd /ucd/pkg/apache-tomcat/
        cp -R /afs/* .
  • (03:45 Thomas/Emily) Follow specific Melete installation instructions for the v2.3 release
    • Copy content
      • Code Block
        cp -R ~/src/sakai_2-3-x-prod-001/melete/var/melete/* /var/melete/
        ls -la /var/melete
      • After executing "ls -la /var/melete, we should see a directory called "packagefiles" in /var/melete
    • Copy meleteDocs.xml
      • Code Block
        cp ~/src/sakai_2-3-x-prod-001/melete/meleteDocs.xml /ucd/pkg/apache-tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/	
    • meleteDocs.xml should look like this:
      • Code Block
         <Context path="/meleteDocs" docBase="/var/meleteDocs">
          <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
                  prefix="localhost_admin_log." suffix=".txt"
  • (03:55 Thomas/Emily) Making sure all the configuration files are in place for v2.3.x such as etc.
    • Configure JAVA_OPTS to allow JMX access via JConsole
    • Synchronize all configuration files on the head node (stubing) with the AFS configuration stating area
      • /afs/
    • Start-up head node (stubing) and check catalina.out for any errors
      • Make sure that "auto.ddl=true" for first time startup on head node
      • Check catalina.out for DB errors
    • Once the head node started up without any errors, shut it down again
    • Start-up head node (stubing) again but this time "auto.ddl=false"
      • Make sure that there are no errors in catalina.out
    • Access head node and perform any appropriate testing
    • If there are no errors/problems, perform installation on second node (walton)
    • Start-up walton and perform any appropriate testing
  • (04:15 James) Bulk import
  • (04:45 Kirk, Sandra, ...) Release SmartSite for initial testing to determine "successful upgrade"
  • (07:00 Joncarlo) Adjust iptables on all nodes (stubing, walton) to give public access again
  • (07:05) System ready for public access
