The only significant findings, outside of the previous JIRAs known and/or reported in batching are:
#1. During the batching mechanism to create these courses (in order to see real provider activity), Jon G's refresh of groups interrupted the saving of sites. Essentially, sites were not saved correctly. We had to remove Jon's patch first, create the sites, recompile the code with the patch again, then check sites during testing.
#2. During the case 3d(3) we noticed that whenever an instructor was replaced (e.g. staff with someone on the banner side), or even instructor replaced by another in a course, all of the instructors still appear in the membership list of the course. Additionally, a few things to note here:
1 a. The remove functionality for members only appears for instructors, not students. This is when you are an admin of the site
2 b. Even upon logging out/logging in as a different instructor for CRN 30220, we saw the same result
It appears as though Sakai doesn't know how to remove instructors from a list once they've been replaced?