- Additional Setup Needed
**QA admin account (e.g. QAadmin)
**All login accounts that use kerberos names can be "provided" by the system (e.g. UserDirectoryProvider implemented).
**SU tool and Quartz tools are available in admin workspace/realm
**Testers have access to testable sites (via SU tool, admin workspace, as user QAAdmin, etc.)
**Run CourseManagement tests on existing batched sites perhaps? or run CourseManagementTests on new Fall Quarter Courses batched? - mView refresh times must be recorded
- Additional External-Banner Test Data Used for Provider Testing
A copy of test data that may be used for these test cases is attached: http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/download/attachments/17096/200603TestData.xls
An example of a white list file to be used for course creation is: http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/download/attachments/17096/200603TestData.xls
- All UCDavis Providers (UserDirectoryProvider, GroupProvider, and CourseManagementProvider) will be enabled to allow user accounts to be looked up automatically via kerberos name
- Distributed authentication using AFS should be enabled (SAK-143)
- Sakai-test (Sakai-dev for integration testing) database will be a either a clean copy or a copy of existing production data, so sakai-test will have to be backed up prior to testing,
Pradhu or Geeta will be contacted to schedule this. - We will be referencing sakai-test (banner test external, mViews..) for populating course data